Genetics Course Plan f10

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Genetics Outcomes How Outcomes will be Assessed Activities and Assignments to Achieve Outcomes

Students mastering the material of Genetics will demonstrate sufficient understanding and recall of the transmission and expression of genetic material of eukaryotes to be successful in graduate level biology and health science courses. o Comprehensive coverage on final exam Homework questions, case studies, and literature review will get at topics/details not covered in class Chapter review exercises for exam study will expand coverage Tomorrows Table will introduce some molecular genetic techniques On-line activities and quizzes will teach some content Students will demonstrate ability to answer questions about eukaryotic genetics like those on standardized exams (such as the GRE, MCAT, or Major Field Test). o Use questions from these exams as part of course quizzes and exams Group analysis of questions from these exams related to course topics Practice analysis questions (analyzing information presented in graph, table, or paragraphs) for homework o Write questions like these for quizzes and exams Students will communicate about and critique scientific concepts in paragraph form. o Homework questions Short answer or essay questions about key concepts in chapter homework Peer analysis of homework in groups with instructor feedback 5-score system: 0: Didnt answer 1: Answer isnt addressing question or shows poor understanding of concepts 2: Answer addresses all or most parts, but superficial understanding communicated 3: Answer addresses all parts, most of the information is there, but it is expressed awkwardly or one has to make assumptions that the student understands implied information 4: Answer addresses all parts, information is complete, and presentation is logical o o Exam questions requiring paragraphs Lab reports Literature review by paper sections: (group work) review parts of scientific papers about course topics during lab sessions prior to practicing writing these parts Peer review of lab reports prior to due date (use value line to assign groups based on confidence with lab report format) Genetics, Technology, and Society assignments Researched in-class debate on genetics, technology and society topic: (one on each side, but others help prepare debate points) Short answer or essay after reading genetics, technology, and society selection as part of homework

Students will demonstrate skill at critical analysis, logic, and problem solving relating to the transmission and expression of eukaryotic genetic material. o Homework problems Demonstration problems in class Some lab time on problem solving strategies (group work) Study sessions (in another classroom where food can be eaten) with treat rewards for successfully solving problems o Few exam problems o Some lab exercise problems

Students will demonstrate competence in basic molecular genetics techniques. o Laboratory experiment participation credit o Extra points for getting things to work Opportunity to practice skills before using, such as loading gels Back-up materials when things dont work, so can proceed Working individually whenever possible so all have a chance to build skills Opportunity to try again outside of class when things dont work (if possible) o Case studies (group work and credit) Students will demonstrate competence in presenting and analyzing scientific data in the format used by peer-reviewed scientific journals o Lab reports Literature review by paper sections: (group work) review parts of scientific papers about course topics during lab sessions prior to practicing writing these parts Peer review of lab reports prior to due date (use value line to assign groups based on confidence with lab report format) Can re-write for almost as much credit

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