Alphahot1 - Exellence in Seduction A Communications Model Id18652167 Size86 PDF

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Excellence In Seduction A Communications Model

by Alphahot1
A reminder. All highly successful communicators who ACHIEVE their outcomes have a common thread that runs through ALL that they do. Whether you're a SSer !"A !layer or Seductionist indeed WHA#EVE$ you do in life ALWA%S remem&er this model a&ove ALL ELSE. #his is nothing new and has &een in and modelled &y the 'L! world for (uite some time. )ut it &ears re*eating a million times for it will ultimately lead you on the way to ALL you're communication and seduction success. +. ,'-W %-"$ -"#C-.E S!ECI/ICALL%. Successful communicators0seducers 1now S!ECI/ICALL% their outcome in advance. 22 If you don't 1now where you're going how will you ever 1now when you get there3 4. '-#ICE #HE $ES!-'SES %-" A$E 5E##I'5. "se sensory awareness to '-#ICE *recisely the 1ind of res*onses you are getting to what you are doing. 6 If you don't develo* this awareness you can't 1now if you're moving /"$#HE$ from or CL-SE$ to the desired outcome. 7. HAVE #HE /LE8I)ILI#% #- AL#E$ %-"$ )EHAVI-$. If you aren't getting the res*onses you want learn to CHA'5E your &ehaviour until you are. Change and ad9ust you communication 0 &ehaviour to get the :ESI$E: outcome. 22 If you are consistently getting undesira&le results and you don't change your &ehaviour you'll 9ust 1ee* getting .-$E of what you already got. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< It's So /uc1in Easy )ut 'othin Seems #a !lease .e -ne .erely 'eeds #o ,now How #o #al1 #o A Chic1 In -rder #o Secure Seductive $esults Al*hahot+


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