Hub Information Speaking at A Jamaica House Press Conference On September 11, 2013, Transport

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Hub Information Speaking at a Jamaica House press conference on September 11, 2013, Transport Minister Dr Omar Davies tol

!ournalists t"at t"e scoping stu # b# $onra Douglas % &ssociates '$D%&( )oul be use to inform "o) t"e *ort &ut"orit# an t"e $"inese investors )oul procee on t"e logistics "ub pro!ect+ The Gleaner reports, -He sa#s a $abinet ecision )ill be ma e s"ortl# after t"e completion of t"e stu # on t"e use of t"e .oat /slan s-+ To take suc" a ecision base on t"e results of t"e scoping stu # complete last mont" )oul be a mistake of immense proportions01ven before t"e Table of $ontents page, $D%& lo ge a caveat on t"eir o)n report, -T"is scoping pro!ect is not an 1nvironmental /mpact &ssessment '1/&( nor an 1nvironmental /mpact Statement '1/S(-+ Speaking at a s#mposium put on b# t"e 2niversit# of t"e 3est /n ies an t"e $aribbean Maritime /nstitute last Satur a# '4ovember 5( 6T"e 7ogistics Hub, T"e 1conom# vs T"e 1nvironment6, $onra Douglas "imself, in no )a# "ostile to t"e .overnment, sai t"at, since t"e esign an t"e inten e plan for t"e islan s "ave not #et been presente , assessments about t"e environmental impact )ere useless at t"is time+ The Gleaner of 4ovember 11 8uotes Douglas, -9ecause #ou on6t kno) t"e "ori:ontal an vertical profile of t"e pro!ect; because #ou on6t kno) )"at t"e pro!ect entails an )"ere it )ill be, #ou cannot procee to make statements about t"e environmental impact-+ Douglas note t"at a compre"ensive environmental impact assessment must be one on t"e .oat /slan s to etermine its suitabilit#+ /f $abinet uses t"e $D%& scoping stu # to take a ecision on t"e use of t"e .oat /slan s, it )oul "ave one so in ignorance of t"e possible negative impacts of t"e "ub on t"e sensitive environment+ &n t"is out of t"e mout" of $onra Douglas "imself0 /t )oul be grossl# irresponsible of t"e $abinet to take suc" a ecision before t"e results of t"e 1/& are kno)n+

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