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RICS Associate Assessment Submission Documentation

Candidate Name: Membership Number: Pathway: Date:

Please indicate and provide details below if you have any of the following disabilities, and wish the assessor to take this into account for your submission: Learning, such as dyslexia Access isual Hearing Speech !ther, please provide details

All of these must be supported in writing and certified accordingly" #he supporting evidence must suggest what reasonable ad$ustments %&'S should take into consideration"

Associate Getting Started Template 1 Candidate details and Checklist Template 2 - Summary of Experience Template " - Case Study Template # $rofessional %e&elopment 'ecord Template ( Associate %eclaration For Referred Candidate ON ! Template ) - Associate 'eferral 'eport andatory Competencies Template ! Summary of Experience Technical Competencies

Associate "ettin# Started

em*ership of '+CS gi&es you a genuine competiti&e ad&antage in your career and is highly regarded *y employers and clients around the glo*e, -ecoming an '+CS Associate .Assoc'+CS/ pro&ides the opportunity0 if you ha&e rele&ant 1ork experience or 2ualifications .or a com*ination of the t1o/0 to enhance your status and gain the recognition you deser&e, $his documentation must be comp%eted with reference to the Associate candidate #uide and your re%e&ant pathway #uide' Introduction 3or the Associate Assessment0 you are re2uired to complete all the rele&ant templates 1ithin the Associate Su*mission document to demonstrate your competence for your specific role, 4ou must su*mit the 1hole document electronically in a $%3 format, 4ou must pro&ide the follo1ing 1ritten e&idence5 Summary of experience against re2uired competencies for your chosen path1ay Case study 'ecord of professional de&elopment

This document pro&ides the templates you need to complete to pro&ide the assessor 1ith the information0 e&idence and documents they need to assess you, Submission temp%ates This su*mission document must *e completed *y all Associate candidates6 it is made up of ) templates, The purpose of each template is outlined *elo15 Candidate detai%s and chec(%ist Purpose - to supply *asic information a*out you and to ensure you include all the rele&ant documents for your Associate Assessment, Summary of )*perience + Mandatory competencies Purpose - to confirm you ha&e achie&ed the defined le&el of mandatory competencies for your chosen path1ay, .1777 1ords in total/ 4ou are not re2uired to 1rite Conduct rules0 ethics and professional practice *ecause you 1ill demonstrate this *y completing the '+CS ethics module and test, Summary of )*perience + $echnica% competencies Purpose to pro&ide a record of the experience you ha&e gained in relation to SI, technical competencies for your chosen path1ay, .2777 1ords in total/, Case Study Purpose to illustrate your le&el of professional practice, The focus of the case study must *e on one recent pro8ect that ena*les you to sho1 1hat in&ol&ement you ha&e had in the pro8ect0 1hat support you pro&ided and 1hat decisions you took and 1hy, The pro8ect you choose should allo1 you to demonstrate at least T9: technical competencies, .2777 1ords in total/ 4ou may attach supporting documents to your case study such as illustrations0 calculations or plans,

Professiona% De&e%opment Record Purpose - to capture all your professional de&elopment you ha&e completed o&er the past 12 months, .A minimum of 2" hours/, +f you are a referred candidate this 1ill need to *e updated to reflect the professional de&elopment you ha&e completed since your last assessment this should *e 2 hours per month since you last took the assessment, Associate Dec%aration Purpose + to confirm you and your mentor ha&e read0 agreed and signed the Associate %eclaration, For Referred Candidates ON ! Associate Referra% Report Purpose to confirm you ha&e attached a copy of your Associate 'eferral 'eport0 this is so the Associate Assessors can see the areas that you 1ere told to de&elop further in your pre&ious assessment, $lease note if you are su*mitting 1ithin 12 months of your last assessment then you only need to amend the competencies you 1ere referred on, P%ease ensure you fo%%ow the instructions in each section and do not e*ceed the word count #i&en as this may resu%t in your submission bein# returned' P%ease do not inc%ude the Associate "ettin# Started section within your submission'

Candidate detai%s and chec(%ist

-' Candidate detai%s Candidate Name: Candidate Number: Date of .irth: Pathway Number of years of re%e&ant e*perience: Do you ha&e re%e&ant /ua%ifications0 If 1!)S1 to either of the abo&e2 what sub3ect0 )mp%oyer4or#anisation: >ame Mentor: Month and !ear of Assessment: Any Specia% Considerations: Pre&ious%y Referred at Associate: Case Study $it%e : 5' Chec(%ist Candidate + enter 1,1 to confirm comp%ete .+f you are a referred candidate only indicate the templates that you ha&e updated for re assessment/ onth %isa*ilities etc 4es ; >o >um*er of pre&ious assessment attempts '+CS em*ership >um*er

dd;mm;yyyy <uantity Sur&eying0 =and etc



4ear .4444/

Associate Submission Candidate Detai%s Summary of )*perience 8 $echnica% competencies Summary of )*perience 8 Mandatory competencies Case Study Record of Professiona% De&e%opment .e%ow to be comp%eted by Referred candidates ON ! 9hich technica% competencies are bein# reassessed0 1, 2, !, ", #, (,

RICS 6office use on%y7

Summary of )*perience + Mandatory Competencies

There are eight mandatory competencies these are the ?softer@ skills that all responsi*le practitioners need0 regardless of their '+CS path1ay, $lease refer to your Associate path1ay guide for the details of the mandatory competencies, These competencies are essential5 they demonstrate your a*ility to 1ork 1ith colleagues0 meet client re2uirements0 manage your o1n 1ork and act 1ith honesty and integrity, $lease pro&ide a *rief example for each to demonstrate you ha&e met each of them in the rele&ant *ox *elo1, 4ou are not re2uired to 1rite a*out Conduct rules0 ethics and professional practice *ecause you 1ill demonstrate it *y completing the '+CS ethics module and test, P%ease note you ha&e a -::: + word %imit in tota%'
Mandatory Competencies Summary of how you meet competency re/uirements

C%ient care

Communication and ne#otiation

Conf%ict a&oidance2 mana#ement and dispute reso%ution procedures

Data mana#ement

;ea%th and safety



Summary of )*perience 8 $echnica% Competencies

!our summary of e*perience shou%d be no more than 5::: + words in tota%'

$echnica% Competency
-' +nsert name

Summary of )*perience

5' +nsert name

<' +nsert name

=' +nsert name

>' +nsert name

?' +nsert name

Case Study
Su*mit one case study of 5::: 1ords, The focus of the case study must *e on one specific pro8ect you ha&e *een in&ol&ed in recently, +f possi*le select a pro8ect you ha&e 1orked on in the last 2 years, The pro8ect you choose M@S$ allo1 you to demonstrate at least $9O technical competencies from your chosen path1ay0 and ho1 you used the competency skills

Case study tit%e + Please provide a descriptive title for your case study -' Conte*t 4 Introduction
In this section you should describe the context for the case study e.g set the scene with some details of your career, what the project is, what your role is, what competencies you believe the case study demonstrates please note this does not count towards your word count. (Max 500 words).

5' $he Approach

What did you do? What was your level of responsibility? Who were the sta eholders? What was the timeline? !ocus mainly on two technical competencies.

<' $he resu%t

What did you achieve?

=' essons earned

What did you learn from this? What barriers did you face? What would you do differently next time? What can others learn from this?

Competencies demonstrated in this case study

$lease insert the technical and mandatory competencies demonstrated in this case study,

$echnica% competencies 1, 2, !, ", #, (,

Mandatory competencies

$ota% 9ord Count: A

Record of Professiona% De&e%opment

$lease list the professional de&elopment you ha&e completed o&er the past 12 months, 4ou must refer to a minimum of 2" hours of training and de&elopment,


dd;mm;yyyy dd;mm;yyyy dd;mm;yyyy dd;mm;yyyy dd;mm;yyyy dd;mm;yyyy dd;mm;yyyy dd;mm;yyyy dd;mm;yyyy dd;mm;yyyy dd;mm;yyyy dd;mm;yyyy dd;mm;yyyy dd;mm;yyyy

Professiona% De&e%opment Acti&ity type5 A$ri&ate study0 organised or structured learning0 research0 1ork *ased learning0 seminar or course etcB Purpose: A9hy did you do this learningC 9hat did you aim to learnB Description: A9hat did you doCB earnin# Outcomes: AE&aluate your learning and highlight key areas of de&elopmentB Forma% or Informa%:

;ours A>ote the num*er of hours spent undertaking this acti&ity in the last 12 monthsB

Associate Dec%aration
App%ication for assessment as an Associate Member of RICS 6$his dec%aration must be si#ned by the candidate and the mentor4proposer7 Candidate to comp%ete:
+ ha&e read0 understand and undertake the follo1ing5 to comply 1ith the '+CS Charter0 -ye la1s and 'egulations as they no1 exist0 or as they may in the future *e amended and also to comply 1ith such other re2uirements as Go&erning Council shall determine6 to promote the o*8ects of '+CS as far as in my po1er6 not at any time after ceasing to *e a mem*er to use or permit to *e used in con8unction 1ith my name0 or name of any organisation 1ith 1hich + may at anytime *e associated0 any designation or expression denoting or suggesting mem*ership or any connection 1ith '+CS to pay promptly any monies due to '+CS0 including *ut not limited to any fee0 su*scription0 le&y0 arrears0 fine or other penalty0 or reim*ursement in accordance 1ith any scheme of compensation0 or in respect of any goods or ser&ices commissioned *y me from '+CS To declare any criminal con&iction 1ithin !7 days That should + 1ish to terminate my mem*ership0 to so signify in 1riting to the Chief Executi&e

+ confirm the follo1ing5 The 1ork + am su*mitting for assessment is my o1n 1ork and a true reflection of my experience0 2ualifications and de&elopment, + ha&e disclosed any charge or con&iction of a criminal offence 1here the penalty could *e imprisonment0 unless it is no1 a spent con&iction0 as pro&ided in a reha*ilitation of offenders Act 1D)" or the e2ui&alent in my 8urisdiction, + ha&e disclosed the full details of any pending disciplinary proceedings or ad&erse findings made against me *y another regulatory *ody 1ithin the last ! years, + ha&e disclosed 1hether + am undischarged or *ankrupt0 or 1ithin the last ! years ha&e *een su*8ect to any insol&ency proceedings or other arrangements 1ith creditors in respect of my de*ts .such as insol&ency &oluntary arrangement/

+ understand and accept that + am accounta*le for the truth of this declaration0 that '+CS reser&es the right to inter&ie1 me0 or contact my mentor;proposer or employer as part of the Associate Assessment 2uality assurance process, +f at any time '+CS disco&ers that + ha&e failed to disclose any of the a*o&e or that + ha&e pro&ided false information it has the right to terminate my mem*ership 1ith immediate effect, .1ith no further o*ligation to refund any su*scriptions or fees/



Mentor4proposer to comp%ete:
Candidate name EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE Candidate mem*ership num*erEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE +0 the undersigned0 ha&ing read and understood the summary of experience0 case study and professional de&elopment of the candidate, + can &erify this is a true and accurate representation of the candidate@s o1n 1ork0 training and experience, All re2uired documentation is present and has *een prepared in line 1ith the re2uirements of the '+CS Associate Assessment process, The candidate has met the competencies for his;her chosen path1ay as defined *y '+CS, +0 propose and support the a*o&e named candidate from professional kno1ledge of his;her professional competence and achie&ements as *eing a fit and proper person to *e admitted as an Associate mem*er of '+CS, + understand and accept that + am accounta*le for the truth of this declaration in support of the a*o&e named Associate candidate, + am a1are that as part of the assessment 2uality assurance process0 '+CS reser&es the right to contact me and the company + represent to &erify any element of the application, Any false declaration may also result in my professional 2ualification and standing falling under in&estigation,


.:nly re2uired if your mentor is not an Associate '+CS em*er .of four years of more/0 a $rofessional em*er0 or 3ello1 of



Associate Referra% Report

P%ease attach a copy of your referra% report'



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