Consumer Perception Towards Atm Services in Sitapur: "Master of Business Administration"

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Submitted In Partial ul!illment !"r t#e A$ard "! t#e De%ree "!

Ma&ter "! 'u&ine&& Admini&trati"n



Mr&/ Parul Sa#ani 01e2turer3 M/'/A/4 IET3 Re&"ra3 Sita6ur/

C##ama A%ni#"tri M/'/A/ 5t# SEM/ RO11 NO/ )7((,8)))9


I feel great pleasure in presenting this research report in the hands of my mentor. It is really a great opportunity given by him to me. This research work is combined effort of many hearts, hands and brains. First of all I would like to thank God who showered his blessing in every step of this profile and has given me this opportunity to conduct this industrial profiling. I am immensely grateful to H.O. , opportunity for bringing out my talent. #ow my grateful thanks to my $entor and guide $rs. !arul %ahani who helped me a lot and guided me in every step related to this pro"ect. I also want to thank all my teachers, %taff $ember and &ibrary members for their valuable advice and guidance who helped me to complete this pro"ect successfully. r. !a"ni !astogi, for providing me this

C##ama A%ni#"tri $.'.(, I.).T, %itapur

I, C##ama A%ni#"tri3 Student of $.'.(, Final *ear, I/E/T3 Re&"ura, %itapur, declare that the pro"ect on C"n&umer 6re!eren2e t"$ard& ATM Ser<i2e& in Sita6ur is the result of my own efforts and it is based on data collected and guidance given to me.

I have prepared it as a part of my course curriculum. This report is correct to best of my knowledge and so far has not been published anywhere else.

C##ama A%ni#"tri $.'.(, I.).T, %itapur

Table "! C"ntent

,/ Intr"du2ti"n (/ Ob=e2ti<e "! Re&ear2# >/ S2"6e "! &tud? 5/ C"m6an? Pr"!ile @/ Re&ear2# Met#"d"l"%? +. Data Anal?&i& and Inter6retati"n 8/ indin%&

7/ C"n2lu&i"n */ Su%%e&ti"n ,)/1imitati"n ,,/ 'ibli"%ra6#? ,(/ AnneAure


Whatever the mind of man can conceives and believe, the mind can achieve $an is a comple, mi, of elements and ever new invention motivates him to achieve something new. There was a time when human race struggled for food lived in caves and then slowly, gradually and eventually with his strong desire, dedication and determination he moved on to invention of wheel, two wheelers, four wheelers, computer, laptop, economy, currency and unending list of elements. (s the development continues with accelerated momentum he felt a strong need of something which could add him in enhancing what he had with something what was in possession of someone else and thus M"ne? and E2"n"m? were born. 'ut this was sheer beginning. %lowly men felt need of a institution which can safely keep the wages of man, can provide him money over some obligation -interest. when he was in dire need and thus it was conception of the institution called /'anks0. (t the time of its conception the primary purpose of a bank was provide loan to trading companies1 and the name bank derived from Italian word banco naming /desk 2 branch0 used during renaissance by Florentine 'ankers who used to make their transaction above desk covered by green table cloth. /3hange is a part of &ife0.

It is apt to say that with the increasing facilities man craves more and it is this craving of his which introduces various changes in the /modus operandi0 of various activities. Thus with the passage of time, the function of bank penetrated to individual. 'ank today cover various financial and commercial activities which includes 45 Issue of promissory notes. 6rocessing of payment by way of telegraphic transfer. Issuing bank drafts and che7ues (ccepting money on term deposit. &ending money by way of overdraft, installments, loan or otherwise. %afe keeping of documents and other items in a safe deposit bo,. 3urrency e,change. %ales, distribution or brokerage with or without advice, of insurance, unit trusts and similar financial products. (s service of bank e,panded, bank started using various methods which can aid in managing all the functions of bank and thus banks introduced, various physical evidence like che7ues, bank drafts and (T$s, 3redit cards etc.

(n (T$ 8(utomated Teller $achine9 is a technological version of traditional bank teller who used to disperse cash and other facilities over bank counter. However bank teller was available only during bank working hours, the (T$ are :; < =, at disposal of customers. Thus (T$ is computeri>ed telecom device that provide a customer of a financial transaction in a public place without the need of human desk 8bank teller9. However (T$ are invention of :?th 3entury when in :=th @une AB+=, 'arclay 'ankers installed first electronic (T$ in )nfield town in #orth &ondon. I India %'I was first 'ank to introduce (T$ %ervice in ABB+. 6#', the second largest government owned commercial bank in India with about ;C?? branches across =+; cities and serving over D= million customers to introduce this service soon after %'I. Thus the (T$ %ervice slowly become common to various bank in India too. Today almost all the bank issue a free of cost (T$ to all the customers of all their branch that are internet worked through core banking system. Hence, it is an endeavor to draw a comparative study between the pre issuance and post issuance (T$ %ervice of the ma"or government owned banking Titans.

S'I : PN'


Ob=e2ti<e& "! t#e Pr"=e2t

Ehether the customer is satisfied with (T$ facilityF If yes to what e,tent, if no what are the shortcomings. Ehat are the shortcomings, which need attentionF To draw 3omparison between the %atisfaction of 3ustomers from (T$ services of %'I and 6#'




S2"6e "! t#e &tud?

It is aimed to study the 3ustomer 6reference towards (T$ %ervices of 6un"ab #ational 'ank and %tate 'ank of India . The pro"ect is analy>ed the demographic, psychographic and preference characteristics of the customers in using (T$. It includes the detailed study of customers focusing on the various parameters that lead to identifying and understanding the perception of the customer and behaviour regarding services offered by %'I and 6#'. %'I and 6#', both are public sector bank and en"oy the loyalty of customers due to their work 7uality and long era of services. %o it becomes important to reveal a correct diagram and impact of the (T$ services provided by it maintaining their dignity and position





The 'ank is actively involved since AB=D in non5profit activity called 3ommunity %ervices 'anking. (ll our branches and administrative offices throughout the country sponsor and participate in large number of welfare activities and social causes. Our business is more than banking because we touch the lives of people anywhere in many ways.

'OARD O DIRECTORS -(s on ADth @anuary :?A?. Sr/ N"/ Name "! Dire2t"r %hri O.6. 'hatt A. 3hairman %hri %.G. 'hattacharyya :. $ H 33H!O %hri !. %ridharan D. $ H G)-(H%. ;. r. (shok @hun"hunwala C. %hri ileep 3. 3hoksi +. %hri %. Ienkatachalam =. %hri. . %undaram J. r. eva #and 'alodhi B. 6rof. $ohd. %alahuddin (nsari A?. r.-$rs.. Iasantha 'harucha AA. r. !a"iv Gumar A:. %hri (run !amanathan AD. %mt. %hyamala Gopinath



The %tate 'ank of India, the countryKs oldest 'ank and a premier in terms of balance sheet si>e, number of branches, market capitali>ation and profits is today going through a momentous phase of 3hange and Transformation L the two hundred year old 6ublic sector behemoth is today stirring out of its 6ublic %ector legacy and moving with an agility to give the 6rivate and Foreign 'anks a run for their money. The bank is entering into many new businesses with strategic tie ups L 6ension Funds, General Insurance, 3ustodial %ervices, 6rivate )7uity, $obile 'anking, 6oint of %ale $erchant (c7uisition, (dvisory %ervices, structured products etc L each one of these initiatives having a huge potential for growth. The 'ank is forging ahead with cutting edge technology and innovative new banking models, to e,pand its !ural 'anking base, looking at the vast untapped potential in the hinterland and proposes to cover A??,??? villages in the ne,t two years. It is also focusing at the top end of the market, on whole sale banking capabilities to provide IndiaKs growing mid 2 large 3orporate with a complete array of products and services. It is consolidating its global treasury operations and entering into structured products and derivative instruments. Today, the 'ank is the largest provider of infrastructure debt and the largest arranger of e,ternal commercial borrowings in the country. It is the only Indian bank to feature in the Fortune C?? list. The 'ank is changing outdated front and back end processes to modern customer friendly processes to help improve the total customer e,perience. Eith about JC?? of its own A???? branches and another CA?? branches of its (ssociate 'anks already networked, today it offers the largest banking network to the Indian customer. The 'ank is also in the process of providing


complete payment solution to its clientele with its over JC?? (T$s, and other electronic channels such as Internet banking, debit cards, mobile banking, etc. Eith four national level (pe, Training 3olleges and C; learning 3entres spread all over the country the 'ank is continuously engaged in skill enhancement of its employees. %ome of the training programes are attended by bankers from banks in other countries. The bank is also looking at opportunities to grow in si>e in India as well as Internationally. It presently has J: foreign offices in D: countries across the globe. It has also = %ubsidiaries in India L %'I 3apital $arkets, %'I3(6 %ecurities, %'I FHI, %'I Factors, %'I &ife and %'I

3ards 5 forming a formidable group in the Indian 'anking scenario. It is in the process of raising capital for its growth and also consolidating its various holdings.

Throughout all this change, the 'ank is also attempting to change old mindsets, attitudes and take all employees together on this e,citing road to Transformation. In a recently concluded mass internal communication programme termed M6arivartanK the 'ank rolled out over DD?? two day workshops across the country and covered over AD?,??? employees in a period of A?? days using about ;?? Trainers, to drive home the message of 3hange and inclusiveness. The workshops fired the imagination of the employees with some other banks in India as well as other 6ublic %ector Organi>ations seeking to emulate the programme.


The origin of the State 'anB "! India goes back to the first decade of the nineteenth century with the establishment of the 'ank of 3alcutta in 3alcutta on : @une AJ?+. Three years later the bank received its charter and was re5designed as the 'ank of 'engal -: @anuary AJ?B.. ( uni7ue institution, it was the first "oint5stock bank of 'ritish India sponsored by the Government of 'engal. The 'ank of 'ombay -AC (pril AJ;?. and the 'ank of $adras -A @uly AJ;D. followed the 'ank of 'engal. These three banks remained at the ape, of modern banking in India till their amalgamation as the Imperial 'ank of India on := @anuary AB:A. 6rimarily (nglo5Indian creations, the three presidency banks came into e,istence either as a result of the compulsions of imperial finance or by the felt needs of local )uropean commerce and were not imposed from outside in an arbitrary manner to modernise IndiaNs economy. Their evolution was, however, shaped by ideas culled from similar developments in )urope and )ngland, and was influenced by changes occurring in the structure of both the local trading environment and those in the relations of the Indian economy to the economy of )urope and the global economic framework.

'anB "! 'en%al H/O/


The establishment of the 'ank of 'engal marked the advent of limited liability, "oint5stock banking in India. %o was the associated innovation in banking, vi>. the decision to allow the 'ank of 'engal to issue notes, which would be accepted for payment of public revenues within a restricted geographical area. This right of note issue was very valuable not only for the 'ank of 'engal but also its two siblings, the 'anks of 'ombay and $adras. It meant an accretion to the capital of the banks, a capital on which the proprietors did not have to pay any interest. The concept of deposit banking was also an innovation because the practice of accepting money for safekeeping -and in some cases, even investment on behalf of the clients. by the indigenous bankers had not spread as a general habit in most parts of India. 'ut, for a long time, and especially upto the time that the three presidency banks had a right of note issue, bank notes and government balances made up the bulk of the investible resources of the banks. The three banks were governed by royal charters, which were revised from time to time. )ach charter provided for a share capital, four5fifth of which were privately subscribed and the rest owned by the provincial government. The members of the board of directors, which managed the affairs of each bank, were mostly proprietary directors representing the large )uropean managing agency houses in India.

-r"u6 P#"t"%a6# "! Central '"ard 0,*(,4


The business of the banks was initially confined to discounting of bills of e,change or other negotiable private securities, keeping cash accounts and receiving deposits and issuing and circulating cash notes. &oans were restricted to ! lakh and the period of accommodation confined to three months only. The security for such loans was public securities, commonly called 3ompanyNs 6aper, bullion, treasure, plate, "ewels, or goods Nnot of a perishable natureN and no interest could be charged beyond a rate of twelve per cent. &oans against goods like opium, indigo, salt woollens, cotton, cotton piece goods, mule twist and silk goods were also granted but such finance by way of cash credits gained momentum only from the third decade of the nineteenth century. (ll commodities, including tea, sugar and "ute, which began to be financed later, were either pledged or hypothecated to the bank. emand promissory notes were signed by the borrower in favour of the guarantor, which was in turn endorsed to the bank. &ending against shares of the banks or on the mortgage of houses, land or other real property was, however, forbidden.

Indians were the principal borrowers against deposit of 3ompanyNs paper, while the business of discounts on private as well as salary bills was almost the e,clusive monopoly of individuals )uropeans and their partnership firms. 'ut the main function of the three banks, as far as the government was concerned, was to help the latter raise loans from time to time and also provide a degree of stability to the prices of government securities.


Ma="r 2#an%e in t#e 2"nditi"n&

( ma"or change in the conditions of operation of the 'anks of 'engal, 'ombay and $adras occurred after AJ+?. Eith the passing of the 6aper 3urrency (ct of AJ+A, the right of note issue of the presidency banks was abolished and the Government of India assumed from A $arch AJ+: the sole power of issuing paper currency within 'ritish India. The task of management and circulation of the new currency notes was conferred on the presidency banks and the Government undertook to transfer the Treasury balances to the banks at places where the banks would open branches. #one of the three banks had till then any branches -e,cept the sole attempt and that too a short5lived one by the 'ank of 'engal at $ir>apore in AJDB. although the charters had given them such authority. 'ut as soon as the three presidency bands were assured of the free use of government Treasury balances at places where they would open branches, they embarked on branch e,pansion at a rapid pace. 'y AJ=+, the branches, agencies and sub agencies of the three presidency banks covered most of the ma"or parts and many of the inland trade centres in India. Ehile the 'ank of 'engal had eighteen branches including its head office, seasonal branches and sub agencies, the 'anks of 'ombay and $adras had fifteen each.

'anB "! Madra& N"te Dated ,79, !"r R&/,)


S'IC& Retail 'anBin%

State 'anB "! India offers a wide range of services in the 6ersonal 'anking %egment which are inde,ed here.

%'I Term eposits %'I !ecurring eposits %'I Housing &oan %'I 3ar &oan %'I )ducational &oan %'I 6ersonal &oan

%'I &oan For 6ensioners &oan (gainst $ortgage Of 6roperty &oan (gainst %hares H ebentures !ent 6lus %cheme $edi56lus %cheme !ates Of Interest

DEPOSIT SCHEMES (ll branches, are fully computerised, and realise the advantage of our vast network. 6lace funds in $ulti Option eposit %cheme, a term deposit which is not fi,ed at all and comes with a

uni7ue break5up facility which provides you full li7uidity as well as benefits of higher rates of returns, through your savings bank account. (lternately, keep that deposit intact by availing an overdraft facility, to meet your occasional temporary funds re7uirements.



State 'anB "! India has a variety of schemes under 6ersonal Finance to satisfy varying needs of the banking public. The 'ank offers the following schemes with attractive rates of interest4

&oan For )%O6% O Housing &oan O )asy Travel &oan O 3ar &oan O )ducational &oan O 6ersonal &oan O 6roperty &oan O &oan to 6ensioners O &oan (gainst %hares2 ebentures O Festival &oans O $edi56lus %cheme O Teachers56lus %cheme O %ainik56lus %cheme O Tribal56lus %cheme O )$I 3alculator O 3redit Gha>ana


State 'anB "! India offers a wide range of services in the 6ersonal 'anking %egment which are inde,ed here. 3lick on each of them to access the details.

eP5tradeQsbi %'I II%HE( *(T!( FO!)IG# T!(I)& 3(! (T$ %)!II3)% GIFT 3(! % GIFT 3H)RS)% I#T)!#)T '(#GI#G FO!)IG# I#E(! !)$ITT(#3) &O3G)!


STATE 'AN; NETWOR;ED ATM SERVICES %tate 'ank offers you the convenience of over J??? (T$s in India, the largest network in the country and continuing to e,pand fastT This means that you can transact free of cost at the (T$s of %tate 'ank Group -This includes the (T$s of %tate 'ank of India as well as the (ssociate 'anks L namely, %tate 'ank of 'ikaner H @aipur, %tate 'ank of Hyderabad, %tate 'ank of Indore, %tate 'ank of $ysore, %tate 'ank of 6atiala, %tate 'ank of %aurashtra, and %tate 'ank of Travancore. and wholly owned subsidiary vi>. %'I 3ommercial and International 'ank &td., using the %tate 'ank (T$5cum5 ebit -3ash 6lus. card. ;INDS O CARDS ACCEPTED AT STATE 'AN; ATM& 'esides %tate 'ank (T$53um5 ebit 3ard and %tate 'ank International (T$53um5 ebit 3ards following cards are also accepted at %tate 'ank (T$s4 5 ,4 State 'anB Credit Card :. (T$ 3ards issued by 'anks under bilateral sharing vi>. (ndhra 'ank, (,is 'ank,'ank of India, The 'ank of !a"asthan &td., 3anara 'ank, 3orporation 'ank, ena 'ank, H F3 'ank,

Indian 'ank, Indus Ind 'ank, 6un"ab #ational 'ank, S3O 'ank and Snion 'ank of India. D. 3ards issued by banks -other than banks under bilateral sharing. displaying $aestro, $aster 3ard, 3irrus, II%( and II%( )lectron logos ;. (ll ebit2 3redit 3ards issued by any bank outside India displaying $aestro, $aster 3ard,

3irrus, II%( and II%( )lectron logos


#ote4 If you are a cardholder of bank other than %tate 'ank Group, kindly contact your 'ank for the charges recoverable for usage of %tate 'ank (T$s. State 'anB ATM+2um+Debit 0State 'anB Ca&# 6lu&4 Card4 IndiaKs largest bank is proud to offer you unparalleled convenience vi>. %tate 'ank (T$5cum5 ebit-3ash 6lus. card. Eith this card, there is no need to carry cash in your wallet. *ou can now withdraw cash and make purchases anytime you wish to with your (T$5cum5 ebit 3ard. eature&D Eithdraw cash from over J??? (T$s of our group F!)) and about A+??? (T$s of other banks under bilateral sharing vi>. (ndhra 'ank,(,is 'ank, 'ank of India, The 'ank of !a"asthan &td. 3anara 'ank, 3orporation 'ank, ena 'ank, H F3 'ank, Indian 'ank, IndusInd 'ank, 6un"ab #ational 'ank, S3O 'ank and Snion 'ank of India apart from (T$s displaying $aster 3ard2 $aestro23irrus logo for a nominal fee as under4 5 Tran&a2ti"n ATM& "! S#arin% net$"rB banB& 3ash Eithdrawal 'alance In7uiry $ake payments for purchases by using the debit card at more than :,DB,??? shops, restaurants, shopping malls, hotels, petrol pumps and many other outlets which display $aestro logo. !s. :C25 O !s. A:25O Ot#er banB& under Mae&tr"E Ma&ter CardE Cirru& net$"rB !s. C?25O !s. A:25O


!echarge pre5paid mobile phones of Iodafone, I )( and '6& without any charges at any %tate 'ank (T$. !echarge pre5paid mobile phones of (I!T)& of AA 3ircles vi>. $umbai, elhi, Gu"arat, $.6.,

S.6. -)ast., S.6. -Eest., Garnataka, Gerala, (ndhra 6radesh, Tamilnadu, and 3hennai, through (T$2 %$% anywhere in India. U!echarge mobile phones of (I!T)&, Iodafone, I )( and '6& without any charges at all (T$s as well as by sending %$% -after registration at %tate 'ank (T$..The te,t of %$% will be as under4 5

Ser<i2e Pr"<ider (irtel '6&


Send SMS t"

!3 -($OS#T. 6I# !3 %'I -($OS#T. 6I#



!3 %'I -($OS#T. 6I#


I )(

!3 %'I -($OS#T. 6I#


6ay $T#&, $umbai bills through %tate 'ank (T$s U6ayment of %'I 3redit 3ard bills

6ayment of %'I &ife insurance premium

6ay fees of select colleges


onate to Temple Trusts4 5 -a. Iaishno

evi -b. %hirdi %aibaba -c. Gurudwara Takht

%aheb, #anded -d. Tirupati and -e. %ri @agannath Temple, 6uri Tran&a2ti"n 1imit&D aily limit of !s :C,???25 at the (T$ aily limit of !s C?,???25 at 6oint of %ale -6O%. terminal for debit transactions 3ombined daily limit of !s =C,???25 ee&D There is no "oining fee for %tate 'ank (T$5cum5 ebit -3ash 6lus. card. (nnual maintenance fee of !s. C?25 p.a. will be recovered from the second year of issue. A66l? !"r ?"ur 2ard If you already have a %avings 'ank or 3urrent (ccount with us, apply for %tate 'ank (T$5 cum5 ebit -3ash 6lus. card at your branch. State 'anB Ca&# Plu& Internati"nal Card4 This is an International (T$5cum5 ebit 3ard with which you can en"oy shopping atover :,+;,??? establishments in India and over A?.C $illion establishments worldwide displaying $aestro logo, wherein the amount you spend on your card is automatically debited to your account. Eithdraw cash from over J??? (T$s of our group F!)) and over A+??? (T$s of other banks under bilateral sharing vi>. (ndhra 'ank,(,is 'ank, 'ank of India, The 'ank of !a"asthan &td. 3anara 'ank, 3orporation 'ank, ena 'ank, H F3 'ank, Indian 'ank, IndusInd 'ank, 6un"ab #ational 'ank, S3O 'ank and Snion 'ank of India apart from (T$s displaying

$aster 3ard2 $aestro 2 3irrus logo in India and more than J,:?,??? (T$s across the globe for a nominal fee.In India, it would function as the %tate 'ank (T$5cum5 ebit -3ash 6lus. card.

WITHDRAWA1 1IMITD + i4 Ca&# Wit#dra$al& 06er da?4 D

India $inimum !s. A??

Abr"ad epends on the 'ank whose (T$ is being used


!s. ;C???

S%VA??? or e7uivalent

ii4 Tran&a2ti"n at POS 06er da?4 D





!s. A,??,???

S%VA??? or e7uivalent

$a,imum permitted aggregate utili>ation in a day is !s. A;C??? in India and e7uivalent to S%V :??? abroad -sub"ect to compliance with the !'I and ),change 3ontrol2 F)$( !egulations.

The 3ard holderNs account is liable to be debited with the following fees, if the transaction is made at an (T$ owned by bank other than %'I and its (ssociates4 5

T?6e "! tran&a2ti"n

Tran&a2ti"n& at

Tran&a2ti"n& at

Tran&a2ti"n& at

ATM& "! 'anB& under ATM& "! "t#er 'anB& ATM& under Mae&tr" arran%ement& !"r 'ilateral S#arin% "! ATM Net$"rB 0A4 under Mae&tr" E Ma&ter CardE Cirru& net$"rB 0In India4 0'4 !s. C?25 O !s. A:25 O E Ma&ter CardE Cirru& net$"rB 0Abr"ad4 0C4 !s. AC?25 O !s.AC25 O

3ash Eithdrawal 'alance In7uiry

!s. :C25 O !s. A:25 O

ee& D The %tate 'ank 3ash 6lus International 3ard is available for "ne time ="inin% fee of !s :??25. (nnual maintenance fee of !s. C?25 p.a. will be recovered from the second year of issue.



Eli%ibilit?D (ll %aving 'ank and 3urrent (ccount holders having accounts with networked branches and are4 UAJ years of age H above (ccount type4 %ole or @oint with /)ither or %urvivor0 2 /(nyone or %urvivor0 #!) account holders are also eligible but #!O account holders are not.

'ene!it&D U3onvenience to the customers traveling overseas U3an be used as omestic (T$5cum5 ebit 3ard U(vailable at a nominal "oining fee of !s. :??25 U aily limit of S% V A??? or e7uivalent at the (T$ and S% V A??? or e7uivalent at 6oint of %ale -6O%. terminal for debit transaction

U6urchase 6rotectionOup to !s. C???25 and 6ersonal (ccident coverOup to !s. :,??,???25 3harges for usage abroad4 !s. AC?W %ervice Ta, per cash withdrawal !s. AC W %ervice Ta, per en7uiry.

A22e6tabilit?D Card 2an be u&ed atD U$ore than J,:?,??? (T$s and = million 6O%, worldwide, displaying 3irrus logo U(ll %tate 'ank Group and tie5up banksK (T$s, and (T$s H 6O% in India displaying $aster 3ard2 $aestro 2 3irrus logo








Eith over D= million satisfied customers and over ;CJB offices, 6#' has continued to retain its leadership position among the nationali>ed banks. The bank en"oys strong fundamentals, large franchise value and good brand image. 'esides being ranked as one of IndiaNs top service brands, 6#' has remained fully committed to its guiding principles of sound and prudent banking. (part from offering banking products, the bank has also entered the credit card H debit card business1 bullion business1 insurance business1 Gold coins H asset management business, etc. %ince its humble beginning in AJBC with the distinction of being the first Indian bank to have been started with Indian capital, 6#' has achieved significant growth in business which at the end of $arch :??J amounted to !s :,JCBCB crore. Today, with assets of more than !s A,BB,??? crore, 6#' is ranked as the Drd largest bank in the country -after %'I and I3I3I 'ank. and has the :nd largest network of branches -;CJB including D:: e,tension counters.. uring the F* :??=5?J, with ;DX share of low cost deposits, the bank achieved a net profit of !s :,?;B crore, maintaining its number O#) position amongst its peers. The bankKs !eturn on (ssets at A.ACX was also the highest. uring the F* :??=5?J,itsK ratio of priority sector credit to net bank credit

at ;;.AAX H agriculture credit to net bank credit at AJ.B;X was also higher than the respective national goals of ;?X H AJX. 6#' has always looked at technology as a key facilitator to provide better customer service and ensured that its MIT strategyK follows the M'usiness strategyK so as to arrive at /'est Fit0. The bank has made rapid strides in this direction and achieved A??X branch computerisation. ( pioneering effort of the bank in the use of IT is the implementation of 3ore 'anking %olution -3'%. which facilitates /any time, any where0 banking. 6#' has implemented 3'% in DC?D service outlets at around centers to facilitate Yanytime, anywhereY banking to its clients. The


bank has also been offering Internet banking services to the customers of 3'% branches like booking of tickets, payment of bills of utilities, purchase of airline tickets etc. Towards developing a cost effective alternative channels of delivery, the bank has installed more than ACA+ (T$s and entered into (T$ sharing arrangement with other banks H I !'T, making available a pool of additional :A,C?? (T$s throughout the country to its customers. 'acked by strong domestic performance, the bank is planning to reali>e its global aspirations. In order to increase its international presence, the bank has already set up representative offices at (lmaty -Ga>akhstan., ubai -S(). H %hanghai -3hina. 1 a branch at Gabul -(fghanistan. and a subsidiary at &ondon -SG. and a branch at Hongkong. Eork on assessing potential at other international centers is progressing. The bank also has a "oint venture with )verest 'ank &td. -)'&., #epal, with :? per cent e7uity participation. Eith 6#'Ks management, )'& has become one of the leading banks in #epal. (s a tribute to its consistent business growth, improved assets H attractive returns to shareholders in the "oint venture, 6#' has won M'ank of the *earK (ward in #epal -:??+. by MThe 'ankerK, a publication of the &ondon based Financial Times. (mongst Top A??? 'anks in the Eorld, MThe 'ankerK listed 6#' at :CCth place. Further the leading international 3redit !ating inde, provider, %tandard H 6oorKs -:??+. listed 6#', amongst the D?? Eorld companies H = Indian companies, which are e,pected to emerge as challengers to the worldKs leading blue chip companies.

inan2ial Per!"rman2eD
6un"ab #ational 'ank continues to maintain its frontline position in the Indian banking industry. In particular, the bank has retained its #S$')! O#) position among the nationali>ed banks in

terms of number of branches, operating and net profit in the year :??+5?=. The performance highlights of the bank in terms of business and profit are shown below4 0R& Cr"re4 Parameter& Gross 6rofit #et 6rofit eposits (dvances 'usiness Mar2# )@ :;?; A;A? A?DA+= Mar2# )9 :BA= A;DB AAB+JC Mar2# )8 D:DA AC;? ADBJ+? :+.;C :D+;C= :?.:D CA-R 0F4 AC.BA ;.C? A+.;D

+?;AD =;+:= B+CB= A+DCJ? AB;DA:



A$ard& : A2#ie<ement& "! Pun=ab Nati"nal 'anB in Re2ent Time&

at the I !'T 'anking Technology awards Y'est IT Team of the *ear for the year :??C5?+. (wardY for 3hange $anagement for the year :??C5 %GOT3H 3hallenger (ward ?+ 'est IT Sser in 'anking H by #(%%3O$ in partnership with Financial %ervices Industry 5 )conomic Times :??; for ),cellence in 3orporate Governance 5 Golden 6eacock (ward :??C by Institute of irectors FI33INs !ural evelopment (ward %kotch 3hallenger (ward for ),emplary use of Technology Golden 6eacock #ational by Institute of irectors Training 5 :??; H :??C #ational (ward for ),cellence !anked :nd for ; consecutive years 5 :??:, in %%I &ending 'anking Technology (wards :??; :??D, :??; H :??C @ointly (d"udged by I'(, Finacle H TF3I for ),cellence in !ural evelopment 5 :??C for becoming a pioneer in 6ublic 'anks 5 :??C


!unner up in N'est IT Team of the *ear (ward :??CN $oney Outlook (ward 5 :??; !unner up in N'est 'ank -public %ector. of the year (wardN 5:??C for e,cellence in e,port perforamnce for D consecutive years :??A, :??: H :??D #iryat 'andhu Gold Trophy by Federation of Indian ),porters Organi>ation -FI)O. :Ast (mongst Top C?? 3ompanies Bth amongst IndiaNs Top C? $ost Trusted %ervice 'rands Drd !ank amongst 'anking %ector in India The 'ankersN (lmanac, @anuary :??+ by the leading Financial aily The )conomic Times, @une :??C (.3 #ielson %urvey, The )conomic Times ec :??;

D:Drd !ank in the Eorld D+J amongst Top A??? Global The 'anker, &ondon @uly :??C 'anks


Debit Card

%hare the convenience of 6#' ebit card with your loved ones .%imply gift them add5on card . 6#' 3ustomers of 3'% branches can get two add5on cards alongwith his own ebit card for

free.The person you are gifting the card to does not necessarily has to be an account holder with 6#'. The add5on card can be issued in the name of spouse, dependent parents,and dependent children not below AJ years.The add5on cardholders like the main cardholder will also be covered for accidental death insurance of !s. A lac sub"ect to certain terms and conditions. The tranasactions done by add5on cardholders will automatically get debited to the account of the primary cardholder who shall be responsible for all the transactions made by (dd On card holder2s.

I&&uan2e "! Debit Card !r"m Call 2entre 45 Y3'% branches customers of our 'ank may also get 6#' (ll India 3all 3enter over phone at ebit 3ard simply by contacting our the following noNs 45

,7)) ,7) (((( T"ll !ree ),(5+(>5)))) A22e&&ible !r"m m"bile al&".


ATM S#arin% Arran%ement&

6#' ebit 3ard is purely an on5line product. It is (T$5cum5 ebit card having /$aestro0 ebit 3ard bears M$aestroK logo ebit 3ards can be used to

branding which is sub5brand of $aster3ard International. 6#'

on the front and M3irrusK logo -for (T$ usage. on the back.

withdraw cash through (T$s as well as used by the customers at over ;C??? merchant establishments accepting $aestro %hopping 3ard. 6ersonal Identification #umber -6I#. is the key security feature of the digit numerical number. ( few aspects of 'ankKs ebit 3ard are highlighted as under4 Ialid in all $aestro and 3irrus (cceptance $arks. (cceptance in India at over D:,??? /$aestro0 $erchant locations and over ;:?? $aster3ard (T$Ks across =? cities. Eide acceptance at both $erchant &ocations -including Stility bill payment. and (T$ locations across India ( 6I# -6ersonal Identification #umber. based magnetic %tripe 3ard which provides the safety and security to customers, while accessing their funds with the bank

ebit 3ard for shopping purposes. It is thus an (T$5cum5

ebit 3ard. It is a four

6I# can be changed at all 6#' networked (T$s Initially available to account holders of 3'% branches that are networked


It is offered absolutely REE #o pre5set limit on the card. &imit is e7ual to the available funds in the customersK account. Initially !s.AC,??? cash withdrawals and !s.:C,??? by way of point of sale -6O%. transactions per day are permitted

3ard validity 5 Till the customer holds the account 'ank has tied up with !eputed 3orporate and &ocal $erchants to provide discounts on usage of card for payment through ebit 3ard. 3orporate from the entire spear are

covered, to 7uote few are like )scorts, $a, Health 3are, (pollo, Travel Gin, 3o, and Gings, Holyday I##, Hans, 6ark. ( list of tie5ups is available

All POS tran&a2ti"n& 0&#"66in% tran&a2ti"n&4 are al&" !ree 6#' ebit 3ard is an Internati"nal 2ard/ It can be used all over the world on (T$s displaying 3irrus &ogo and merchant establishments displaying $aestro logo. The charges for International transactions are as follows4 3ash Eithdrawal 5 !s. AC?25 per transaction 'alance )n7uiry5 !s. AC25 per transaction ATM S#arin% Arran%ement& MITR S#ared ATM Net$"rBD


The list of members under this arrangement4 A. Oriental 'ank of 3ommerce :. Indian 'ank D. Garur Iysya 'ank &td. ;. IndusInd 'ank C. S3O 'ank C#ar%e& a66li2ableD 3ash Eithdrawal 5 !s. A=25 per transaction 'alance )n7uiry5 !s. C25 per transaction Re<i&ed 2#ar%e& a66li2able t" Debit Card $/e/!/ ),/)(/())7 N S ATM S#arin% Arran%ementD The list of member banks under this arrangement4 A. (llahabad 'ank :. (ndhra 'ank D. 'ank of 'aroda ;. 3iti Snion 'ank C. 3orporation 'ank +. ena 'ank =. evelopment 3redit 'ank J. I3I3I 'ank


B. I 'I 'ank A?. Oriental 'ank of 3ommerce AA. Tamilnadu $erchantile 'ank A: .The hanalakshmi 'ank AD. The @ammu H Gashmir 'ank A;. The Garnataka 'ank AC. The Garur Iysya 'ank A+. The %outh Indian 'ank A=. The Snited Eestern 'ank AJ. *)% 'ank

C#ar%e& a66li2ableD 3ash Eithdrawal 5 !s. :;25 per transaction 'alance )n7uiry5 !s. A:25 per transaction

PN'GS'I 'ilateral ATM S#arin% arran%ementD C#ar%e& a66li2ableD 3ash Eithdrawal 5 !s. ::25 per transaction 'alance )n7uiry5 !s. A?25 per transaction


PN'+E'1 0E<ere&t 'anB 1td4 ATM S#arin% Arran%ementD PN' $ill 2#ar%e Indian Ru6ee& @)/)) "nl? !"r 2a&# $it#dra$al and R&/ ,@/)) !"r 'alan2e EnHuir? !r"m "ur 2u&t"mer& !"r maBin% ATM tran&a2ti"n& in E'1C& ATM& in Ne6al/ 'ran2#e& eli%ible t" i&&ue Debit Card&D Initially ebit 3ards are issued to the customers of 3'% branches only. (ll the 3'% branches are eligible to issue ebit 3ards to their customers W#" i& eli%ible !"r PN' Debit Card4 (ll e,isting customers who are maintaining minimum balance and who regularly operate their account shall be eligible for the issuance of ebit 3ard. #ew customers who open their accounts after introduction of the ebit 3ard shall also be eligible for the issue of ebit 3ards at the time

of opening the account itself. ),isting (T$ 3ardholders who have done at least one transaction during the immediately proceeding 7uarter. ebit 3ard facility shall be e,tended to the individual customers only, having %avings 'ank (ccount and 3urrent (ccount. ebit cards shall also be issued to individual customers having

overdraft facility, which is in the nature of a personal loan. This shall mean and include personal loans e,tended to individual customers in the form of a regular overdraft limit such as clean


overdraft facility or overdraft facility against F 2#%3s2&I3s etc. where operations through che7ues are permitted. ebit 3ard can be issued in @oint (ccounts with /)ither or %urvivor020Former or %urvivor0 mandate. In /)ither or %urvivor0 accounts cards can be issued to both the account holders whereas in /Former or %urvivor0 accounts card can be issued only to the Former. In "oint (ccounts where account has to be "ointly operated ebit 3ard shall not be issued unless mandate for operation of account is changed to /)ither or %urvivor0 or /Former or %urvivor0 basis.




!esearch can be defined as a systemi>ed effort to gain new knowledge. ( research is carried out by different methodologies which have their own pros and cons. !esearch methodology is a way to solve research in study and solving research problems along with logic behind them are defined through research methodology. Thus while talking about research methodologies we are not only talking of research methods but also consider the logic behind the methods. Ee are in conte,t of our research studies and e,plain why it is being used a particular method or techni7ue and why the others are not used. %o that research result is capable of being evaluated either by researcher himself or by others. ASSUMPTIONSD A. It has been assumed that sample of hundred represents the whole population :. The information given by the customer is unbiased

1ITERATURE SURVE.D The pro"ect is based on pure findings of facts CO11ECTION O DATAD This research is solely based on primary research done by means of 7uestionnaires targeted to respondents who primarily belong to the business and service sector. The sample si>e is A??. %urvey has been conducted in Sita6ur Re%i"n/


a. %ampling $ethods4 ( sample is the representative of the populations which will predict the behaviors of the whole universe b. The sampling si>e put under : categories4 6robability %ampling and #on 6robability %ampling.

It is very essential in the research process to know the accuracy of the findingKs which depends on how systematically the study has been carried out so that it can make sense. Ee have e,ecuted the pro"ect after prior discussion with our guide and structured in the following steps4 a. 6reparation of a 7uestionnaire b. The focal point of the designing the 7uestionnaire was to comprehend the current investment scenario c. This 7uestionnaire was primarily aimed to respondents who belong to the service and business class people d. The 7uestionnaires were discussed through personal interface with the respondents


Re&ear2# De&i%n ),ploratory Information pertaining to (T$ usage in %itapur will be collected from various banks. 3oncerned persons at various banks will be interviewed. Information will also be collected from customers using (T$ facility and their attitude towards the same will be studied. Jue&ti"nnaire ( 7uestionnaire will be administered to the current (T$ users of various banks in %itapur, personally by the research team. The 7uestionnaire will contain not more than :? 7uestions. 6ersonal data of the respondents will be collected through additional 7uestions at the end of the 7uestionnaire.

SAMP1IN- P1AN Rele<ant P"6ulati"n 6eople using %'I and 6#' 'anks (T$ cards in %itapur 3ity.

Sam6le SiKe %ample of A?? will be taken from %itapur 3ity


!esearch can be defined as a systemi>ed effort to gain new knowledge. ( research is carried out by different methodologies which have their own pros and cons. !esearch methodology is a way to solve research in study and solving research problems along with logic behind them are defined through research methodology. Thus while talking about research methodologies we are not only talking of research methods but also consider the logic behind the methods. Ee are in conte,t of our research studies and e,plain why it is being used a particular method or techni7ue and why the others are not used. %o that research result is capable of being evaluated either by researcher himself or by others. ASSUMPTIONSD D. It has been assumed that sample of hundred represents the whole population ;. The information given by the customer is unbiased

1ITERATURE SURVE.D The pro"ect is based on pure findings of facts CO11ECTION O DATAD This research is solely based on primary research done by means of 7uestionnaires targeted to respondents who primarily belong to the business and service sector. The sample si>e is A??. %urvey has been conducted in Sita6ur Re%i"n/ c. %ampling $ethods4 ( sample is the representative of the populations which will predict the behaviors of the whole universe d. The sampling si>e put under : categories4 6robability %ampling and #on 6robability %ampling.


It is very essential in the research process to know the accuracy of the findingKs which depends on how systematically the study has been carried out so that it can make sense. Ee have e,ecuted the pro"ect after prior discussion with our guide and structured in the following steps4 e. 6reparation of a 7uestionnaire f. The focal point of the designing the 7uestionnaire was to comprehend the current investment scenario g. This 7uestionnaire was primarily aimed to respondents who belong to the service and business class people h. The 7uestionnaires were discussed through personal interface with the respondents


Re&ear2# De&i%n ),ploratory Information pertaining to (T$ usage in %itapur will be collected from various banks. 3oncerned persons at various banks will be interviewed. Information will also be collected from customers using (T$ facility and their attitude towards the same will be studied. Jue&ti"nnaire ( 7uestionnaire will be administered to the current (T$ users of various banks in %itapur, personally by the research team. The 7uestionnaire will contain not more than :? 7uestions. 6ersonal data of the respondents will be collected through additional 7uestions at the end of the 7uestionnaire.

SAMP1IN- P1AN Rele<ant P"6ulati"n 6eople using %'I and 6#' 'anks (T$ cards in %itapur 3ity.

Sam6le SiKe %ample of A?? will be taken from %itapur 3ity




indin% and Anal?&i&

RA. Table , State 'anB "! India Pun=ab Nati"nal 'anB '"t# Ot#er& DJ X :: X AB X :A X o you have account in

21% 38%

State Bank of India Punjab National Bank Both

19% Others 22%

DJX of the respondent had account in %tate 'ank of India, ::X in 6#', ABX in 'oth banks and :AX in other 'anks.


R:. Table ( .e& N"

o you have (T$ %ervices with your accountF

+J X :: X

2 %

!es No


+JX of the respondent had (T$ service with their account while others do not had this facility with account..


RD. Table >

Ehich of these is the most important reason for possessing (T$ card2sF

'anB "!!ered ree "r emer%en2? 6ur6"&e A<ailabilit? "! man? ATM 2entre& (5 #"ur a22e&&ibilit?

DA X DC X :DX :? X

11% 31% 23% Bank offered #ree #or e$er%en&' (ur(ose )*ailabilit' of $an' )+, &entres 2 hour a&&essibilit' 3"%

DAX of the respondent said they use (T$ as it is free service of 'ank, DCX of the respondent said that they use (T$ for emergency purposes, :DX of the respondent said that they use (T$ due to their availability, and rest said they use due to :; hour accessibility.


How fre7uently do you use (T$ card in a weekF


Table 5 1e&& t#an > time& >+@ time& @ t" 7 M"re t#an 7 time& :?X DCX DDX A:X


2-% .ess than 3 ti$es 3/" ti$es " to 8 ,ore than 8 ti$es 3"%


$a,imum of the respondent i.e., DCX use (T$ D5C times in week while only A:X use more than J times a week RC. Ehat is the purpose2s for using (T$F -Tick one or more. Table @


Ca&# Wit#dra$al 'alan2e InHuir? 'alan2e Tran&!er Ot#er&

+?X D? X :X JX



0ash 1ithdra2al 3-% 6-% Balan&e In3uir' Balan&e +ransfer Others

+?X of the respondent use (T$ for cash withdrawal while only :X use for balance transfer. R+. Table 9 %'I &ess than C min :?X 6#' A:X How much time do you spend waiting in 7ueue at (T$F


C min to A? min A? min or more


+X ;X

"% -% 3"% 3-% 2"% 2-% 1"% 1-% "% -% .ess than " $in 2-% 12%

2% 38%



" $in to 1$in

1- $in or $ore

(bove table shows that ma,imum of the respondent have to wait in (T$s of %'I i.e., ;:X for C min to A? min.

R=. Table 8

How long does it take to process your transaction at the (T$ centreF

%'I &ess than C min C min to A? min A? min or more :CX A?X DX 60

6#' AJX ;X ?X

3-% 2"% 2-% 1"% 1-% "% -% .ess than " $in " $in to 1$in 1-% % 2"%


3% -% 1- $in or $ore

$ost of the respondent said it take less time in transaction in %'I (T$s than 6#' (T$s RJ. Have you ever been cheated our your (T$ has been misused without *our permission Table 7 %'I *es #o =X BDX 6#' ?X A??X


12-% 1--% 8-% 6-% -% 2-% -% SBI PNB 93% 1--%


-% No


Only few cases of cheating or fraud with (T$ was found in only %'I 'ankKs (T$.

RB. Table *

id you complaint for the fraud and any action taken by 'ank (uthority

%'I *es #o C?X C?X

6#' ?X ?X


6-% "-% -% 3-% 2-% 1-% -% -% !es No -% SBI PNB "-% "-%

C?X of the fraud case with (T$s of %'I were solved and undertaken by 'ank (uthorities.


RA?. more.

Ehat are the additional services provided by your bank at (T$ centresF-Tick one


Table ,) %'I 3ash eposit 3he7ue eposit 'ill 6ayments 6hone bank Other
1--% 9-% 8-% 7-% 6-% "-% -% 3-% 2-% 1-% -%
4e (

6#' ?X ?X B?X ?X A?X


?X ?X ;?X ?X +?X

6-% -% SBI PNB 1-% -% -%

it os

-% -%
en ts os it

-% -%
ba nk on e O th er

e( ue 4

as h

Pa '$

he 3

Only 'ill 6ayment facility is available at (T$s of both %'I and 6#' other than cash withdrawal. RAA. How much satisfied are you with your (T$ serviceF

Table ,,

Bi ll



%'I Highly %atisfied Iery %atisfied %atisfied &ess %atisfied #ot %atisfied A?X ::X ;JX JX A:X

6#' :DX :;X ;;X ;X CX

6-% "-% -% 3-% 2-% 1-% -%

d d Sa tis fie tis fie d tis fie Sa tis fie at is fie d d


% SBI PNB 8% 12% "% %

2 % 23% 22% 1-%



.e ss

i% h


$a"ority of the respondents are satisfied with (T$s of both 'anks. RA:. How much secured do you feel to use (T$ cardF

Table ,( 6#' D?X D?X

Highly %ecured Iery %ecured



ot S



%ecured &ess %ecured #ot %ecured


;?X ?X ?X

6-% "-% -% 3-% 2-% 1-% -%


""% -% 3-% 3-% 3-% SBI PNB 12% 3% -%

re d d &u re re d re

-% -%

Se &u




i% h



$a,imum of the respondent feel (T$s %ecured. %ecurity level for %'I is greater than 6#'. R. Table %'I (lways %ometimes #ever D;X C=X BX 6#' A?X DCX CCX o they run out of cash fre7uentlyF



ot S



e& ur ed



6-% "-% -% 3-% 2-% 1-% -% )l2a's 1-% 3 %







The table shows that %'I (T$s run out of cash often while 6#' (T$s donot run out off cash so fre7uent.





This pro"ect was a great e,perience for me and I really learnt a lot of things from this pro"ect. This pro"ect gave us the knowledge and information about (T$ machines, banks offering (T$ services and also about the people and their attitudes and perceptions towards (T$Ks. I have found, 6eople want the (T$ centers to be very close to their houses or place of work. 6eople want that they should not be made to wait in 7ueues in front of (T$ centers. They want that the bank should go ahead and bring all its functions and activities on the (T$ machine. The bank should provide services like balance transfer, balance in7uiry etc. and that too at a cheap rate. The (T$ machines sometimes take a lot of time to process a transaction and therefore the customers have to wait for a long time in front of the machine and which is /irritating0 according to some respondents and if possible the banks should improve the software they use and reduce the time re7uired by the customers. 6#' and %'I (T$ centers do not provide additional services like cash deposit, che7ues deposit, bill payments all its centers, which many people want but they donKt get it and leads to their dissatisfaction and where ever it is available it is charged.


I have also found in this survey that many of the respondents felt that they were feeling secured using the 6#' and %'I (T$ card services and this has led to increased satisfaction level of these respondents which is a good sign.

I also conclude from this survey that the almost =?X people are satisfied with the number and location of the 6#' and %'I (T$ centers. 'ut they still insisted that the number should be increased to give enhanced service and satisfaction to its customers.

6eople were happy to say that the 6#' and %'I (T$ center provides the currency in the denomination they want and this was as good as dealing with the cashier of the bank where you can tell him which denomination you want.

(nother good finding from this survey was that the (T$ centers of 6#' and %'I bank rarely run out of cash even though it is one of the largest used (T$ centers. (bout ;BX of the respondents said that it never runs out of cash.




(s part of its N3licks and 'ricksN strategy, both %'I and 6#' 'anks have developed multiple access channels comprising lean brick and mortar branches, (T$s, call centers and Internet banking. The branch network including e,tension counters presently covers many locations across India. %'I and 6#' 'anksKs network of :; hr (T$s is one of the largest and most widespread (T$ #etworks in India. 'anks (T$s are conveniently located in 3ommercial areas, residential localities, $a"or 6etrol 6umps and (irports, #ear !ailway %tations and other places, which are conveniently accessible to customers. The %'I and 6#' 'anks (T$s feature user5friendly graphic screens with easy to follow instructions. IT has also introduced (T$s, which interact with customers in local languages for further convenience. The following are the !eature& a<ailable "n %'I and 6#' 'anks (T$s, which can be accessed from anywhere at anytime. Ca&# Wit#dra$al4

( customer can withdraw upto !s.:C,???25 on a single day from his account. In this, the Fast 3ash option shows prefi,ed amounts, which a customer can choose from, and Sltra Fast 3ash option to withdraw !s.D???25 at one time. 'alan2e EnHuir?D


3ustomer can know the ledger balance and available balance with his account. Mini StatementD

3ustomer gets a receipt printout of his last J transactions and the balance. De6"&it Ca&# E C#eHue&D

(vailable in all full function (T$s, customers can deposit both cash and che7ues in the (T$. 3ash deposited in (T$s will be credited to the account on the same day and che7ues sent for clearing on the ne,t working day. und& Tran&!erD

3ustomer can transfer funds from one account to another linked account in the same branch. PIN C#an%eD

The 3ustomer 3hange the 6ersonal Identification #umber -6I#. of the (T$ or ebit card. Pa?ment&D

This is the latest feature on 'anks (T$s, itKs functionality can be used for payment of bills, donating to temples 2 trusts or making airtime recharges for prepaid mobile phones.




The findings and the conclusions reveal that there is a lot of changes which can be brought about to improve the perception and satisfaction of the customers towards 6#' and %'I banks (T$ centers. I recommend that, 6#' and %'I bank should increase the number of (T$ centers and at strategic positions.

%oftware used by the bank should be updated and fast so that people are not made to wait in the 7ueue.

6#' and %'I bank can bring all its services on the (T$ machines.

Facilities like cash deposit should also start at the (T$ centers.

To increase the customer base and the customer satisfaction the (T$ facility should be made as secured and safe as possible. 6#' and %'I (T$ is one of the safest but still there is scope for improvement.





!esearch work was carried out in %itapur city only the finding may not be applicable to the other parts of the country because of social and cultural differences.

The sample was collected using connivance5sampling techni7ues. (s such result may not give an e,act representation of the population.

%hortage of time is also reason for incomprehensiveness.

The views of the people are biased therefore it doesnKt reflect true picture.




6hilip Gotler 4 6rinciple of marketing practice Hall of India 6vt. &td. 3.!. Gothari 4 !esearch methodology elhi. Iishwa

6rakashan #ew #ews paper Internet 4 Hindustan Times.






o you have (T$ %ervices with your account a. *es b. #o


Ehich of these is the most important reason for possessing (T$ card2sF -Tick one or more. a.. 'ank offered Free c.. (vailability of many (T$ centres e. Others -specify. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ b. For emergency purpose d.. :; hour accessibility


How fre7uently do you use (T$ card in a weekF a..&ess than D times c..C L J times b..D L C times d..$ore than J times


Ehat is the purpose2s for using (T$F -Tick one or more. a.3ash withdrawal c. 'alance Transfer b.'alance en7uiry d. Other -%pecify.ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ


How much time do you spend waiting in 7ueue at (T$F &ess than C mins C mins to A? mins A? mins or more


How long does it take to process your transaction at the (T$ centreF &ess than C mins C mins to A? mins A? mins or more


Have you ever been cheated our your (T$ has been misused without *our permission *es #o



id you complaint for the fraud and any action taken by 'ank (uthority *es #o


Ehat are the additional services provided by your bank at (T$ centresF-Tick one a. 3ash eposit or more. b. 3he7ue eposit c. 'ill 6ayments

d. 6hone bank e. Other -specify.ZZZZZZZZZZZZZ RA:. How much satisfied are you with your (T$ serviceF Highly %atisfied 5 &ess satisfied RAD. 5 Iery satisfied L #ot %atisfied 5 %atisfied5

How much secured do you feel to use (T$ cardF Highly secured 5 &ess secured 5 Iery secured L %ecured 5 #ot secured 5


(re you satisfied with the number of (T$ centres provided by the bankF Highly %atisfied 5 &ess satisfied 5 Iery satisfied L #ot %atisfied 5 %atisfied5


(re you satisfied with the locations of (T$ centres provided by your bankF Highly %atisfied 5 &ess satisfied 5 Iery satisfied L #ot %atisfied 5 %atisfied5


o the (T$ centres provide the denominations of currency you re7uireF a. (lways b. sometimes c. never


o they run out of cash fre7uentlyF a.(lways b. sometimes c.never


Ehat according to you are the shortcomings of your bank (T$ centreF ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ


Ehat e,tra facilities do you e,pect from an (T$ centreF 6lease specifyZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ %ignature of respondent


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