Statenebt of Future Plans

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After research, observation, and minimal school I have decided my goal for my future career is to be a Nurse Practitioner.

I have toured schools and sat in on some nursing program classes and I enjoyed the hands on and real-life simulation style of learning. I have followed a Nurse Practitioner at North Bay and witnessed to actions they ta e while on the job, and I have also began ta ing the prere!uisite classes of "uman #evelopment and Nutrition. Post graduation I intent on continuing my education at $olano %ommunity %ollege and once I finish my nursing prere!uisites I plan on attending a school to obtain my Bachelors of $cience in Nursing and become a &egistered Nurse. I have ta en advantage of my educational opportunities through the course 'edical $cience that was offered at (acaville "igh $chool and furthered my information and understanding of my future career. I have also prepared myself by holding my job at Allstate for a year and a half. )hrough these I have prepared myself because I have discussed the route I need to ta e with people who are successfully in the field and taught me how they got into their position. "aving wor e*perience with customers not only prepares me on how to deal with people as I would in the medical field but also allows me to save money and prepare myself for schooling so I can be ahead and successful. +ne talent that stands out to me is my time management s ill that helps me in every aspect of life. I enjoy planning ahead and drawing out my day and setting time aside for certain activities and assignments. "aving a set schedule tones down the chaos and stress in a students life because instead of rushing last minute to finish an assignment you are less stressed and have time to revise it and not worry about things going wrong because you have time to fi* it. 'urphy,s law says nothing goes wrong until something important is happening, so when its --./0 and your paper is due at -1 and your computer crashed you made a detrimental decision of

ris ing it. But if you start ahead of time and your computer crashes it isn,t a problem because you have time to restart tomorrow. I believe I have wor ed hard and e*perienced so much within my last two years of high school that I should have bro en down and given up but I used my e*periences to better myself and further my drive in my academics. I am ta ing seven classes currently, two of which are at $olano %ommunity %ollege, I have a job that I have had since 10-1, I play soccer, and I serve as a volunteer leader at my church for the A.2.A.N.A. organi3ation. In A.2.A.N.A. we teach first grade students Bible verses and tell them stories and do arts and crafts that all tie in with life and sometimes simple life lessons need to be reminded to the adults and leaders because we get caught up on the big picture and forget to loo at the small details. "igh $chool has prepared be for college and life not only in the courses I ta e, but the organi3ations and groups that are participated within the high school years. Nurse Practitioners re!uire a lot of schooling and I feel that with the over load of classes and additional e*tra curricular activities I have been involved in I feel that I am well prepared for college and the adventures that are to come with it.

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