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Grade: High school

Activity/Unit: Yoga Class # in Unit: 3 of 5

Date: Feb 27, 2014

General Outcomes

Specific Outcomes
Basic Skills Application of Basic Skills

Benefits Health
Functional Fitness Body Image Well-being Communication

Fair Play Leadership Teamwork Effort

Do it DailyFor Life
Safety Goal Setting Active Living

Lesson Focus Give students the opportunity to experience a full flow yoga class. Students will build upon the previous two lessons that worked on sun salutation A and B (lesson 1), and Standing sequence, balance sequence, ground sequence (lesson 2). These lessons will be combined to form a full yoga session that flows between the sequences with sun salutations in between postures.

Lesson Objectives - Give students a new perspective on the term relaxation and it being an important part of physical activity. - Allow students to experience a new form of physical activity. - Work on muscle strength, balance, and flexibility. - Teach students that exercise can be non competitive and assessment in yoga is measured personally. - Work on focus, listening, sequencing, memorization, and personal improvement. - Connecting movement with breath while clearing the mind - The unity of breath, body and mind working together - Finding a deeper understand of the body and an appreciation for the movement its capable of - Honoring the body by opening joints, stretching and strengthening the body and clearing the mind.
Specific outcomes according to: Physical Education Guide to Implementation Alberta A9-1, A9-2, A9-3, A9-4, A9-13, B9-2, B9-8, C9-3, D9-1, D9-4, D9-7, D9-8.

Drills (Diagrams)

Key Teaching Points


Announcements Introduction to todays lesson, explain that we will build on the previous two lessons and combine them to do a full yoga session.
2 min

Ujjayi breath warm up Ujjayi breath is done by shutting your mouth, bring your lips together and keep your teeth slightly apart. It is important not to clench your teeth or tense your face muscles. Breathe in and out through your nose with a slight restriction in the back of your throat. This restriction is where the Ujjayi breath sound is produced. You can feel and hear the breath as you breathe in and out. You breathe at a moderate pace. You are not panting, nor are you breathing at your normal resting rate. This moderate pace and the fact that your mouth is shut is where the heat comes from. Each breath is bringing lots of oxygen into the body to be used as fuel to heat the body and make the muscles warm and flexible. From a seated position raise the arms overhead and stretch toward the ceiling while pushing the pelvis towards the floor. Take care not to arch the back; consciously pull the tail in. Hold for about 30 seconds. Do a side stretch to the left for 30 seconds and then come back to center. Do a side stretch to the right for 30 sec and then come back to center.
3 min

Sun Salutation warm up Sun A Reach hands up: mountain pose Fold forward (forward bend) Place hands on shins and lengthen the spine Fold forward Step or hop back into plank Lower through chatturunga (modification drop to knees) Cobra (legs and pelvis on floor) or upward dog if it's a beginner class Push back into downward dog (hold for 3 breaths or so) Step or hop feet to hands: forward fold Rise up into mountain pose
5 min

REPEAT about 5 times.

Sun Salutation sequence (Sun B)


Further warm up however we start adding in balance and strength to the sequence, as well as stretching and opening up the hip flexors SUN B: -Begin in mountain pose at the top of the mat - Sink down into utkatasana: arms rise next to ears, knees together squatting like sitting in a chair. Feel the core engage and strength build in the quads. -Forward fold at the waist -Hands to shins and lengthen the spine -Step or hop back into plank position -Lower through chattarunga (elbows close to body, weight shifted forward on tip toes) -Lower to cobra (slight back bend, chest lifts off the ground, pelvis and legs on floor) or move through to upward dog (thighs off the floor, chest and head lifted). -Push to into downward dog, sending heals to the floor and sits bones to the sky. -Step forward into a forward bend -Hands to shin and lengthen the spine -Rise to standing slowly.

- Repeat Sun B twice once to engage both sides of the body. (refresh students remember from previous class)

Full Flow Class Standing Series Sun B Position 1 Prayer Twist: (lightning bolt pose) bend your knees like your sitting in a chair, arms reach up next to ears parallel extending fingers to the sky (utkatasana), bring your hands to your heart pressing palms together, twisting in the thoracic spine to the right hooking your left elbow to your right knee hold for 3 breaths. This pose strengthens the quads, engages the core and cleanses the organs from the twist of the spine. To recover, fold at waist and hang in a forward fold for three breaths releasing any tension in the neck. Repeat on left side.
3 min

Make sure students keep knees glued together and one knee isnt popping out farther than the other. Students can open hands if wanting to move further. Engage Core.

Sun A stay in downward dog for 3 breaths Position 2 Warrior 2: step right foot through in between arms, windmill arms up till parallel with the ground right arm facing forward, left arm facing back, right knee at 90 degrees, left toes pointing at 9 oclock (lunge). The pelvis tucks under as you feel the back inner thigh pull forward and the front thigh rotate under. The upper body is situated over the hips and the arms are strong and energized. This posture is an open hip posture (as apposed to closed hip) and it stretches the hip flexors while strengthening the inner thighs and upper body. Hold for 3 breaths, repeat on other side

Make sure front knee is 3 min right over the big toe (not falling in) and upper body is over hips. Ensure back heel is on the ground and the outer edge of foot is parallel with the mat.

Sun A stay in downward dog for 3 breaths Position 3 Crescent Lunge: Step right foot through arms coming into a lunge, rising to bring hands on the hips (lunge), both feet facing forward, back foot on tippy toes, raise arm above head pointing at the ceiling. This posture creates space in the front hip flexors while incorporating balance and strength. The inner thighs are in engaged as the back legs pulls forward and the front inner thigh pushes back. Repeat on opposite side.

Que students to send 3 min energy out the back heel and rise higher onto their toes (actually makes it easier). Engage core.

Sun A Balancing Series

Position 1 Eagle: standing at the top of the mat transfer your weight into your left foot, wrap your right leg around your left leg, tuck your right arm under your left arm clasping your hands, sink down as if your sitting in a chair sink lower and hold for 3 breaths, unwind and repeat on the other side. This posture promotes blood flow and is a dynamic balance posture.

Squeeze everything to the midline of the body. Sink deeper into a squat.

3 min

Sun A Position 2 Dancers: Standing at the top of the mat bend right knee and clasp your foot in your right hand behind your back, raise your left hand to the sky, kick right foot back into your left hand while tilting the torso forward hold for 3-5 breaths. Repeat on other side. This posture creates an arch in the spine while opening up the hip and the shoulder joint whilst requiring the strength of holding the balance. The posture also increases the heart rate.

Ensure students grab foot correctly: hold out hand like youre holding a tray to make sure you open the shoulder joint. Kick back and reach forward


Sun A Position 3 Tree: Standing at the top of the mat transfer weight into your left foot, bring the base of your right foot onto the inside of your left thigh, raise both hands above the head reaching towards the ceiling, hold for 3-5 breaths. The posture is used to calm the heart and ground you after dancers pose. It requires mental focus and strong core balance as you move through and hold the pose. Its a strong and proud posture.

Ensure students dont place foot on knee joint. Either place it on ankle, shin or thigh. To make it more difficult; raise arms, look to the ceiling or close eyes.

3 min

Sun A stay in downward dog

Floor Series Come into a push up position and lower to the floor stay here for 5 breaths Position 1 Locust: Laying face down arms to the side pointing backwards with palms facing in, lift up through the chest while keeping hip bones on the floor, hold for 3-5 breaths and lower, rest for 5 breaths. This posture strengthens the whole back side of the body.

Keep head down with eye line slightly in front. Dont crank the neck


Position 2 Superman: Laying face down arms above the head pointed forward, lift up bringing the chest and arms off the floor, kick legs backwards lifting legs up off the floor, hold for 3-5 breaths and lower, rest for 5 breaths. The posture strengthens the back side body while allowing you to reach a deeper arc.

Relax gluts by rotating thighs inward.


Position 3 Bow: Laying face down, bring arms to grasp the ankles, bring legs and chest off the ground, hold for 3-5 breaths, lower. Moving further in back strengthening this pose adds the element of the legs and assists you in to reaching a more intense back bend and opening the heart and chest.


Shavasana Laying on your back with your arms and legs relaxed and eyes closed. This is the ending posture of a yoga class where the body is able to soak up all the benefits of the practice. It creates a deep relaxation of the mind and body allowing a calming and rejuvenating end to the class and providing the many benefits of relaxation. Its encouraged to clear the mind and try to reach a meditative state. Shavasana is recommended for at least 10 breaths. Equipment Yoga mat Water bottle Towel Appropriate clothing (non restrictive) Safety Considerations Those with any injuries specifically knee, back, and shoulder injuries should move mindfully. refrain from any deep posture thats require great strength and mobility in the injured area. Ensure that all movement is executed mindfully as to not over stretch or injure any muscles or joints. Keep hydrated to avoid cramping Any posture feels uncomfortable, dont do it. 3 min

Student Self-Assessment Sheet

Always 5 Focus Full effort Listening Holding poses Positive attitude Most of the time 4 3

Occasionally 2

Seldom 1

Half the time

Teacher Assessment Sheet

Student Name Proper attire /5 Effort /5 Positive Attitude /5 Attention /5 On task /5 /25

5 = Always

4 = most of the time

3 = Half the time

2 = Occasionally

1 = Seldom

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