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AH1: The Art of War and Seduction Vol.

by Alphahot1
In his great book 'The Art of War and Sales', Gary Gagliardi made a great parallel between Sun Tzu's classic te t, 'The Art of War' and selling! I was first e posed to Sun Tzu's works o"er a decade ago as I was still practing in #eet $une %o and another form of martial art! At the time, to me, it was a te t about war, fighting and battle! And as I had not yet started my real &ourney in seduction, I had at that time ne"er really linked the two together! 'ut &ust as sales people and businessmen in general ha"e been applying The Art of War to the corporate arena for some time now, so had I started applying it to many areas of seduction! The way in which Gagliardi paralleled The Art of War to his own te t about sales was simple but interesting and effecti"e! (e simply translated it, line by line, to it's corresponding line about sales which brought the whole concept home! And, indeed, Seduction IS much about )selling your product,) *+,! Since seduction is indeed a )war) of sorts -the battle of the se es. I think it's about time to do the same thing WIT( seduction, which I ha"e been finding, personally, to be "ery useful! /ow since the )war) in seduction is not the same as in the sense of a 0I1ITA2* war, we first realize that we look at it a bit differently! In the )war) of seduction, you don't ha"e one side trying to %3ST2+* each other, in other words, creating a winner and a loser! When you win in the )war) of seduction, '+T( sides win! In winning, you win for you A/% you win for her! We'll try it out and if guys like it, I'll continue it! The first segment will be composed of one section of Sun Tzu's -translated. writings, and the section below it -under the asterisks line. will be its e4ui"alent translation -line by line respecti"ely. to The Art of Seduction! The Art of War and Seduction 5ol!6 This is war! It is the most important skill in the nation! It is the basis of life and death!

It is the philosophy of sur"i"al or destruction! *ou must know it well! *our skills come from fi"e factors! Study these factors when you plan war! *ou must insist on knowing the nature of7 6! 0ilitary philosophy 8! The weather 9! The ground :! The commander ;! And military methods It starts with your military philosophy! <ommand your people in a way that gi"es them a higher shared purpose! *ou can lead them to death! *ou can lead them to life! They must ne"er fear danger or dishonesty ======================================================= This is seduction! It is the most important skill to your se life! I can bring you pussy or your right hand! It is your path to A>< or Seductionist! *ou must study seduction intently! >i"e factors will determine your skill! <onsider these factors when sizing up a (' for se ! *ou must know7 6! *our beliefs 8! *our attitude 9! *our target chick audience :! *ou're in control of your state! ;! And your rap Seduction begins with your beliefs of seduction! When you seduce, it must be for the mutual pleasure of you both! *ou can turn out to be a dud and blown out! *ou can gi"e her the greatest e perience e"er! With these beliefs, you need ne"er fear your moti"es!

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