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Podemos contar lo que alguien dijo anteriormente utilizando el estilo directo o el estilo indirecto: 1. Estilo directo: se repite las palabras de manera exacta y se usan comillas: Eg.: I live in London, she said E.g.: We bought the house 3 years ago, Peter said. 2. Estilo Indirecto: se dice lo que alguien ha dicho o ha pensado pero no se usan las palabras exactas. E.g.: She said that she liven in London E.g.: Peter said that they had bought the house 3 yeas ago.


ESTILO INDIRECTO Pasado Simple She said that she listened to the radio every day Pasado Continuo She said that she was reading a novel there then Pretrito Pluscuamperfecto (Past Perfect) He said that he had cleaned his room Prterito Pluscuamperfecto (Past Perfect) He said that they had gone to the cinema the day before / the previous day Futuro Condicional I will go to London tomorrow John John said that he would go to London said the day after / the next day Condicional Condicional If I had more money, I would buy a He said that if he had more money, he bigger house he said would buy a bigger house. ESTILO DIRECTO Presente I listen to the radio every day she said. Presente Continuo I am reading a novel here now she said Pretrito Perfecto (Present Perfect) I have cleaned my room he said Pasado Simple They went to the school yesterday he said

B.- ESTILO INDIRECTO: RUEGOS Y PREGUNTAS Las oraciones de ruego y mandato pierden su estructura tpica al pasar a estilo indirecto El imperativo pasa a infinitivo E.g.: Open the window! > he ordered me to open the door E.g.: Dont be late for dinner > She asked us not to be late for dinner Los verbos del estilo indirecto pasan a ser tell, order, request, beg, urge, etc En estilo indirecto debe haber el complemento de persona a quien va dirigido la orden




E.g.: Run quickly > he told John to run quickly. En las oraciones que se utilizan para expresar una sugerencia, se utiliza el verbo suggest + gerundio ESTILO DIRECTO Shall we go to the cinema? Lets go to the cinema Do you feel like going to the cinema? What about going to the cinema? ESTILO INDIRECTO He suggested going to the cinema

La expresiones exclamativas E.g.: What a wonderful concert! > she exclaimed what a wonderful concert it was C.- ESTILO INDIRECTO: PREGUNTAS Las oraciones interrogativas pierden su estructura tpica al pasar a estilo indirecto E.g.: Is she at home? > he asked if / whether she was at home E.g.: What is your name? > he asked me what my name was. E.g.: Where do you go after work? >he asked me where I went after work. E.g.: What did she do? > he asked what she had done

D.- LOS VERBOS TO TELL Y TO SAY Tell + CI + CD: I told him the problem Tell + CD + to + CI: I told the problem to him Tell + pron / nombre + infinitvo / oracin subordinada: E.g.: I told them to come here E.g.: I told them that I was coming. Se usa para el estilo indirecto: declarativas con that, de mandato con infinitivo con to.

Say + (to CI) + oracin that: I said (to you) that it was important Say + oracin that Say + complemento / so: He said nothing about the problem / he said so. Se usa para el estilo directo. Nunca seguido de infinitivo (tell)


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