QW-484A For Welders

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Welder Qualification Record (WQR)

Welders Name: Clock or Social Security No:

Stamp No:

Test Description
Identification of WPS followed: Specification of Base Metal(s : Test coupon Production Weld

T!ickness: Testing Conditions and Qualification Limits

Weldin" #aria$les %ctual #alues

Weldin" Process(es (sed: Type of weldin" (manual or semi)automatic : Base Metal P or S)Num$er to P or S)num$er: Plate Pipe (enter diameter if pipe or tu$e : Backin" (metal* weld metal* $ackwelded* etc : +iller Metal or ,lectrode Specification (e-"-* S+% (info only : +iller Metal or ,lectrode Classification (info only : +iller Metal or ,lectrode +)Num$er(s : Solid* Metal Cored and +lu. Cored Wire Type for /T%W: Consuma$le Insert for /T%W or P%W: 0eposit T!ickness1 for eac! process* electrode type* etc- (in- : Position (2/* 3/* 4+* etc- : Pro"ression ((p!ill or 0own!ill : +uel /as for 5+W* Backin" /as for /T%W* P%W* /M%W: /M%W Transfer Mode (S!ort Circuitin"* Spray* etc- : /T%W Current Type6Polarity (%C* 0C,P* 0C,N :

&an"e 'ualified

1 an asterisk after t!e actual deposit t!ickness indicates t!at t!ere were at least 4 layers of weld metal for t!at process* electrode type* etc- per 'W)473

Test Results
Visual Examination of Completed Weld : Bend Test Type&esult Trans8erse &oot and +ace Type &esult Date of Test: 9on"itudinal &oot and +ace Type &esult Side

&adio"rap!ic ,.amination &esults: +illet Weld ) +racture Test: Macro ,.amination: 5t!er Tests: +ilm or Specimens ,8aluated By: Weldin" Super8ised By:

9a$ Test No9en"t! and Percent of 0efects: +illet Si:e (in : ; Conca8ity6Con8e.ity (in Company: Company:

We certify t!at t!e statements in t!is record are correct and t!at t!e test coupons were prepared* welded and tested in accordance wit! t!e re<uirements of Section I; of t!e %SM, Code-

Type your company name !ere

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