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Ode to Toque

Materials: - 2 balls DK wool: 1 Main Color and 1 Contrast Color I used Knit Picks Merino Style (50 g, 123 yds each) in Cinnamon and Asparagus. Gauge: Approx. 6 stitches/ 7.5 rows to the inch, in pattern, blocked. Needles: A set of double points or circular needle(s) in a size 5 or whatever is required to make gauge. Finished Size: One size fits most: un-stretched circumference of 20 inches

Begin Band:
Cast on 110 stitches in CC and divide evenly among 3 needles, or in half between two circulars, or on one 16 circular. Join, without twisting.

MC continuing to carry the contrasting yarn along the back all the way up the hat this provides an extra layer throughout.

Crown Shaping: Begin Chart:

Purl 1 round in CC. Switch to MC then knit 1 round, purl 1 round. Switch back to CC knit 1 round, purl 2 rounds, Switch to MC and knit 1 round in increasing 10 stitches evenly to 120 stitches. Work 8 rounds in MC carrying the contrast color across the back of the work, catching it every 2-3 stitches to avoid long floats. Follow the charting for the numbers then work 7 rounds in At the top of the band, work three purl rounds in CC(without stranding), switch to MC and begin crown shaping following the chart. When you are to the last 6 stitches, cut yarn ends leaving a tail, thread through stitches and pull fasten off, weave in ends and block. Wear on March 14 with pride!

Knit 1 MC Knit 1 CC Purl 1 MC Purl 1 CC K 2 tog SSK Make 1

Notes on Charts:
The charts are a bit of a bear to follow since the numbers are not a repeating pattern thanks to duplicate stitch you can fix your mistakes. I find it easier to focus on each number rather than each row.

Copyright 2008 Lisa Stockebrand 7723 Union Ave, Philadelphia, PA 19027 For private non-commercial use only

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