Molecular Geometry Lab 12 6 12 Tenure Portfolio

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Aim: How do the interactions between electrons affect molecular geometry? Do Now: 1. Why do non-metals form covalent bonds?

2. Draw a Lewis tructure for !l2. "#$lain what is re$resented in the $icture.

%. What are the different electrostatic forces that e#ist between the subatomic $articles of two atoms?

&. What is the most reactive non-metal? "#$lain in terms of chemical $ro$erties and atomic structure.

Activity 1 (Work in Pairs): 1. "venly distribute 2' %' and & tooth$ic(s around a tyrofoam ball such that the tooth$ic(s are as far a$art as $ossible. 2. )easure the angle between the tooth$ic(s and record them in the table below. %. Determine the average angle for each scenario. &. *dd your data to the table at the front of the room.

Angle Between Toothpicks 2 Toothpicks Toothpicks ! Toothpicks

Average Angle

Average Angle

Average Angle

Name """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" #olec$lar %eometry &a' P$rpose:

tudents will use their understanding of covalent bonding and the +alence hell "lectron ,air -e$ulsion .heory to derive the geometry of molecular com$ounds.
(alence )hell *lectron Pair +ep$lsion Theory

The best arrangement of a given number of electron domains(regions) is the one that minimizes the repulsions among them. ,n other wor-s:

,ntro-$ction .he sha$e of a molecule $lays an im$ortant role in its reactivity. /y noting the number of bonding and nonbonding 0lone $airs1 electron $airs' we can easily $redict the sha$e of the molecule.

im$ly $ut' electron $airs' whether they are bonding or nonbonding' re$el each other. /y assuming the electron $airs are $laced as far as $ossible from each other' we can $redict the sha$e of the molecule. We can refer to the electron $airs as electron regions. 2n a double or tri$le bond' all electrons shared between those two atoms are on the same side of the central atom3 therefore' they count as one electron region.

.he central atom of this molecule has three electron regions.

Pre.&a': 1. What are the different electrostatic forces that e#ist between the subatomic $articles of two atoms?

Proce-$re: 1. Draw a Lewis structure for the following molecules: /ompo$n&ewis )tr$ct$re 0 o1 Bon-ing Pairs o1 *lectrons 0 o1 Non. Bon-ing Pairs o1 *lectrons N$m'er o1 *lectron +egions


4H% H25


(alence )hell *lectron Pair +ep$lsion Theory The best arrangement of a given number of electron regions is the one that minimizes the repulsions among them. 2. 6se the Lewis tructure and the +alence hell "lectron ,air -e$ulsion .heory to build a $hysical model of one molecule of each com$ound.

o o o o

!entral atoms will be re$resented with a large tyrofoam s$here. .erminal atoms will be re$resented with a small tyrofoam s$here. 4on-bonding electron $airs will be re$resented with a $i$e cleaner /onding electron $airs will be re$resented with a tooth$ic(

2 *lectron %eometry 5nce you have built a model' draw a s(etch below. 2nclude a $air of electrons 0 1 to re$resent the non-bonding 0lone1 $airs of electrons.

!H & &. )easure the


angles that se$arate each electron domain and



label the angles in your s(etch. 32 #olec$lar %eometry -emove the non-bonding electron $airs' but remember' they are still ta(ing u$ s$ace7 Draw a s(etch of the molecular geometry of the bonded com$onents of the molecule.




8. 9or each of the molecules' com$are your Lewis structure with the molecule:s actual sha$e. Was your Lewis structure a good re$resentation? "#$lain why or why not.


;. "#$lain how electron $air geometry 0sha$e1 might differ from the sha$e of the molecule. -eference the diagrams drawn in section & and section 8 of the lab.

<. .he sha$e of the water molecule $lays an im$ortant role in the $ro$erties of water. Describe one $ro$erty of water that can be e#$lained through its sha$e.

=. When non-bonding electrons e#ist on the central atom' what effect do they have on the bond angles in a molecule?

1>. Lewis Dot tructures $resent limitations in our ability to accurately re$resent molecules. What information does the + ",- theory $rovide beyond electron dot structures?

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