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Opening Sequence Treatment (Camera is set in dark high contrast black and white, 'chilling' music is playing) The

mysterious figure is standing outside of the big house, looking at it from a long distance. It then goes inside the house and looks around at paintings and photographs of the family etc. The figure then goes into the parents' bedroom and looks down at Camilla's mother who is sleeping and watches her for a few moments. It then goes up the stairs, and into Camilla's bedroom where she is fast asleep in her bed. The figure appears to be standing in the corner of the bedroom, and slowly walks out toward Camilla's bed where it stands watching over her for a few moments, and then reaches a hand out toward her. The figure abruptly looks up towards the camera revealing a pale white and hollow face. The figure then moves so it is right in front of the camera, revealing its face in detail. (Camera setting changes to normal colour) It becomes evident that Camilla was just dreaming that, as she sits up in her bed and screams looking very scared and distressed. The screen then fades to black and the title of the film is shown 'Dream catcher' in big, gothic red font.

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