NOTICE TO USER: Thank you for your interest in Splash PRO EX product. This End User License Agreement (EULA) describes the terms and conditions under which you may install, use and distribute Splash PRO EX Software. Do not install or use Splash PRO EX Software until you have read and accepted terms and conditions of this End User License Agreement. Installation or use of Splash PRO EX Software by you will be deemed to be acceptance of the license terms.

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Splash PRO EX End User License Agreement (EULA) NOTICE TO USER: Thank you for your interest in Splash

PRO EX product. This End User icense !"ree#ent $EU !% descri&es the ter#s and conditions under 'hich you #ay install( use and distri&ute Splash PRO EX Soft'are. )o not install or use Splash PRO EX Soft'are until you ha*e read and accepted ter#s and conditions of this End User icense !"ree#ent. Installation or use of Splash PRO EX Soft'are &y you 'ill &e dee#ed to &e acceptance of the license ter#s.

1. DEFINITIONS 1.1 Software Splash PRO EX software (incl!ding Splash PRO EX UP"RA#E). 1.$ %o!&User the end !ser of Splash PRO EX software. 1.' Agreement this End User License Agreement (EULA) 1.( )irillis )irillis Ltd.

2. LICENSE, SOFTWARE USE AND DISTRIBUTION $.1 L*+E,SE -his software is licensed not sold. )irillis Ltd. grants .o! a limited non/e0cl!si1e license (2License3) to install and !se the Software as long as .o! compl. with the terms and conditions of this Agreement. An. f!t!re Software !pdates ma. incl!de !pdated End User License Agreement. Please read it caref!ll. 4efore installing Software !pdates. $.$ "E,ERAL USE $.$.1 Single License %o! ma. install5 acti1ate and !se onl. one cop. of the Software on a single comp!ter at a time. %o! ma. not r!n Software on two or more comp!ters at the same time !sing the same serial n!m4er. %o! m!st !ninstall the Software 4efore installing5 acti1ating and !sing it on another comp!ter. $.$.$ )!lti License %o! ma. install5 acti1ate and !se the Software on a n!m4er of comp!ters !p to the p!rchased n!m4er of licenses at the same time !sing the same serial n!m4er. %o! ma. not r!n the Software on more comp!ters than the p!rchased n!m4er of licenses at the same time !sing the same serial n!m4er. )!lti license is intended for a single !ser or mem4ers of the same ho!sehold. $.$.' "eneral )a6ing this Software a1aila4le o1er a networ6 where it co!ld 4e !sed 4. m!ltiple comp!ters at the same time is prohi4ited. A -rial 7ersion of the Software ma. 4e !sed onl. to re1iew5 demonstrate and e1al!ate the Software for a limited time period5 after this limited time period the Software will cease operating and prod!ct p!rchase will 4e re8!ired to contin!e !se of the Software. Please note that the -rial 7ersion ma. ha1e limited feat!res. $.' UP"RA#E 9RO) SPLAS: PRO

7alid Splash PRO serial n!m4er is re8!ired for Splash PRO EX UP"RA#E prod!ct acti1ation. %o! m!st !ninstall the Splash PRO software (which serial n!m4er will 4e !sed for Splash PRO EX UP"RA#E acti1ation) 4efore Splash PRO EX UP"RA#E prod!ct acti1ation. %o! ma. not install and !se Splash PRO (which serial n!m4er is !sed for Splash PRO EX UP"RA#E acti1ation) and Splash PRO EX UP"RA#E at a time. $.( -RA,S9ER %o! ma. not sell5 rent5 lease or s!4license the Software to another part.. -his License allows .o! to ma6e a permanent and one/time transfer of all of .o!r license rights to the Software to another part.5 pro1ided that; (1) .o! transfer this Agreement and information from prod!ct p!rchase confirmation e/mail (incl!ding serial n!m4er and transaction *#)5 ($) .o! s!4mit to )irillis information a4o!t transfer of .o!r license rights5 incl!ding re8!ired information a4o!t part. recei1ing the Software (') .o! !ninstall and do not retain an. copies of the installed Software and prod!ct serial n!m4er5 incl!ding copies stored on comp!ters or other storage de1ice5 (() the another part. recei1ing the Software accepts the terms and conditions of this Agreement. $.< #*S-R*=U-*O, -he Software installation pac6age ma. 4e freel. distri4!ted5 with e0ceptions noted 4elow5 pro1ided the distri4!tion pac6age is not modified. ,o person or compan. ma. charge a fee for the distri4!tion of the Software witho!t written permission from the cop.right holder. -he Software ma. not 4e 4!ndled or distri4!ted with an. other pac6age witho!t permission of the cop.right holder. -he Software pla.list files and preset files ma. 4e freel. distri4!ted. $.> -ER)*,A-*O, %o!r license rights to the Software !nder this Agreement will terminate a!tomaticall. witho!t an. notice from )irillis if .o! fail to compl. with an. term(s) or condition(s) of this Agreement. After the termination of this License5 .o! m!st cease to !se the Software and no ref!nd will 4e a1aila4le. $.? +O,SE,- -O USE #A-A %o! agree that )irillis ma. collect technical information a4o!t .o!r Software and comp!ter to pro1ide information a4o!t Software !pdates a1aila4ilit.. $.@ OA,ERS:*P All cop.rights and all other intellect!al properties to the Software are e0cl!si1el. owned or licensed 4. )irillis. -his Software is licensed not sold. All rights not e0pressl. granted here are reser1ed 4. )irillis. $.B RES-R*+-*O,S %o! ma. not !se5 cop.5 p!4lish5 share5 em!late5 clone5 rent5 lease5 sell5 modif.5 decompile5 disassem4le5 otherwise re1erse engineer5 or transfer the licensed program5 or an. s!4set of the licensed program5 e0cept as pro1ided for in this agreement. %o! ma. not distri4!te5 p!4lish5 share or ma6e a1aila4le an. information a4o!t prod!ct serial n!m4er or p!rchase transaction *#. An. s!ch !na!thoriCed !se shall res!lt in immediate and a!tomatic termination of this License and ma. res!lt in criminal and&or ci1il prosec!tion.


%o! ac6nowledge and agree that the entire ris6 arising o!t of !se or performance of the Software remains with the !ser. %o! ac6nowledge and agree that when .o! !se this software in other locations than Poland then .o! do so on .o!r own initiati1e and responsi4ilit.5 and ma6e s!re to compliance with applica4le local laws.

'.1 L*)*-E# AARRA,-% -:E SO9-AARE (*,+LU#*," A*-:OU- L*)*-A-*O, -:E SO9-AARE APPL*+A-*O, A,# #O+U)E,-A-*O,(S)) *S PRO7*#E# DAS *SD A*-:OU- AARRA,-% O9 A,% E*,#5 E*-:ER EXPRESS OR *)PL*E#5 *,+LU#*,"5 A*-:OU- L*)*-A-*O,5 AARRA,-*ES OR +O,#*-*O,S O9 FUAL*-%5 PER9OR)A,+E5 ,O,*,9R*,"E)E,-5 )ER+:A,-A=*L*-%5 OR 9*-,ESS 9OR USE 9OR A PAR-*+ULAR PURPOSE. '.$ L*)*-A-*O,S O9 L*A=*L*-% ,E*-:ER )*R*LL*S ,OR *-S L*+E,SORS S:ALL =E L*A=LE *, A,% AA% 9OR A,% LOSS OR #A)A"E O9 A,% E*,# AR*S*," OU- O9 -:E SO9-AARE OR A,% USE O9 -:*S SO9-AARE5 *,+LU#*," A*-:OU- L*)*-A-*O, LOSS O9 #A-A5 LOSS O9 "OO#A*LL5 LOSS O9 PRO9*-S5 AORE S-OPPA"E5 +O)PU-ER 9A*LURE OR )AL9U,+-*O,5 OR A,% A,# ALL O-:ER #A)A"ES OR LOSSES.

4 GOVERNING LAW AND GENERAL PROVISIONS -his agreement shall 4e go1erned and constr!ed in accordance with the laws of Poland. *f for an. reason a co!rt of competent G!risdiction finds an. part of this Agreement5 to 4e 1oid and !nenforcea4le5 the remainder of this Agreement will remain 1alid and enforcea4le to its terms. An. disp!te arising o!t of this Agreement shall 4e settled 4. the district co!rt in Hielona "ora5 POLA,#. 5 TECHNICAL SUPPORT 7alid Software serial n!m4er ma. 4e re8!ired to o4tain technical s!pport. -echnical s!pport is deli1ered online 4. e/mail in following lang!ages; english5 polish. -echnical s!pport for selected old 1ersions of Software ma. 4e terminated. P!rchase of a new 1ersion of Software ma. 4e re8!ired to o4tain technical s!pport.

*nstalling and !sing the Software signifies acceptance of these terms and conditions of the Agreement. *f .o! do not agree with the terms of this Agreement .o! m!st remo1e the Software files from .o!r storage de1ices and cease to !se the prod!ct. -han6 .o! for !sing Splash PRO EX. )irillis Ltd.
If you ha*e any +uestions re"ardin" this !"ree#ent please contact ,irillis td. at:

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