Review Chapter 3 & 4 (AP Statistics) : 1992 Salary (In Thousands) Fitness

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REVIEW CHAPTER 3 & 4 (AP Statistics)


The following data show the frying time (in seconds) and the moisture content (in percent) that appeared in the paper "thermal and Physical Properties of Tortilla chips as a Function of Frying Time." 5 1". 10 $.% 15 &.1 20 !.2 25 .! 0 2.$ !5 1.$ "0 1.

Frying time #oisture content

a) '(plain why a linear model is not appropriate. )) *se statistical e+idence to show that a power transformation is appropriate. c) ,rite the power e-uation that fits the original data. 2) / 0 10 for x 0 2. 1etermine the .uppose that a regression e-uation predicts a +alue of y actual +alue of y for each of the following situations. a) The residual for the prediction is . )) The residual for the prediction is 215 c) The residual for the prediction is 0.

The personnel director of a large corporation wants to in+estigate the relationship )etween the le+el of physical fitness and the annual salaries of its professional employees. 3 random sample of $05 employees resulted in the following counts. "itn#ss Fair 5ood '(cellent 2022$ 22 &$ $& 1992 Salary (in tho san!s) 02 $ !02!$ 25 %" $ %& 10 %5 4 50 10 &2 "1

a) 6ompute the conditional distri)ution of salary for an e(cellent fitness le+el. )) 6onstruct segmented )ar graphs for the conditional distri)ution of salary for each fitness le+el. c) 1escri)e any relationship )etween salary and fitness le+els.


The following scatterplot shows the num)er of teachers (in thousands) for each of the states plus the 1istrict of 6olum)ia plotted against the num)er of students (in thousands) enrolled in grades 7212 for those states and the 1istrict of 6olum)ia. The least2s-uares regression e-uation was calculated and is shown )elow the scatter plot.

r2 = 0.953

a) Find the +alue of the correlation coefficient )etween the num)er of teachers and the num)er of students. ,hat does this +alue indicate a)out the data8 )) .tate the slope and pro+ide an interpretation of the slope in the conte(t of these data. c) 9ow will the correlation coefficient change if 6alifornia is remo+ed from the data set and a new correlation coefficient is calculated8 (The data point for 6alifornia is la)eled on the scatterplot). '(plain your answer. d) 9ow will the slope of the least2s-uares regression line change if 6alifornia is remo+ed from the data set and a new least2s-uares regression line is calculated8 '(plain your answer.

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