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Dear Students Assignment Notice (for 8th Semester) 01.03.

2014 (Foreign Exchange

Management, IMS- 807) The students should take the topic of assignment in a team of 2-3 students and dates for presentation on first come first get basis on or before 04-03-2014. The ppt will be submitted to Avantika and Naveen on their emails before 14.03.2014. No ppt will be accepted after 14.03.2014 and in case of delay, the students will lose their six marks out of thirty marks of internal assessment in this subject. No hardcopy (printout) is required. Each team will be given 20-25 minutes for presentation. No limit of ppt slides. Topics Team Roll Nos. Topic Date of Presentation 1 Euro Currency- Origin, Benefits to member countries, Present status and Future 2 Currency Devaluation- In India-when, why and impact, In any other five countries- reasons and effects 3 Rupee Depreciation in India- reasons, effects, since 1990s, Rupee value against Yen, USD, Euro and Pound 4 Indian Forex Market- a complete cover story, origin, present and future 5 Sub prime crises and financial turmoil in USA 2008 and beyond, effects on American economy and India 6 Failure of banks in India- which, when, why and effects 7 Top ten financial Scams in stock market- which, when, why and effects 8 Euro-zone crises- evolution, reaction, reforms/measures 9 Micro finance in India- evolution, effects and future 10 Current account and capital account convertibility in Indiameaning, differences, committees recommendations, effects, trends etc. 11 Forex reserves in India- past, present and future 12 LERMS, Amended LERMS and beyond

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