Risk Assessment P19

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Location or Address: PA-16 Acti*it( or Sit&ation Editin+ O, P-oto+ra.-s

011 2a3ard Ris"

Date Assess ent !nderta"en: 16#1$#1% Re*ie/ Date: N#A

0$1 4-o i+-t 5e -ar ed and -o/6

Assess ent &nderta"en '(: Scott Car)in Si+nat&re

0%1 4-at contro)s e7ist to red&ce ris"

081 4-at action can 5e ta"en to ,&rt-er red&ce ris"6

Spilling a drink onto electrical equipment. Tripping over the tables and chairs.

The user of the computer.

ikely !ood 1" #rinks are not allowed near the computers" The tower or the pc is under the desk. ikely hood 4" $hairs under the tables after the session" no wondering around and there is a table layout. ikely hood %" &nsuring cables are stored away" no wondering around. ikely hood 4" put bags under the table.

'o drinks allowed in the room.


Anyone in the room.

(ake people follow the rules or get a bigger room.

Tripping over cables or wires. Tripping over bags.

1-4 1-4

Anyone in the room. Anyone walking around the room.

)ireless headphones. &nsure people follow the rules.


ist ha*ards so et-in+ /it- t-e .otentia) to ca&se -ar here+ Seek to quantify the level of risk t-e )i"e)i-ood o, -ar arisin+ based on the number of persons affected" how often they are e,posed to the ha*ard and the severity of any consequence. -. ist groups of people who are especially at risk from the significant ha*ards which you have identified

%. 4.

ist e,isting controls here or note where the information may be found ist the risks which are not adequately controlled and the action you will take. !ave regard for the level of risk" the cost of any action and the benefit you e,pect to gain.




0$1 4-o

i+-t 5e -ar ed and -o/6

0%1 4-at contro)s e7ist to red&ce ris"

091 4-at action can 5e ta"en to ,&rt-er red&ce ris"6

RISK RATING a SE:ERIT; 9 8 % $ 1 D(in+ or 5ein+ .er anent)( disa5)ed Serio&s in=&r(#)on+ ter i))ness 5 LIKELI2OOD 9 8 % $ 1 4i)) a) ost certain)( -a..en 2i+-)( )i"e)( to -a..en Not so )i"e)( E*en )ess )i"e)( !n)i"e)( to -a..en at a)) c FINAL SCORE RATING: /-at needs to 5e done 16-$9 Sto.< Do not start acti*it( a+ain &nti) ris" is contro))ed 1>-19 2i+- ris" )e*e)? 2i+- .riorit(@ Ta"e action strai+-t a/a( to contro) t-e ris" 6-A Medi& ris" )e*e)@ Ti+-ten &. contro)s and a"e a .)an to do so et-in+ a5o&t ris" %-9 Fair)( )o/ ris" )e*e)@ Lo/ .riorit( 5&t "ee. .ossi5)e action in ind 1-$ Lo/ or tri*ia) ris"@ No ,&rt-er action reB&ired@

Te .orar( disa5i)it(#% da(s o,, sic" 4i)) need edica) attention

Minor in=&r( e+@ 'r&ise? +ra3e

SO: a 7 5 C c
Action ReB&ired Res.onsi5)e Person Date ,or Co .)etion

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