Testing Predictions About Proj Motion

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Name: __________________________

Date: _______________

Projectiles Launched at an Angle Computer Simulation Lab Objective: Students will: 1. predict how varying initial conditions effect a projectile path. 2. describe projectile motion in their own words. . determine the launch angle that ma!imi"es hang time and hori"ontal range. #re$%ab &nvestigation What Do You hin!" 'ne day after school( you are playing a game of Angry Birds. )hat variables determine whether or not you hit your target* )hat variables do you adjust before re$launching*

#e$ Projectile %otion %easurements Write out a definition, in your own words, for each term below. +ange , -eight ,

.ime ,

Prediction able Complete the table below by listing what YOU T !"# are the $ariables in$ol$ed in pro%ectile motion and describe what YOU T !"# their effect will be on the flight path. &ariable Predicted '((ect o( &ariable On %otion o( Projectile

%ab /ctivity , 'nline Simulation 'pen up the 0niversity of 1olorado( #h2. #rojectile 3otion simulation 4http:55phet.colorado.edu5new5inde!.php6 Spend a few minutes familiari"ing yourself with the controls of the simulation before you begin the lab below. est Your Predictions Use the simulation to test your predictions. &ill in the table below with the $ariables and their effect on the motion of the pro%ectile. &ariable Actual '((ect o( &ariable On %otion o( Projectile

Design a est A: 1. 0se the simulation to determine the launch angle 4from the ground6 that ma!imi"es the hang time of the projectile. Describe( in detail( how you determined the angle.

2. 0se the simulation to determine the launch angle 4from the ground6 that ma!imi"es the hori"ontal range of the projectile.

. -ow does the angle for ma!imum hang time compare to the angle for ma!imum hori"ontal range* 2!plain. '. We watched an episode of (yth Busters that claimed that a bullet shot hori)ontally will stri*e the ground at the same time as a bullet dropped from the same height. Use the +h,T simulation to further test this theory.

1. Describe( in detail( what you did to the variables on the simulation to test the theory:

2. +ecord your findings 4time of flight( distances( angles( etc6:

. Did you prove or disprove the claim*

7. )hy does a bullet shot hori"ontally stri8e the ground at the same time as a bullet dropped from the same height*

Conclusion )uestions: Compare your predicted effects with your actual effects and answer the following -uestions.

1. %ist and e!plain the predictions that you found to be incorrect after performing the test.

2. Name at least two things that surprised you about projectile motion after performing the test.

. Draw a picture of a typical path of a projectile. %abel all the 8ey terms( including any necessary e!planations

7. 9ou should have found that launch angle is a 8ey variable. a. )hat angle causes the largest height*

b. )hat angle causes the largest range*

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