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History Quiz : - First in India ( Male )

1. First Governor of Bengal Lord Clive ( 1757 60) 2. Last Governor of Bengal Lord Hastings ( 1772 74) 3. First Governor Genral of Bengal Lord Hastings ( 1774 75) 4. First British Governor Gerneral of India Lord Bentinck ( 1 33 ! 35) 5. First British Vi eroy of India Lord Canning ( 1 56 62) 6. First !resident of Indian "e#u#li "r. #a$endra %rasad 7. First !ri$e Minister of free India %t. &a'a(ar Lal )e(r* . First Indian to %in &o#el !rize #a+indranat( ,agore -. First Musli$ !resident of Indian &ational 'ongress Bad*ddin ,.a+$i 10. First Musli$ !resident of India "r. /akir H*ssain 11. First Governor General of free India Lord 0o*nt+atten 12. First and last Indian Governor General of India C. #a$go1alac(ari 13. First $an %ho introdu ed (rinting (ress in India &a2es Hick. 14. First Indian to )oin the I*'*+ 3at.endra )at( ,agore 15. India,s first 'os$onaut #akes( 3(ar2a 16. First !ri$e Minister of India %ho resigned %ithout o$(leting the full ter$ 0orar$i "esai 17. First Indian Me$#er of the Vi eroy,s e-e utive oun il 3. %. 3in(a 1 . First !resident of India %ho died %hile in offi e "r. /akir H*ssain 1-. First !ri$e Minister of India %ho did not fa e the !arlia$ent C(aran 3ing( 20. First Field Marshal of India 4ield 0ars(al 3.H.4. &. 0anecks(a' 21. First Indian to get &o#el !rize in !hysi s C.5. #a2an 22. First Indian to re eive Bharat "atna a%ard "r. 3. #ad(akris(nan 23. First Indian to ross .nglish 'hannel / 0i(ir 3en 24. First !erson to re eive 0anan(ith a%ard 6. 3(anker 7*r*1 25. First +(ea1er of the Lo1 +a#ha 6 5 0avalankar 26. First Vi e / !resident of India "r. 3. #ad(akrsi(nan 27. First Ho$e Minister 2f India 3ardar 5alla+(+a(i %atel 2 . First !erson to rea h Mt* .verest %ithout o-ygen 3(er1a 8ng "or$ee 2-. First (erson to rea h the +outh !ole Col & 7 Ba$a$

30. First !erson to get !ara$ Vir 'ha1ra 0a$or 3o2nat( 3(ar2a 31. First 'hief .le tion 'o$$issioner 3*k*2ar 3en 32. First !erson to re eive Magsaysay 3%ard / 5ino+a B(ave 33. First Indian 2rigin (erson to re eive &o#el !rize in Medi ine Hargo+ind 7(*rana 34. First !erson to re eive &o#el !rize in . ono$i s 82art.a 3en 35. First 'hief 0usti e of +u(re$e 'ourt &*stice H. &. 7ania 36. First Indian to %in #a 1 to #a 1 $edals in 2ly$(i s 3*s(il 7*2ar ( 200 9 2012) 37. First Man to li$# Mount .verest 4%i e )'ang 6o2+* 3 . First Man to 'li$# Mt* .verest 56 ti$es 81a 3(er1a 3-. First Indian 'hess Grand$aster 5is('anat(an 8nand ( 140. First Indian !ilot &.#. ". ,ata ( 1-2-) )




!arlia$entary for$ of govern$ent "ule of la% Legislative (ro edure 7rits 'a#inet syste$ et *

6:> 8ct 1-35

Federal s he$e !u#li servi e o$$issions .$ergen y (rovisions 0udi iary 2ffi e of Governor et * Funda$ental rights I$(ea h$ent of !resident "e$oval of )udges 0udi ial revie% Inde(endent )udi iary 2ffi e of vi e (resident 8ire tive !rin i(les of +tate !oli y(8!+!) Method of ele tion of !resident &o$ination of $e$#ers to "a)ya+a#ha Federation %ith strong entre Vesting residuary (o%ers %ith entre 3((oint$ent of Governor #y the entre 3dvisory )urisdi tion of +u(re$e 'ourt +ingle itizenshi( 'on urrent list 0oint sitting of t%o houses of !arlia$ent Funda$ental8uties(added%ith9:nd a$end$ent in 56;<) Ideal of 0usti e (+o ial= !oliti al and . ono$i ) in the (rea$#le +us(ension of funda$ental rights during e$ergen y "e(u#li Idea of li#erty= e>uality and fraternity in (rea$#le !ro edure of a$end$ent to the onstitution .le tion of $e$#ers of "a)ya+a#ha !ro edure esta#lished #y la%





;33# ()o' #*ssia) ?ei2er Constit*tion (6er2an.) 4renc( constit*tion 3o*t( 8@rica &a1an

F.7 F3'4+ 3B2?4 I&8I3

In the prevailing scenario, we know we have many reasons to be mad about the situation of our country. But it's always better to look at positive side and be happy and proud about it, then to look at the negative side and riti ise. So, enlisting below just few of the many positive points about IN I!. ". India is the world's largest, oldest, continuous civili#ation. $. India is the world's %argest democracy. &. India never invaded any country in her last "''' years of history. (. India invented the number system. )ero was invented by !ryabhatta. *.+hen many cultures were only nomadic forest dwellers over *''' years ago, Indians established ,arappan culture in Sindhu -alley .Indus -alley /ivili#ation0 1. 2here are &'',''' active mos3ues in India , more than in any other country, including the 4uslim world 5. Sanskrit is the mother of all the 6uropean %anguages . Sanskrit is the most suitable language for computer software 7 a report in 8orbes mag#ine 9uly ":;5. ;. /hess .Shataranja or !shta<ada0 was invented in India. :. India has the second largest pool of Scientist and 6ngineers in the +orld. "'. India is the largest 6nglish speaking nation in the world. "". India is the only country other than =S and 9apan, to have built a super computer indeigenously. "$. India has the largest number of <ost >ffices in the world "&. >ne of the largest employer in the world is the Indian ?ailways , employing over a million people "(. India was one of the richest countries till the time of British rule in the early "5th /entury. /hristopher /olumbus, attracted by India's wealth, had come looking for a sea route to India when he discovered !merica by mistake. "*. 2he Baily Bridge is the highest bridge in the world. It is located in the %adakh valley between the ras and Suru rivers in the ,imalayan mountains. It was built by the Indian !rmy in !ugust ":;$ "1. 2he -ishnu 2emple in the city of 2irupathi built in the "'th century, is the world's largest religious pilgrimagedestination. %arger than either ?ome or 4ecca, an average of &',''' visitors donate @1 million .=S0 to the temple everyday. "5. -aranasi, also known as Benaras, was called Athe !ncient /ityA when %ord Buddha visited it in *'' B./., and is the oldest, continuously inhabited city in the world today. ";. 4artial !rts were first created in India, and later spread to !sia by Buddhist missionaries. ":.Boga has its origins in India and has eCisted for over *,''' years. :@* ?ntil 5A6<= India %as the only sour e of dia$onds in the %orld* :5* 4he value of B(iB %as first al ulated #y the Indian Mathe$ati ian Budhayana= and he e-(lained the on e(t of %hat is 1no%n as the !ythagorean 4heore$* He dis overed this in the <th entury= long #efore the .uro(ean $athe$ati ians* ::* 3yurveda is the earliest s hool of $edi ine 1no%n to $an1ind* 4he Father of Medi ine= 'hara1a= onsolidated 3yurveda :C@@ years ago*

:D* India (rovides safety for $ore than D@@=@@@ refugees originally fro$ +ri Lan1a= 4i#et= Bhutan= 3fghanistan and Bangladesh= %ho es a(ed to flee religious and (oliti al (erse ution* :9* +ushruta is regarded as the Father of +urgery* 2ver:<@@ years ago +ushrata E his tea$ ondu ted o$(li ated surgeries li1e atara t= artifi ial li$#s= esareans= fra tures= urinary stones= (lasti surgery and #rain surgerie :C* 4he 3rt of &avigation E &avigating %as #orn in the river +indh over <@@@ years ago* 4he very %ord &avigation is derived fro$ the +ans1rit %ord F&3VG34IHF* 4he %ord navy is also derived fro$ the +ans1rit %ord F&ouF*

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