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Hero's Journey Webquest Rubric

Mr. Rasor 12 March 2014

CATEGORY 3 Points The essay uses two or more specific pieces of Application Essay - evidence from the text. The quotations are Evidence appropriately indicated, and relevant.

Student Name: ___________________________________

2 Points The essay uses one or more specific piece of evidence from the text. The quotations may not be appropriately indicated, but are present. Quotations may not be totally relevant. The essay is mostly complete mechanically. There may be more than a few technical errors, at least some of which impede readability. There may be spelling errors, and a formal tone may or may not be present. 1 Point

The essay uses at least one piece of evidence from the text. It may not be quoted, or relevant. It may be very general. The essay is mechanically lacking. There The essay is relatively complete mechanically. are at least a few technical errors, and There may be a few technical errors, but nothing some impairment of readability. Little Application Essay - which impedes readability. An effort was made to attention was paid to a formal tone. Formal Writing use a formal tone. Spelling may be a concern. The relevance of the evidence to the step The relevance of the evidence to the step in the in the hero's journey is implicitly explored, Application Essay hero's journey is explicitly explored. The connection or explored without intent. The connection Explanation is defended. between the two may not be defended. Both texts are properly cited, using the citation given for the steps and an Application Essay appropriate MLA/APA citation for your Citation original primary work. The character being depicted has unique traits, The character being depicted (either in art or in even if they may be somewhat unclear. In the case Character character study form) is clear and interesting. He or of art, this will mean that the drawing (and any The character being depicted may not be Depiction she has unique traits which make him or hero potential labels) do not convey original thought clear, or may not possess any clearly Characterization recognizable. about this character. defined traits. The Hero remains more or less consistent The Hero reflects the traits established in the throughout the piece, but either does not characterization and remains consistent throughout demonstrate unique traits or demonstrates traits at The hero either is not characterized Hero's Story the story, acting in ways which are authentic given odds with what we know about him or her (without effectively, or consistently, but Characterization our knowledge of him or her. an author's rationale!) characterization is present. The story lacks basic elements Hero's Story The story has a beginning middle and end and The story has the basic elements of story telling but (beginning/middle/end) and is hard to Plotting reflects one step in the hero's journey. may not align to a step in the hero's journey. follow. Hero's Story The story lacks any mechanical errors Mechanics which make it difficult/impossible to read.

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