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Procedure: This document explains the step by step procedure involved in deletion of an infocube and the related issues & pitfalls. An infocube can be deleted in the following different ways: 1. Using Context Menu option De!ete" on In#ocu$e: Select the required Infocube Select "ption #$elete%& as seen in the screenshot below: ontext !enu


Using Progr'( )*D+,CUBE,DELETE": 'ith this program& we can delete all types of Infocubes and all Infocubes at a time. "therwise we can also delete selectively for example Standard infocube& (emote Infocube& )irtual *roviders etc based on infocube type. 'e can delete an infocube using the program #(S$+, -./,$/0/T/% as shown in steps below: a. 1avigate to Transaction below: ode S/23 4A.A* /ditor5: In A.A* /ditor screen& enter the name of the *rogram as #(S$+, -./,$/0/T/% and next clic6 /xecute button or hit #73% function 6ey as seen


In order to delete #All% the infocubes that are available in the system at once& select radio buttons #All Types% under #Infocube: hoice of Type% and #All Infocubes% under #Infocubes%. 1ext clic6 /xecute button or hit #73% function 6ey& as seen below:

.ut in real time environments this option is never used and Selective deletion is used& if necessary. c. 7or deleting #Selective infocubes% based on required conditions& select radio buttons #Selection% under #Infocube: hoice of Type% and #Selection% under #Infocubes%. 7or /xample& to delete a .asic infocube #8$,1',T89%& specify #.% and infocube name #8$,1',T89%. 1ext clic6 /xecute button or hit #73% function 6ey& as seen below:

Prec'utions: This Section explains the impacts of deleting the infocubes on other related or dependent ob:ects. An infocube deletion may have the following effects: 9. If the infocube is used in another infoprovider li6e a !ulti*rovider or if it has dependent ob:ects li6e ./x queries defined on it& then it will display a popup message as seen here:

'hen we clic6 the continue button& it will display the external ob:ects used by this infocube. 1ext if we further clic6 continue& it will prompt for confirm deletion. 7inally it will delete the infocube. ;. 2. =. ?. If we delete an infocube existing within a !ultiprovider& then the !ultiprovider status is set to #Inactive% and #1ot /xecutable%. If the infocube is used in another infoprovider& li6e in a infoset& <ybrid provider or Semantically partitioned ob:ect& it cannot be deleted. If an infocube is deleted then dependent ob:ects li6e ./x >ueries& 'or6boo6s will also be deleted along with data in the infocube. The deletion of an infocube will permanently delete all its related tables and data which cannot be rolled bac6 or retrieved.

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