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Establishing/wide shot of the house

Shooting Script

FADE IN: EXT. OUTSIDE A BIG HOUSE, SMALL VILLAGE - NIGHT Camera is held from point of view of the mysterious figure standing from a distance looking at the house, it is big with glass exteriors. INT. THE HOUSE Pan of drawing room P.O.V CU of Photographs

The camera then goes inside the house, and is standing in the entrance. It then moves into the drawing room and focuses on the families things, such as photographs and paintings. CU of painting Tilt - looking up INT. PARENTS BEDROOM CU watching mum sleep The figure walks through the door into the parents room, and watches Camilla's mum sleep for a moment MS entering P.O.V INT. THE STAIRS room Camera is held through the point of view of the figure who is slowly up the stairs toward a closed door. The door is opened and it enters Camilla's bedroom. The black, mysterious figure is shown to be standing in the corner of the room it then walks slowly toward the bed, looking down at her. Abruptly, the figure looks up to reveal a pale white, ghostly face. MTS of both characters INT. CAMILLA'S BEDROOM The screen changes to colour and Camilla sits up screaming in her bed, it becomes evident that that was just a nightmare of Camilla's. She is holding her head and looking extremely scared but somehow familiar with this dream. FADE OUT: MOVIE TITLE 'DREAM CATCHER' MS of Camilla screaming

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