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Unit 3: Latin America: Ancient Civilizations and Spanish Conquest Essential Questions How do the Mayan, Aztec and

d Incan empires compare and contrast with one another? What impact did the Spanish conquest have on Latin America? This will also be your final assessment. You will answer these 2 questions. 50 points each 5 examples for each 10 points for each example within your response Schedule Hook exercise Day 1
Notes o Maya Homework: Vocabulary Notes on the Aztec and Incan Empire Homework: Agriculture What should history say? o Primary source analysis of the Aztecs Homework: Finish part 1 Jig-saw Homework: Finish on your own if you did not finish in class Choosing sides and response question Homework: Finish question Notes on the Spanish Conquest Homework: The impact of the potato Spanish holocaust- Group work and presentations Challenges of today Essential Questions- short essays (final assessment) Homework: Finish if need to

Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7-8 Day 9 Day 10 Grading Rubric

Points earned Have you seen me? Notes Critical thinking Questions

Points available 10 points 35 points 35 points 5 points each (7 total)

/80 points
Have you seen me? Directions: Put a check in the box if you know, seen or have no clue what the picture is. In the last column (highlighted in blue) write what the document is. Know it Seen it Have no clue! I KNOW!!!!
If you know what it is write it in this column

Picture 1 Picture 2 Picture 3 Picture 4

Picture 5 Picture 6 Picture 7 Picture 8 Picture 9 Picture 10 Notes 1. Latin America 2. Before the Maya, Aztec, Inca Maya 3. Where the Maya are found 4. Critical thinking question 1 a. Based on the map below what predictions can you make about the Mayans lifestyle? 5. Who were the Maya 6. Critical thinking question 2 a. Why is the development of writing so important? 7. Mayan Agriculture 8. Mayan Religion 9. Decline of the Maya 10. Non-ecological 11. Ecological Aztec 12. Establishment of a city 13. Tenochtitlan 14. Who were the Aztecs 15. Aztec Codices 16. Aztec Agriculture 17. Aztec religion Inca 18. Where are they found 19. Who were the Inca? Children of the sun 20. Incan Agriculture 21. Altitude & Zones 22. Pyramid of Government 23. Incan Religion Spanish Conquest of the new world 24. Critical thinking question 3 a. Explain who writes history. b. Why is this important when studying other cultures and periods of time? 25. The 3 Gs 26. The New World 27. Spanish Colonization 28. Critical thinking 4

a. Using your past knowledge do you think this is an accurate portrayal of the Native American and Spanish relationship? 29. Critical thinking 5 a. What do you notice about the physical geography of the region? b. Was it easy to travel to Tenochtitlan? 30. Cortes 31. Cortes in Mexico 32. Critical thinking 6 a. Based on your knowledge of South American geography and the Andes do you think it was easy to travel? Why or why not? 33. Pizarro 34. Critical Thinking 7 a. When you hear the word slave or slavery what images, ideas or concepts do you think of? b. List at least three. 35. Lazy Europeans 36. Decline of the population 37. Small pox 38. Triangle trade/ Colombian Exchange 39. Independence Essential Questions 1. How do the Mayan, Aztec and Incan empires compare and contrast with one another? 2. What impact did the Spanish conquest have on Latin America? This will also be your final assessment. You will answer these 2 questions. 50 points each 5 examples for each 10 points for each example within your response

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