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Ashley Carroll 17 Kings and 42 Elephants Subject: Mathematics Grade: 3 Date: 11/19/13 Allotted time: 45 minutes

Lesson Goal: The students will come to a greater understanding of division with remainders through use of a story ro!lem after a read"aloud# Standard: 3.OA.3 Use multiplication and division within 100 to solve word problems in situations involving equal groups, arrays, and measurement quantities. E. .! by using drawings and equations with a symbol "or the un#nown number to represent the problem. Anticipator Set: $n mathematics this year the students have !een introduced to multi lication and division# %e have !een wor&ing on !asic multi lication/division facts and discussing how they relate to each other# $n this activity' students are a!le to further their &nowledge of division !y wor&ing with remainders through the use of a word ro!lem !ased off of a !oo& we will read together# !nstructional Strategies: %hole grou instruction' read aloud' individual wor&' and grou sharing "aterials: (9 Coo&ie cut outs 4 )inner *late cut outs 1+ ,ings and 4( -le hants !y: Margaret Mahy 1+ ,ings and 4( -le hants wor&sheet ./ee Attachment0 3m"document camera Acti#ities: 1# $ will have the students sit in a circle on the floor . ut the 4 dinner late cut outs in the middle0 (# -ach student will get a coo&ie 3# %e will have a conversation a!out how we could evenly se arate the coo&ies among the four lates so that it is fair 4# 1nce we s lit the coo&ies u we will have a conversation a!out remainders 5# $ will then read 1+ ,ings and 4( -le hants to the students 2# -ach student will get a a er and have to se arate the 4( ele hants among the 1+ &ings fairly +# The students will come to the reali3ation that each &ing can get ( ele hants with a remainder of 4 ele hants 4# The students will !e as&ed to come u with a solution as to what we could do with the remaining ele hants 9# %e will share our answers with the class and see a variety of ways that students came

to this conclusion Accommodations $or Special Learners: / ecial learners will !e given e5tra hel if necessary during individual wor& to come to a greater understanding of division with remainders# Assessment: This assessment will include an informal o!servation throughout the lesson where $ will tal& to students individually during inde endent wor&# The students will also !e given the o ortunity to share their findings with the class# At the end $ will collect their a ers and loo& over them as well#

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