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sLesson 4 Rate, Ratio, and Proportions Rate, ratio and proportions are covered in outcomes N4 and N5.

Students should be familiar 3 with different ways of presenting ratios (ex. 3:5, , 3 to 5, etc.) 5 Day 1 Students often confuse the terms ratio and proportion, and so need to understand that a proportion is a statement of equality between two ratios. They will also work with unit rates; for example, if Sam walks 20 km. in 5 hours, his unit rate is 4 km/hr. When solving problems involving proportionality, students will look for the relationships between various parts or terms of a proportion, and use these relationships to solve for missing values. There could be questions that do not require proportional reasoning for example, Ellen is 2 years old and David is 6 years old. How old will Ellen be when David is 12 years old? This cannot be solved using proportional reasoning. She will always be 4 years younger than David. Proportional reasoning is needed to solve the following: Example: Kandace can write a 6-page essay in 2 hours. How long will it take her to produce a 15 page essay if she writes at the same rate? 2 t = 6 15 Students should recognize that 6 and 15 have a relationship with the factor 3. In 1 hour, Kandace could write 3 pages so would it would take 5 hours to write 15 pages. This reasoning does not require step by step solving but rather involves reasoning once the proportion has been identified. When the total is know, a ratio can be used to solve for un unknown quantity. For example: The ratio of boys to girls is 5 : 4. There are 27 students in the class. How many boys are there? The original ratio has a total of 9 so each term in the ratio can be multiplied by 3 to find the total proportion of boys to girls (15:12). Day 2: The questions and problems that follow present many opportunities for students to practice identifying the proportion and then applying it to solve for the unknown. Item Bank Complete these additional example questions with students who still require more support with adding and subtracting fractions. The items could be completed: As homework for individuals who need extra practice In small groups In extra help sessions

Rate, Ratio, and Proportions Day 1 Practice Page 1. Find an equivalent ratio. a) 3 : 4 = ______ e) 40 : 36 = ______ b) 8 to 2 = ______ f) 12 to 15 = _____ c) 4 = ______ 7 g) 7 = ______ 10 d) 2 = ______ 3 h) 2 : 3 = ______

2. Solve the following proportions. a)

2 12 = 5 n


3 9 = 4 n


10 n = 4 6


5 2 = n 25


n 50 = 2 20


8 12 = 12 n


6 21 = 2 n


n 18 = 4 72

3. Solve the following.

a) It was found during a recent survey that 2 in every 5 families have a pet. How many pets would you expect for 100 families?

b) The ratio of the number of boys to the number of girls in a school bus was 2 : 3. How many girls are there if there are 10 boys?

c) The ratio of milk to flour is 3 : 2 for a recipe. i) If 120 mL of milk is used, how much flour is required? ii) If the 150 mL of flour is used, how much milk is required? iii) If 75 mL of milk is used, how much flour is required?

Name : ____________________ Formative Assessment Rate, Ratio, and Proportions Day 1

1. If

x 18 = , what is the value of x? 7 21 x 12 = , what is the value of x? 8 6

2. If

3. A recipe uses 300 mL of flour for every 75 mL of sugar. How much flour would be needed when 375 mL of sugar is used?

4. The ratio of cookies to squares is 7:5. If there are 42 cookies, how many squares are there?

5. It takes one hour to drive 84 km. How far can you drive in 20 minutes at that speed?

Rate, Ratio, and Proportions Day 2 1. Write the ratios in simplest form. a) 12 : 15 = _______ d) 20 to 45 = _______ g) b) 3 : 12 = _______ e) 55 to 95 = _______ h) c) 36 : 81 = _______ f) 8 to 16 = _______ i)

8 = _______ 16

56 = _______ 64

25 = _______ 60

2. Find the value of x. a)

5 15 = 9 x


12 16 = x 24


15 9 = 20 x


16 1 = x 11


14 7 = x 4


x 6 = 6 9


3 x 24 = 5 10


2 x 18 = 7 21

3. Express as unit rate. a) A customer service department received 20 calls in 5 hours. __________ b) Peter read 40 pages in 2 hours. __________ c) A train traveled 138 km in 60 minutes. __________ d) A car traveled 30 km in 20 minutes. __________ e) A plane flew 210 km in 15 minutes. __________ 4. How many meters would you travel in 15 minutes at 62 km/h? 5. Sarah bought bananas, apples and pears. The ratio of bananas to apples was 3 to 5 and the ratio of apples to pears was 4 to 2. She bought 12 bananas. How many pears did she buy? 6. Mark bought markers, pens and pencils. The ratio of markers to pens was 2 to 7 and the ratio of pens to pencils was 3 to 4. He bought 6 markers. How many pencils did he buy?

Name : ____________________ Summative Assessment Rate, Ratio, and Proportions Day 2 1. If the Student Council has 36 members, and the ratio of girls to boys is 4 :5, then the number of boys on the Student Council is: A) 5 B) 9 C) 16 D) 20

2. A recipe uses 525 mL of flour to make 25 cookies. How much flour is needed to make 75 cookies?

3. Two stores are having a sale on cookies. At one store, they price 2 boxes for $ 3.68 and at the other store, they price 3 boxes for $ 5.43. Which is the better buy?

4. If

12 x = , what is the value of x? 8 6

5. The scale on a map is 1.5 cm : 100 km. If the distance between two towns is 7.5 cm, what is the actual distance between them?

Item Bank Rate, Ratios, and Proportions 1. Two bags contain the same number of marbles. In one bag, the ratio of black marbles to white marbles is 4:3. In the other box, the ratio is 3:2. Which bag contains more black marbles? 2. An objects mass at the Earths surface compared to the Suns surface is a ratio of 1:28. If a stone weighs 400 grams on the Earths surface, how m uch does it weigh on the Suns surface? 3. The scale of a map reads 1 cm:125 000 m. What is the distance between Happy Valley and Beauty Valley, which are 2.5 cm apart on the map? 4. A study shows that five out of every one hundred Canadians have had a diagnosis of cancer. If the population of Canada is 32 000 000. How many Canadians have had a diagnosis of cancer? 5. Company A rents a car for $0.12/km plus $29.69/day. Company B rents a car for $0.11/km plus $32.30/day. Which company gives a better deal for a trip of 3500 km that takes 3 days? 6. Gasoline costs $5.25 for 5 litres. a) What is the cost per litre? b) How much would 35 litres of gasoline cost? c) How much gasoline could you purchase for $50? 7. If 4 chocolate bars cost $ 2.96, what will be the cost of 3 chocolate bars? 8. Michael bakes 2000 bagels in an 8 hour work day. On average, how many bagels does he bake in an hour? A) 125 B) 250 C) 8000 D) 16 000

9. A cafeteria makes 1440 sandwiches 3 hours. On average, how many sandwiches does it make in 20 minutes? A) 160 B) 480 C) 12 960 D) 28 800

10. A pulse rate might be 18 beats per 15 seconds. How many beats are in a minute? 11. The scale on a map is 4 cm : 100 km. If two towns are 350 km apart, how far apart are they on the map?

12. The scale on a map is 0.5 cm : 100 km. If the distance between two towns is 6.5 cm, what is the actual distance between them? 13. A 350 mL bottle of shampoo sells for $ 2.45. How much is this per 100 mL? 14. If 3 bars of soap cost $ 0.89, how much would 5 bars cost? 15. If the Montreal Canadians outshot the Toronto Maple Leafs in the ratio of 6 : 5, how many shots on goal did Toronto have if Montreal had 24?

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