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A reflection of my experience doing this assignment

When I was given this coursework task, I was apprehensive whether I could give my best in doing this assignment. Earlier on our lecturer told us that this assignment should be done as group work two in one group. After much discussion between the monitors of P !A" and P !#" classes, they informed the lecturer whether she would agree with the idea of pairing one from each different class. $ur lecturer agreed. I was paired with a girl named %an &ui 'in. (electing a theme from the draw for our assignment seemed e)citing. I let &ui 'in picked and the title was * (cience and Innovation+. ,y gosh- I wasn.t sure on what to write. At the dormitory, I asked my friends what the theme was about. %hey were very helpful. %hey gave me some ideas and one such innovation is broadband. #esides, softwares like graphic organi/ers can be used to design brochures, cards and so on. It really makes work easy. ,oreover, they also gave me an e)ample of a brochure and hoped I could come up with more ideas of designing a better one. I, too, asked my roommate.s opinion whether I should used broadband in this theme but he told me that broadband was around a few years already and the most recent innovation is (amsung 0ala)y ( III. 1ater I discussed this with my teammate and we decided to use (III as one of the articles in this theme. We went back to our dormitory and searched in the internet and maga/ine for information about this article. ,y partner and I also gathered together at the cafeteria at night 2ust to complete our assignment. 3rom little knowledge regarding the topic I managed to gather lots of information not only on its functions, its. history and interestingly the creator of this innovation. 4oing this assignment I was indeed under constant pressure and felt very stressful. $n top of that I have other assignments and presentation to do too. I stayed up late at night even though I knew it was bad for health.

3rom the start to the completion of this task, I realise that the spirit of co5operation among members of each group is of utmost important. Punctuality and self5respect for each other are core values, too. 4iscipline and teamwork are invaluable attributes for any task to be completed. If I am given yet another assignment of this nature again, I believe I can handle it better. In conclusion, I have put in a lot of effort and I hope our hardwork is well rewarded by our lecturer.

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