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UNIT PLAN-Genetics I.

Information about the Unit Topic Genetics (Mendelian Genetics, Punnett Squares, Pedigrees) Guiding Question for Unit:
Commented [P1]: This guiding question will be driving each and every lesson during this unit. At times, we will directly come back to this question and the students will address it directly. At other times, the connections will be more nuanced and the students will need to infer the meanings and connections between our lessons and this guiding question by analyzing and thinking critically.

What do we mean when we say that there is a predisposition for something (a personality trait, physical characteristic, disease, etc.)? If your parents are athletic, does that mean you are more likely to be athletic? What if they are creative? Smart? Funny?

Abstract Prior to covering this unit, students will have already covered the processes of mitosis, have been introduced to some of the details of meiosis, and have learned some of the similarities and differences between the two. They previously learned that genes are located on chromosomes in the nucleus of each and every cell and that the information contained in these genes codes for proteins. These proteins perform or play a part in all biological processes necessary for life along with giving organisms their physical characteristics. In this unit we will go into greater detail about genes and how different genes can interact to give organisms their physical traits. Mendels work will be explored, along with Punnett squares and how they can be used to illustrate aspects of hereditary. Pedigrees will also be introduced to explore such topics as genetic disorders and gene expression. After covering this unit, students will be introduced to the processes of evolution and natural selection. They will already be familiar with the idea of mutations and how they can occur in the DNA of cells. These random mutations are the raw material for evolution by creating the genetic variations that are necessary for natural selection to act upon.

Commented [P2]: Incorporating and building upon what we have already covered in previous units, this abstract frames where this genetics unit fits in during the year and how I logically progress from one topic and idea to the next. There are several interdependent theories and laws in the scientific disciplines, and because of that I address the fundamental and crosscutting ideas that build upon one another.

II. Clarifying Your Goals Big Ideas Genes are the functional units of DNA and code for proteins. Genes are found on chromosomes (DNA) which are located in the nucleus of each and every cell in an organism. When these proteins are made (expressed), they give organisms their physical traits and characteristics (like eye color and hair color). Different versions of genes are called alleles, and different alleles result in different physical traits and characteristics. An organisms physical traits, how it looks, is called its phenotype. The actual set of genes an organism possess is called its genotype. The phenotype is the physical expression of an organisms genotype. Mendels work helped progress the idea of genes and showed that they somehow function to give organisms their traits (the specific details were unknown during his time). Mendel helped to show that an organisms physical traits are the result of the combination of DNA an organism receives from its parents. Genes code for proteins, and these proteins are what gives individuals their physical traits. Most physical traits are a combination of several genes interacting, while some are only determined by one gene. Diploid organisms (2N) receive one copy of a gene from their mom and one copy of a gene from their dad (on homologous chromosomes). Both copies of a particular gene (two alleles) are not always expressed. The presence of certain genes (dominant) mean that they will be expressed over other genes (recessive) in an organism. There are also co dominant alleles (both are expressed at the same time) and incompletely dominant alleles (a mix of the dominant and recessive phenotype). These types of gene interactions are illustrative of classic Mendelian genetics. Punnett squares are a tool that can be used to calculate the genotypic and phenotypic probabilities of an offspring produced by two individuals (when the parents phenotypes and genotypes are known). Punnett squares can only be used when dealing with genes that are governed by Mendelian genetics, however, more than one gene can be examined at a time (polygenetic Punnett squares). Pedigrees are a way to examine and analyze the phenotypes of organisms in a family over many generations. Patterns arise from different types of inheritance (sexlinked, autosomal dominant/recessive). They can also be used to identify possible carriers of alleles that cause disease and can be used to identify when a particular allele came into a familys bloodline.
Commented [P3]: Comprehensive, succinct, and to the point, the major scientific concepts and ideas are addressed here and offer up a big picture of what will be covered during the unit.

Examples, observations, data 1.) B4.1d a. Mendels work with peas showed certain phenotypic ratios over several generations and worked out some of the patterns and laws governing genes. b. The probability for any particular cross in a Punnett square is that for each individual cross or offspring produced. This means that, when considering a cross of two heterozygous individuals, the ratio of 3:1 and thus a 75% chance an individual born will exhibit the dominant trait holds true for just this one case. This does not mean that, if 4 offspring are born, there will be a 3:1 ratio exhibited between them. 2.) B4.1B a. Traits such as tongue rolling and attached/detached ear lobes are determined by the genes children get from their parents. These are simple examples of the bigger idea that most of the physical traits students exhibit come directly from one of their parents. b. Certain personality traits are largely influenced by an individuals genotype or have a large genetic component to them. Additionally, there are environmental factors which impact and contribute to an individuals personality. 3.) B4.1e a. Mendels classic pea experiments can be explored and replicated to illustrate a monohybrid cross. In addition, traits found in humans (eye color etc.) can also be explored and analyzed. b. Depending on if the parents are heterozygous or homozygous (dominant/recessive) there are characteristic ratios of offspring produced for each possible combination of crosses. From this, there are several different ways that students could infer either the product of crosses or the genotypes of the parents when given one or the other. 4.) B4.1c a. Different genes interact with each other in different ways. Sickle cell anemia is a disease caused by the presence of two autosomal recessive genes. However, being a carrier of the recessive allele is advantageous in certain environments. b. Pedigrees are a good tool to use to analyze some of the patterns and characteristics which arise in families over several generations when

Commented [P4]: There are several interesting topics and ideas that come up when covering genetics. I have written down interesting examples and observations that students can make connections with. The material they will be covering in this unit will offer up many connections to the real world as well as ask the students to engage with certain topics critically and analytically.

various diseases are present. Different diseases have characteristic patterns of inheritance which have different genetic components contributing to the observed patterns. 5.) B4.3A a. Cancer is a consequence of mitosis gone wrong. Mitosis is responsible for growth/development along with the replacement of damaged or destroyed cells. When the controls of this process are damaged or compromised cancer can occur. b. Meiosis is the process responsible for creating gametes, or sex cells. Mutations in the cells of people only affects those individuals when the mutations occur in somatic cells. However, when mutations occur in gametes, the mutation is passed on to offspring because of where the mutation occurred. 6.) B4.3d a. Because of the increased genetic variability that is a result of the genetic recombination that comes from sexual reproduction, there is a higher likelihood that a species will be able to survive a mass extinction event or a change in the selective forces in their environment. b. These ideas and concepts lead directly into the unit that follows this one, evolution and natural selection. An increase in the number of possible genetic combinations increases the likelihood that a mutation will occur will be advantageous (even though the great majority of mutations are not advantageous). Student Practices Students will use Punnett squares to discover some of the fundamentals of Mendelian genetics. They will explore and analyze the patterns and data that arise from the crosses of homozygous and heterozygous individuals for traits that are determined by only one gene by using simple mathematics and statistics and by making observations about the resulting offspring from hypothetical crosses. Students will be given pedigrees, without having been taught what they are used for or what data/information they are displaying. Then, they will be asked to identify, analyze, and explain the patterns they recognize (if any) in the raw data. Using this inquiry driven activity, students will come up with and continue to develop ideas and explanations which we will use as a class to drive our engagement with this genetic tool.

Students will be given data on the distribution of the allelic frequencies of the mutation causing Sickle Cell Anemia in Southern Africa (where malaria is a major problem) compared with other countries. From there, students will be asked to analyze the data and to draw conclusions about what can be inferred from this data set and what meanings we can draw from them. Students will be asked to explain/argue why genetic recombination and crossing over events in meiosis increases genetic variation in sexual reproduction as compared with asexual reproduction. Objectives for Student Learning Content Objective Michigan Objective(s) 1. B4.1d Explain the genetic basis for Mendels laws of segregation and independent assortment. 2. B4.1B Explain that the information passed from parents to offspring is transmitted by means of genes that are coded in DNA molecules. These genes contain the information for the production of proteins. 3. B4.1e Determine the genotype and phenotype of monohybrid crosses using a Punnett Square. 4. B4.1c Differentiate between dominant, recessive, codominant, polygenic, and sex-linked traits. 5. B4.3A Compare and contrast the processes of cell division (mitosis and meiosis), particularly as those processes relate to production of new cells and to passing on genetic information between generations. Type Identifying Using
Commented [P5]: I used the Michigan state standards as part of my development and planning of this unit.

Inquiry Identifying Identifying

6. B4.3d Explain that the sorting and recombination of genes Inquiry in sexual reproduction result in a great variety of possible gene combinations from the offspring of two parents.

Synthesized objectives 1. Hereditary information is passed through generations from parents to offspring by means of genes which are coded for in DNA. These genes contain the information necessary for the production of proteins, and these proteins are responsible for the processes of life. Students will be able to explain the relationship between DNA and genes, and how each plays a role in coding for the instructions of physical traits and characteristics of all organisms. 2. Students will be able to make and defend a claim based on evidence that inheritable genetic variations may result from a number of sources. Some of these include: (1) new genetic combinations through meiosis, (2) viable errors occurring during replication, and/or (3) mutations caused by environmental factors. They will also be able to evaluate and explain the possible consequences and implications which result from such genetic variations and mutations. 3. Students will be able to explain that the sorting and recombination of genes in sexual reproduction results in a greater variety of possible gene combinations from the offspring of two parents as compared with asexual reproduction. From this, students will be able to compare and contrast the processes of mitosis and meiosis. 4. Students will apply concepts of statistics and probability to explain the variation and distribution of select alleles in a population. Additionally, students will be able to predict genotypic and phenotypic ratios of monohybrid crosses using Punnett Squares along with examining and analyzing pedigrees for patterns about how traits are inherited. III. Classroom Activities and Assessment Assessment 1. The summative assessment will ask the students to write/draw a story book that explains how genes are passed on from parents to offspring with the guiding question being: why do siblings look similar but not exactly identical? It will be written and explained on a level that students in middle school would be able to understand. 2. Students will need to apply what they have learned about mutations and the possible sources of it by being asked to explain some possible mechanisms for why

Commented [P6]: In creating synthesized objectives, I combined NGSS guidelines with Michigan state standards along with my own knowledge of the subject. I did this in an attempt to incorporate the crosscutting concepts, assessments, and practices from the NGSS with some of the language and ideas of the Michigan state standards.

Commented [P7]: The individual lessons that I wrote for this unit were based on my assessments I had prepared for this unit. By planning backwards and starting with my summative assessments, I know what standards and objectives I want to test the students on and can plan the finer details of my day to day lessons accordingly.

there is such a variety of different animals in the tropical rain forests. This will serve as both a starting point of this topic as well as something that the students will revisit and revise later on in the unit. 3. Students will be asked to complete a Venn-diagram, or some other way of comparing and contrasting, with mitosis with meiosis along with explaining why Mendels law of independent assortment increases the possible number of genetic combinations. 4. Students will be given Punnett squares and pedigrees on the exam which they will need to be able to complete and analyze on their own. Additionally, there will be questions on the exam which asks the students to elaborate and explain their thinking and ideas about the Punnett squares/pedigrees and some of the consequent implications. Activities 1. During this portion of the unit, the class as a whole will be working on a hypothesis checklist which we will revisit at various points during the unit. I will be the one who writes their ideas down, but their ideas are the focus of the tool and class. This activity and the assessment that goes along with this synthesized objective is application based. The students will take what they have learned in this unit and boil it down to a level that slightly younger students would be able to understand. 2. Students ideas and explanations will be exchanged with each other and they will be critiqued. This activity is a problem-based one which requires the students to use what they have learned in class and apply it to a novel situation and question. I plan on having the students working together in small groups so that they can collaborate on answering the question. Additionally, they can critique their classmates ideas in a group format. From there, students will share out their thoughts and ideas and we will evaluate each as a class. This is something I plan on revisiting later on in the unit so that students can see how their ideas and understandings have changed and developed over the course of the unit. 3. I plan on showing the students videos which illustrate some of the ideas that are integral to Mendels ideas of independent assortment. They will be asked to explain what they think will happen when this occurs and what is significant about it before I explain some of the finer details and implications. After that, I will introduce the topic
Commented [P8]: I planned my activities directly from my synthesized objectives, keeping student thinking at the center of the classroom while applying the units concepts and ideas to the real world whenever possible. By doing this, I attempted to maximize student engagement while maintaining pedagogical integrity by connecting each activity back to my synthesized objectives.

and elaborate on what they had been thinking. Then, students will revisit what they had previously written and adapt/change it with their new knowledge. 4. As a way to introduce Punnett squares and pedigrees I plan on introducing them to the students in an inquiry based format. For example, I will give students pedigrees without telling them what they are or what they are representing. As a class, we will look at them and write down our ideas about the patterns we see and what other details we notice about them. From there we will compile our ideas as a class and formulate ideas and explanations for the phenomena.

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