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"#$%&'( 8e: lSu Choral Academy

*+'%( Sunday, AugusL 4, 2013 aL 8:31 M
,-./( Susan
0.( kaLhryn Moslman <kmoslman[>
1.23%-4+5.2( lSu Choral Academy
xxxxx ls rldlng down wlLh xxxx and sLaylng wlLh xxxx's parenLs college frlends.
xxxx en[oyed Lurope way Loo much...she wanLs Lo sLudy a semesLer abroad ln
college. 1he hlghllghL of Lhe Lrlp was seelng Wlcked ln London.......LhaL ls when l
was [ealous. lL ls comlng Lo ues Molnes Lhe 1sL parL of november and l Lhlnk l wlll
Lake her sunday november 3rd. We saw !ersey 8oys Lhls aernoon.....yes she ls
spolled 2 muslcals 4 counLrles ln 4 weeks.
She ls ready Lo sLarL lessons back up wlLh you as soon as you geL home!!!! She ls
Lrylng Lo prepare Lo slng ln Lhe weddlng SaLurday.....yes l am worrled. lL ls
sLreLchlng on her hlgher range. So wlsh her luck! She dld Lhe nauonal AnLhem aL
WaLer Carlnval and lL dldn'L work ouL Loo well for her....l Laped lL lf you wanL Lo
waLch. She asked Megan's Lo slng wlLh her buL aL Lhe lasL mlnuLe reallzed Megan
wasn'L golng Lo make lL and lL ended up a solo. She hasn'L menuoned lL agaln so
maybe she forgoL abouL lL.
1exL one of us when you geL back Lo Lake vlew and we can geL a lesson scheduled!
Also lf you are wanung any help wlLh muslcal (props sLage anyLhlng) [usL leL me
know. lL would be greaL Lo geL an early sLarL.
Pave a safe Lrlp back!
SenL from my klndle llre
From: Kathryn Mosiman <>
Sent: Sun Aug 04 12:36:40 CDT 2013
To: Susan
Subject: Re: ISU Choral Academy
Pl Susan!
l'm dolng greaL buL cannoL walL Lo geL back Lo Lake vlew! 7 days!!!
Pow's xxxxx? uld she en[oy Lurope? l would llke Lo geL a volce lesson wlLh her
as soon as we can work lL ln Lo her schedule because l know Lhlngs fell Lhrough
wlLh !ocelyn glvlng her lessons Lhls summer (whlch ls a WPCLL oLher sLory LhaL l'll
have Lo share wlLh you when l geL back...?ou're golng Lo LCvL lL!! Pa!)
1hank you for plcklng up Lhe All-SLaLe muslc. ?ou've dellvered Lo mosL everyone?
Where ls !ayda golng Lo be sLaylng when she's aL camp Lhls week?
Could l ask anymore quesuons? Pope all ls golng well and l'll Lalk Lo you soon!
Cn 8/3/13 7:18 AM, "Susan" wroLe: ya dolng?
l plcked up Lhe muslc and mosLly dellvered.
SenL from my klndle llre
From: Kathryn Mosiman <>
Sent: Fri Aug 02 22:20:46 CDT 2013
To: cameron <>,, Doug & Susan B <>,
Angie <>, <>
Subject: ISU Choral Academy
Pello lrlends!!
l hope all of you are en[oylng a wonderful summer lled wlLh
fun memorles. 1hls comlng week (Wednesday, AugusL 7Lh and
1hursday, AugusL 8Lh), Lhe ve of you are slgned up Lo
paruclpaLe ln Lhe lowa SLaLe unlverslLy Summer Choral
Academy on Lhe lSu campus.
l've spoken Lo ur. 8odde. Pe and l are boLh exclLed LhaL you all
wlll be paruclpaung. 8elow ls Lhe emall LhaL ur. 8odde senL ouL
regardlng Lhe all-sLaLe camp.
nl, All-5tote compets ooJ ultectots.
we ote lookloq fotwotJ to bosuoq lowo 5totes 11tb oooool All-5tote cbolt comp,
Aoqost 7-8! comp lofotmouoo ooJ tbe scbeJole of eveots ote posteJ oo tbe l5u
Moslc uepottmeots webslte.
keqlsttouoo beqlos ot 8.J0 o.m. lo tbe Moslc noll lobby, wltb oot ftst foll
tebeotsol ot 9.00. 1be Moslc noll ls oo tbe lmmeJlote oottb slJe of l5us llule loke
lot tbose oeeJloq loJqloq, tbete ote o oombet of botels/motels lo tbe clty, olooq
wltb tooms ot tbe Memotlol uoloo, wblcb ls jost o block owoy. Nometoos eouoq
estobllsbmeots (oo ooJ o[ compos) ote vety close by. keqotJloq potkloq, yoo moy
foJ some o[-compos potkloq spots, bot l tecommeoJ yoo cooslJet tbe Memotlol
uoloo potkloq tomp.
kemembet to btloq yoot moslc pocket ooJ o coople of peoclls. we wlll oot be
ptepotloq 8oule nymo ooJ Ametlco tbe 8eooufol, bot wlll wotk botJ oo oll of
tbe otbet All-5tote cbolt tepettolte.
we ote lookloq fotwotJ to seeloq yoo oo Aoqost 7!
ut. koJJe
Iomes koJJe, u.M.A.
ultectot of cbotol Acuvlues
111 Moslc noll
lowo 5tote uolvetslty
Ames, lA 50011
(515) 294-0J95
(515) 294-6409 lA\
lease Lake a look aL Lhe llnk provlded ln hls emall (whlch ls
bolded and underllned). lL ls a copy of Lhe schedule buL lasL l
looked lL hadn'L changed from Lhe schedule you all recelved
back ln May. lf you need anoLher copy, l suggesL gemng lL from
LhaL llnk. ?our muslc arrlved laLe lasL week and ls ln Lhe
buslness omce aL Lhe hlgh school. ?ou wlll need LhaL muslc
before you arrlve on campus on Wednesday. ?ou are all
scheduled Lo Lake volce lessons and you wlll mosL llkely Lake
Lhem wlLh ur. Slmonson, Lhe head of Lhe volce faculLy aL lowa
SLaLe. uon'L belleve anyLhlng he says abouL me....klddlng!!!
Pe's wonderful and you all wlll en[oy hlm very much.
Could you please all emall me back and lnform me abouL where
you'll be sLaylng and how you'll be gemng around Ames? l wlsh
l could auend Lhls camp wlLh you all and l promlse l'll be
Lhlnklng abouL you LhroughouL Lhe nexL week.
Cverall, l Lhlnk Lhls experlence wlll be wonderful for you and l'm
very exclLed LhaL you'll be learnlng from my greaLesL menLors-
ur. 8odde, kaLhleen 8odde, and ur. Slmonson. 8emember LhaL
as you auend Lhls camp, you represenL our cholr program and
Lhe ldeals of LasL Sac CounLy Plgh School. l couldn'L be more
proud LhaL you all are auendlng and l LrusL LhaL you'll represenL
LasL Sac ln Lhe besL posslble llghL.
lf you have any quesuons, please do noL heslLaLe Lo conLacL me.
My phone number ls 313-203-0041-lf you need Lo geL a hold
of me qulckly durlng Lhe day, send me a LexL. ?ou can also
emall me.
Agaln, good luck and have fun!! l've already llsLened Lo Lhe
muslc Lhls year and lL's golng Lo be greaL! ur. Snow (Lhls year's
conducLor and one of my professors here aL Mlchlgan SLaLe) ls
very exclLed abouL Lhe experlence you all wlll have wlLh Lhls
1alk Lo you soon!
kaLhryn Moslman
vocal Muslc
LasL Sac CounLy Plgh School
801 !ackson
Lake vlew, lA 31430
712-663-3001 exL. 34
kaLhryn Moslman
vocal Muslc
LasL Sac CounLy Plgh School
801 !ackson
Lake vlew, lA 31430
712-663-3001 exL. 34

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