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Shy the Tortoise by Karissa Cole 2013 promo2

Shy the Tortoise by Karissa Cole 2013 Sides1


" Small amo#$ts o% &orsted &i'ht yar$ i$ three (olors: )1* ai$ (olor #sed %or body+ head+ tail+ a$d le's , -Cho(olate. )bro&$* )2* Se(o$dary (olors #sed %or #pper shell , -Earth. )ombre* )3* Tertiary (olor #sed %or lo&er shell , -/arm 0ro&$.

1! #sed both Loops 2 Threads !mpe((able a$d Red 3eart S#per Sa4er5

" 6mm sa%ety eyes 11 pair5 " 7iber%ill st#%%i$' " Se&i$' s#pplies )s(issors+ pi$s+ $eedles+ thread* " Cra%t pipe (lea$ers )a$y (olor , optio$al*

" 89: ;<=

(ro(het hoo>

A 0 0 R E ? ! A T ! @ N S:

C , ma'i( (ir(le )ma'i( loop9ma'i( ri$'* s( , si$'le (ro(het)s* !0L , i$ ba(> loops i$( , i$(rease de( , de(rease (h , (hai$ Aa(tio$s i$ asteris>s sho#ld be repeated #$til ro#$d (ompletio$ or to the i$di(ated stoppi$' poi$t i$ the ro#$dA )$#mber i$ pare$theses i$di(ates total $#mber o% stit(hes a%ter ro#$d9ro& (ompletio$* 7@ , %aste$ o%% RNB , Ro#$dC &or>ed i$ a spiral R/ , Ro&C &or>ed ba(> a$d %orth AA a $ote abo#t this patter$: This patter$ is a little #$li>e some o% my others< ! %ree%ormed this e$tire thi$' a$d &rote do&$ &hat ! did< ! tried o#t a %e& Dte(h$iE#esF ! ha4e$Ft #sed i$ a patter$ yet+ so ! do $ot re(omme$d this proGe(t %or a be'i$$er< !F4e do$e my best to eHplai$ &hat ! did a$d ho&+ b#t !Fm $ot too s#re i% it is all (lear< ! do$Ft &a$t to s(are yo# o%% tho#'hI ! G#st &a$t it to be $oted that this patter$ has $ot bee$ %#lly tested so yo#r res#lts may 4ary< A$y E#estio$s re'ardi$' the patter$ or assembly G#st let me >$o& a$d ! &ill be happy to help :5 AA

Shy the Tortoise by Karissa Cole 2013 promo 3

! s#''est readi$' thro#'h all the i$str#(tio$s be%ore yo# be'i$<


CJ RNB 1* Ai$(A )12* RNB 2* A3i$(+ 3s(A )16* RNB 3* A3i$(+ Js(A )2;* RNBs ;KJ* As(A RNB :* A3s(+ de(A )16* 1atta(h eyes5 RNB 6* A2s(+ de(A )12*

Little mista>e i$ the ori'i$al ro#$ds : a$d 6< )Sorry abo#t thatI* They sho#ld read as %ollo&s:

RNB :* A2s(+ de(A )16* 1atta(h eyes5 RNB 6* As(+ de(A )12* RNBs LK10* As(A 7@< ! s#''est lea4i$' a lo$' e$o#'h tail %or se&i$' head to body<

St#%% li'htly a$d shape<

3ere ! %latte$ed o#t the %ro$t o% the %a(e a$d the bottom o% the head a little< ! also pi$(hed the ope$ e$d to ma>e a little $e(>< 3ere ! %latte$ed o#t the %ro$t o% the %a(e a$d the bottom o% the head a little< ! also pi$(hed the ope$ e$d to ma>e a little $e(>< L E 8 S )H;*

CJ RNB 1* Ai$(A )12* RNB 2* As(+ i$(A )16* RNB 3* As(A RNB ;* Jde(+ Js( )12*

RNBs =K6* As(A RNB L* Js(+ 3de( )J* RNBs 10K11* As(A 7@

Shy the Tortoise by Karissa Cole 2013 le's Le's )head+ body a$d lo&er shell also i$(l#ded i$ shot* TA! L

Ch J R/ 1* starti$' i$ se(o$d (h %rom hoo>: =s( 7@

0 @ B M 1the body is &hat &e &ill atta(h the head+ le's+ a$d tail toC it

&ill e$d #p bei$' e$(ased i$ o#r #pper a$d lo&er shell later5

CJ RNB 1* Ai$(A )12* RNB 2* As(+ i$(A )16* RNB 3* A2s(+ i$(A )2;* RNB ;* A3s(+ i$(A )30* RNB =* A;s(+ i$(A )3J* RNB J* A=s(+ i$(A );2* RNB :* AJs(+ i$(A );6* RNBs 6K1;* 1: ro#$ds5 As(A RNB 1=* A!0L: Js(+ de(A );2*

0e(a#se the poi$t o% this i$$er body is to more a((#rately portray the &ay a tortoise loo>s+ all sE#id'y a$d happy e$(ased i$ a hard prote(ti4e shell+ o$e (o#ld 4ery &ell stop here a$d %aste$ o%%< Si$(e almost all o% this body &ill e$d #p bei$' hidde$ a&ay i$side o#r #pper a$d lo&er shell pie(es )i$str#(tio$s %or &hi(h %ollo&*+ $ot %i$ishi$' the rest o% the body &ill i$ $o &ay a%%e(t the %i$al+ o#ter appeara$(e o% the tortoise< Mo# (a$ at this poi$t se& o$ the le's+ head+ a$d tail+ the$ st#%% the body< )St#%%i$' &ill probably pop o#t the bottom+ b#t atta(hi$' the lo&er shell later &ill ta>e (are o% this<* 3o&e4er+ hardK(ore tortoise ma>ers )a$d those ami'#r#mi ma>ers &ho are &ell aE#ai$ted &ith @CB a$d (o#ld $ot li4e &ith the %a(t that some&here i$side their adorable %i$ished reptile there &as somethi$' someo$e (o#ld (lassi%y as #$%i$ished* (a$ (o$ti$#e as %ollo&s:

RNB 1J* A=s(+ de(A RNB 1:* A;s(+ de(A RNB 16* A3s(+ de(A 1St#%% %irmly $o& i% yo# ha4e$Nt already5 RNB 1L* A2s(+ de(A RNB 20* As(+ de(A RNB 21* Ade(A 7@

Atta(h the head+ tail+ a$d le's< 0elo& are photos o% the %i$ished tortoise sho&i$' the basi( pla(eme$ts o% ea(h pie(e< Use these as a '#ide $o& %or pla(i$' the head+ tail+ a$d le's< )/e ha4e$Ft made the #pper o% lo&er shells yet+ so >eep i$ mi$d the limbs &ill be se&$ o$to the body yo# G#st made< The shells &ill (ome i$ laterI ! G#st did$Ft ha4e the (amera &ith me &he$ ! se&ed o$ the le's a$d st#%% C5*

! se&ed the head a$d %ro$t le's $ear ea(h other o$ the body+ the$ atta(hed the tail a$d ba(> le's ! se&ed the head a$d %ro$t le's $ear ea(h other o$ the body+ the$ atta(hed the tail a$d ba(> le's L@/ER S3ELL

CJ RNB 1* Ai$(A )12* RNB 2* As(+ i$(A )16* RNB 3* A2s(+ i$(A )2;* RNB ;* A3s(+ i$(A )30* RNB =* A;s(+ i$(A )3J* RNB J* A=s(+ i$(A );2* RNB :* AJs(+ i$(A );6* RNB 6* A:s(+ i$(A )=;* RNB L* As(A 7@

Pi$ the U P P E R S 3 E L L this (o4ers the tortoise body %rom the topC &e &ill (ro(het the #pper shell a$d the lo&er shell to'ether ri'ht

aro#$d the tortoise body5

CJ RNB 1* Ai$(A )12* RNB 2* As(+ i$(A )16* RNB 3* A2s(+ i$(A )2;* RNB ;* A3s(+ i$(A )30* RNB =* A;s(+ i$(A )3J* RNB J* A=s(+ i$(A );2* RNB :* AJs(+ i$(A );6* RNB 6* A:s(+ i$(A )=;* RNBs LK13* 1= ro#$ds5 As(A

Bo$Ft %aste$ o%% yet< !$stead+ ta>e the body )(omplete &ith $i(ely %aste$ed head+ tail+ a$d limbs* a$d pla(e it i$side the #pper shell< The$+ ta>e the lo&er shell+ pla(e it #$der the body9#pper shell a$d pi$ i$to pla(e< 0e s#re to positio$ the #pper shell so that the yar$ is as sho&$ i$ the %ollo&i$' photo:

Pi$ the #pper shell a$d lo&er shell i$to pla(e aro#$d the body Pi$ the #pper shell a$d lo&er shell i$to pla(e aro#$d the body Si$(e &e did$Ft %aste$ o%% the #pper shell+ &eFre 'oi$' to (ro(het the t&o shells to'ether ri'ht aro#$d the body< AAThis (a$ be a little di%%i(#lt+ b#t as ! really do$Ft li>e se&i$'+ ! opted %or this method< Theoreti(ally+ se&i$' the pie(es (o#ld &or>+ altho#'h ! ha4e$Ft tested ho& this &o#ld &or> &ith the rim &e add later<AA

Pi(>i$' #p &here ! le%t o%% o$ the #pper shell+ ! (ro(heted the t&o shells to'ether+ e$(asi$' the body< )7or those &ho ha4e$Ft (ro(heted t&o thi$'s to'ether: !$stead o% i$serti$' my hoo> thro#'h o$e stit(h+ ! i$serted it thro#'h the #pper shellFs stit(h ANB the lo&er shellFs stit(h+ a$d the$ (ompleted a s( li>e $ormal<*

/he$ ! (ame to the stit(hes aro#$d the ba(> le's ! simply (ro(heted o$ly i$ the #pper shellFs stit(hes< /he$ ! 'ot past the le' )! e$ded #p doi$' abo#t : stit(hes G#st i$ the top shell aro#$d the le'* ! (o$ti$#ed (ro(heti$' the shells to'ether< ! repeated the pro(ess %or the tail+ the other ba(> le' a$d the %ro$t le's a$d head<

Cro(het the shells to'ether aro#$d the body< ! held the t#rtle #pper shell #p a$d started at the le%t %ro$t le'< )! pa#sed a$d t#r$ed the tortoise #psideKdo&$ %or some photos to sho& ho& the pie(es loo>ed (ro(heted to'ether* Cro(het the shells to'ether aro#$d the body< ! held the t#rtle #pper shell #p a$d started at the le%t %ro$t le'< )! pa#sed a$d t#r$ed the tortoise #psideKdo&$ %or some photos to sho& ho& the pie(es loo>ed (ro(heted to'ether*

/he$ (ro(heti$' the shell pie(es to'ether+ ! &or>ed (o#$ter(lo(>&ise starti$' &ith the #pper shell #p+ starti$' at the le%t %ro$t le' /he$ (ro(heti$' the shell pie(es to'ether+ ! &or>ed (o#$ter(lo(>&ise &ith the #pper shell #p+ starti$' at the le%t %ro$t le'

@$(e yo#F4e (ro(heted all the &ay aro#$d+ yo#r tortoise body sho#ld be sitti$' s$#'ly i$side its $e& shell< 0#t do$Ft %aste$ o%% yet: NeHt+ ! added a rim aro#$d the shell by (ro(heti$' 3 stit(hes i$ ea(h stit(h aro#$d< )7or less o% a %rilly rim+ o$ly do 2 stit(hes i$ ea(h stit(h aro#$d<*

! did a se(o$d ro#$d o% s( aro#$d the shells+ this time doi$' 3s( i$ ea(h stit(h ! did a se(o$d ro#$d o% s( aro#$d the shells+ this time doi$' 3s( i$ ea(h stit(h /he$ yo# %i$ish this ro#$d yo#Fre do$eI 7asted o%% a$d &ea4e i$ e$ds<


Bo$eI Mo#F4e $o& 'ot yo#r 4ery o&$ allK>$o&i$' tortoise< E$GoyI

AA Please be s#re to $ote that this is a$ ori'i$al desi'$ a$d patter$< ! belie4e i$ the %ree shari$' o% te(h$iE#es a$d ideas< Please do $ot ab#se my desire to share &ith others< Mo# are $ot permitted to sell a$y prod#(ts made as the res#lt o% this patter$ a$d9or desi'$+ $or are yo# permitted to sell the patter$ or desi'$< Please+ i% yo# do #se my &or> i$ part or i$ &hole+ 'i4e (redit &here (redit is d#e: dire(t others to this ori'i$al posti$' so that they too (a$ be$e%it<AA

Patter$+ desi'$+ photos+ a$d story (opyri'ht Karissa Cole 2013< All ri'hts reser4ed<

Loo> at that %a(e< 3e totally &a$ts a h#' %rom yo#< Loo> at that %a(e< 3e totally &a$ts a h#' %rom yo#<

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