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EIL Sample Paper 1

Paper consists of 2 parts: 1. Non-tech. (50 ques.) , 2. Technical (100 ques.) 2 hrs Here e are su!"ittin# $ou the ques e re"e"!ere%.... Part-1 &ut of 50 ques har%l$ '-( ere of #eneral )n#lish, no fro" aptitu%e the rest all ere *+ ques. 1. ,hich countr$ is rich in thoriu".. -ns. .n%ia 2. /)co 0ar1/ is use% on pro%ucts hich are: -ns. )co frien%l$. '. -ni"a2 channel !elon# to hich of the follo in#: a) son$ pictures, !)3ee, c)star, %)%isne$ (. first nuclear plant in .n%ia as set up at: -ns. Tarapur 5. 4ecentl$ .n%ia has %one /5cience )2press Deal/ ith hich of the follo in# countries: a) *er"an$, !) 6apan, c) 7hina, %) 4ussia 8. Pan%it 6 aharlal Nehru a ar% as #i9en first ti"e to the presi%ent of hich of the follo in# countries: a) :ra3il, !) 0e2ico, c) -ustria, % ) 5 e%en. ;. +a3iran#a National Par1 is <a"ous for: a) 4hino, !) =e!ra, etc.... >. -P6 -!%ul 1la" is relate% to hich of the follo in# "issiles: a) -5?@, !) *5?@, c) 5?@,etc.. A. Pro#en is the :P& of hich co"pan$: a) 5at$a", !) ,ipro, c) .nfos$s, etc.. 10. :harat Par9asi Di9as is cele!rate% on hich %a$: -ns. Ath no9. 11. Pon#al is the festi9al !elon#s to hich state: a) +erela, !) +arnat1a, c) &rissa, etc.. 12. ,hich %ance is 1no n as the /:allet of )ast/: a) 1atha1, !)!haratnat$a", c) 1uchipu%i, %) "anipuri 1'. 5un%er!ans are fa"ous for: Duration:

a) 0an#ro9es, !) Tropical forests, etc.. 1(. The fa"ous *olfer @iBa$ 5in#h !elon#s to hich countr$: a) <iiBi, !) 1eni$a, c) 0al%i9es, etc.. 15. ?TT) is relate% to hich countr$: -ns. 5hrilan1a 18. ,hich of the follo in# is not inclu%e% in ne ; on%ers: a) TaB 0ahal, !) The *ran% 7an$on, c) "achhi Puchhi, etc.. 1;. ,ho is 1no n as the father of "o%ren !iolo#$C a) 7harles Dar in, etc... 1>. P.5ainath is relate% to hich of the follo in#: a) T@ -nchorin#, !) Dra"a, c) 0ountaineerin#, etc... 1A. The elephants, the ti#er, the cell is ritten !$: a) 5ashi Throor, etc.... 20. -nan%"ath is ritten !$ hich author: a) 4a!in%ernath Ta#ore, !):7 7hatterBi, 21. :essel 2 nor"s are relate% to: a) 7$!er cri"es, etc... 22. 5te9e <osset is relate% to: a) 7roco%ile Huntin#, etc... 2'. Dr. 05 5 a"inathan is relate% to : a) plannin# co"ission, !) si2th pa$ co"ission, 2(. <irst soun%less "o9ie of :ol$$ oo%: -ns. -la" -ra 25. ,hat is the "eanin# of Di"e a Do3en...C a) eas$ to #et, !) easil$ a9aila!le,etc... 28. Ni#ht"are: Drea" a) Drea%: )2pectation, !) <rustration: 7onfusion,etc.. c) national far"ers co"ission, etc.. c) Pre"chan%, etc...

2;. 0eanin# of 7oncur: a) to %en$, !) Dnusual, etc... 2>. *ol%en -rches is relate% to hich of the follo in#: a) +<7, !) 0c%onals,etc... 2A. 0eanin# of: /The a$ the in% !lo s/ : a) a$ the thin#s ere , !) a$ the thin#s are, etc...

'0. . oul% hope that $ou EEEE ta1e tea ith "e 2"r . a)shall, !) ill, c) oul%, %) coul% '1. .n -"!ulance hich of the aural postural !alance is %ifficult to "aintain: a) nose, !) e$es, c) ears, %) han%s '2. the ne2t ol$"pics iil !e hel% in hich countr$: a) lon%on, !) Ne For1, c) Paris, %) 5 it3erlan% ''. ,here is the &P)7 hea% office locate%C -ns @iena Dpto 50 (!ut i re"e"!ere% this "uch..) Part-2 (Technical-100 ques.) 1. Di"ensions of Po er: a) 01?2T-', !) 01?2T-2, c) 01?1T-', etc...

2. Torque in .n%uction 0otor is %irectl$ proportional to: a) @, !) @(p r)2, c) @(p r)', %) @(p r)1G2 '. Po er in Trans"ission lines is proportional to: a) @, !) @(p r)2, c) @(p r)', %)@(p r)1G2 (. <lasho9er at the surface of con%enser !ushin#s is %ue to: a) "oisture in air, etc.. 5. ,hen 5ur#e i"pe%ence equal characterstic i"pe%ance then : a) @s H @r, !) @sI @r, c) @sJ @r, etc.. 8. 5ta!ilit$ li"it is hi#her in: a) 5tea%$ state, !) Transient state, c) 5u! transient state, etc..

;. Those instru"ents hich #i9e constants an% %irection onl$ are calle%: a) 5econ%ar$ t$pe, !) -!solute t$pe, c) Deflection t$pe, %) .nte#ratin# t$pe. >. The internal resistance of a "eter is ( oh" an% current %ra n is '0"-. .f e ant to increase its ran#e as 9olt"eter upto 150@ then fin% out the series resistance a%%e% in the circuitC -ns. (AA8 oh" A. 1 ques li1e... .f rela$ settin# is at 125K an% the 7T ratio is (00G5, then the fault current in h9 in%in# isC -ns. 8.25 a"p. 10. .f capacit9e reactance of a 200 1" line is 2000 oh" then hat ill !e the char#in# reactance of a 100 1" lineC

a) 2000 oh",

!) (000oh",

c) 500 oh",

%) >000oh".

11. ,hich is ron#: a) Transient response is frequenc$ %o"ain. !) 4outh criteria is sta!ilit$ !ase%. c) N$quist is ti"e %o"ain. 12. ,ith the increase in fee%!ac1 of the s$ste" hich ill increase: a) sta!ilit$, !) #ain, etc... 1'. 0echanical stress is "a2. at hich part of the ca!le: a) core, !) sheath, etc... 1(. Dn%er#roun% ca!le la$in# is %one !$: ans. con%uits an% pipin#. 15. &peration an% "aintenance cost is "in. in hich of the follo in# plants: a) Ther"al, !) Nuclear, c) H$%el, %) Diesel. 18. 1 ques li1e.... earliest po er plant is: a) Ther"al, !) Nuclear, c) Dncon9entional, etc.... 1;. 7ircuit :rea1er arcin# contacts are "a%e of hich "aterial: a) copper tun#sten allo$, !) copper, c) sil9er, %) #raphite. 1>. The reflection coefficient for 9olta#e of a short circuite% line is: a) -1, !) 1, c) 0, %) 2 1A. Dou!le ca#e rotor is use% in .n%uction "otor is to i"pro9e: -ns. startin# torque. 20. .f resistance of the secon%ar$ in%in# of the transfor"er is #i9en as .02oh" an% reactance .08oh" then fin% out the pri"ar$ resistance an% reactance respecti9el$: -ns. .0> oh" an% .2(oh" 21. 51e in# in the squirrel ca#e rotor of .n%uction "otor is purposel$ %one to : -ns. to a9oi% interloc1in# an% re%uce noise. 22. 1 ques li1e.......capacitance of 'phase line is #i9en ("icro<. if e consi%er sin#le line to #roun%then its capacitance ill !e: a) ("icro<, !) 2"icro<, c) 1"icro<, %) >"icro< 2'. The nor"al frequenc$ 405 9olta#e that appears across the !rea1er poles after final arc e2tinction is 1no n as: -ns. 4eco9er$ 9olta#e 2(. 1 ques li1e...... .n po er factor "eter , hich ele"ent is use% as shunt in instru"ents: a) sil9er, !) copper, c) "an#anin, etc...

25. 1 ques li1e....f ano%e of the 574 is "a%e positi9e an% catho%e is "a%e ne#ati9e thenit ill !e: -ns. for ar% !iase% an% con%uctin#. 28. 1 ques li1e.... Natural co""utation is %one in... a) c$clocon9erters, !) choppers, c) -7 9olta#e controllers, etc. 2;. 1 ques as !ase% on....... 7lass : insulation is %one in : a) D7 choppers , etc..... 2>. the hi#hest ran#e of te"perature of insulations is... -ns. 1>0 2A. te"perature of the !oiler furnace is "easure% !$: -ns. optical p$ro"eter '0. 4esisti9it$ of insulators ith te"perature a) %ecreases linearl$, !) %ecreases e2ponentiall$, c) increases, %) re"ains sa"e.

'1. &n increasin# the frequenc$ of the transfor"er , h$sterisis loss an% e%%$ current loss respecti9el$: a) %ecreases an% re"ains sa"e, !) %ecreases an% increases, c) !oth increases , %) !oth %ecreases. '2. 4otor copper losses are s"all in .n%uction 0otor as co"pare% to transfor"er !eco3: -ns. 4otor core is la"inate%. ''. 1 ques li1e.... arran#e the follo in# in ascen%in# or%er: resistance split, capacitor start capacitor run etc "otors ere #i9en... '(. ,hich t$pe of tur!ine is use% in t$%el po er #eneration: a) +aplan, !) <ransis, c) Pelton ,heel t$pe, %) 4e9erse t$pe. '5. ,hich of the follo in# is the %istri!ution ' phase 9olta#e: a) 220 @, !) (15 @, c) 8>0 @, %) >00 @. '8. ,hich of the follo in# !ri%#es is use% to "easure %ielectric losses in capacitor: a) 5chearin# :ri%#e, !) ,einLs :ri%#e, c) De-5aut$ :ri%#e, %) 0a2 ell :ri%#e. ';. 1 ques is !ase% on..... 7ros ha9e hich of the follo in#... a) @ertical an% Hori3ontal plates, !) s eep, etc... '>. 1 ques li1e..... - full a9e centre tap th$ristor is #i9en.. fin% out the P.@..C %nt re"e"!er e2actl$ so"e 9alues ere #i9en... a) 1(1.' @, !) 100 @, c) 2(>.2 @, etc... 'A. 5pee% of the .n%uction 0otor at full loa% is 1(00 rp" , hat ill !e the spee% at half the loa%... a)1(00rp", !) 1(20rp", c) 1((0rp", %) 1(80rp". (0. The line fee%in# fro" %istri!ution s$ste" to the consu"ers is calle%: a) fee%er, !) ser9ice "ains, c) %istri!utor, etc...

(1. ,hich of the follo in# #eneration plant is "ost relia!le. ans. .nterconnecte% s$ste". (2. 1 ques li1e.... loa% current in th$ristor %epen%s upon..... a) %ela$ an#le an% loa% t$pe, !) %ela$ an#le !ut not on loa% t$pe, ('. :uchhol3 rela$ is: a) a #as actuate% rela$, !) current sensiti9e rela$, c) onl$ %ela$ an#le, etc...

c) o9ercurrent rela$, %) o9er 9olta#e rela$. c) 5 ter"inal ' Bunction %e9ice,

((. Diac is a: a) ( ter"inal 2Bunction %e9ice, !) ' ter"inal 2 Bunction %e9ice, %) 8 ter"inal ' Bunction %e9ice. (5. Dual con9erter consists of: -ns. 1 con9erter an% 1 in9erter. (8. 5lip is "in. for hich of the follo in# "achine: a) 25HP,( Pole , !) 1HP, ( pole, c) 2 HP , 8 pole,

%) 25 HP, 8 Pole.

(;. .n -ir :last circuit !rea1ers the air pressure insi%e is: a) 11#Gc"2, !) 100 "" of H# , c) 20-'0 1#Gc"2, %) 200-'00 1#Gc"2. (>. 1:arrel contains ho "uch litres: a) 218, !) 15A, etc.... (A. D7 7hoppers are use% to con9ert: a) D7 to D7, !) -7 to D7, c) -7 to -7, etc.... 50. 1 ques li1e.... ho the corona effect 9aries ith si3e an% frequenc$, it increases ith.. a) increasin# si3e an% re%ucin# suppl$ frequenc$, !) re%ucin# si3e an% incresin# suppl$ frequenc$, etc... 51. 1 ques as !ase% on..... in frequenc$ 9aria!le "etho% hich of the follo in# factor is 1ept constant: a) @Gf H constant, !) @f H constant, c)@Hconstant, %) none of these.. 52. 1 ques as !ase% on ..... relation of @olta#e ith loa% an#le %elta..... options ere... a) @G1-M , !) @G1NM, c) 1-MGM@, %) MG(1-M)@ 5'. 1 ques li1e.... Dni9ersal "otor is: a) frequenc$ %epen%ent, !) frequenc$ in%epen%ent, etc... 5(. .f 7T in%in# connections are "a%e in starG%elta on the pri"ar$ si%e of the TG< then 7T connections on the secon%ar$ si%e in%in# of TG< ill !e: -ns. %eltaGstar. 55. slip rin#s in D7 "achines are "a%e of: a) car!on, !) #raphite, c) copper allo$, %) copper.

58. 1 ques li1e.... !en%in# ra%ius of the ca!le shoul% !e: a) D, !)2D, c) 'D, %) (D 5;. 1 ques li1e..... .n c$clocon9erters the &GP frequenc$ po er factor ill ! as co"pare% to .GP frequenc$ po er factor: a) hi#her, !) lo er, c) sa"e.. 5>. .n hi#her ratin# transfor"ers the tan1 is of the follo in# t$pe: a) ra%iator, !) oil tan1, c) seperator, etc. 5A. 0er3 Price protection is use% in : a) -lternator, !) Trans"ission lines, 80. 0e##ar is: a) "o9in# coil t$pe, c) Transfor"er, etc.

!) "o9in# iron t$pe, etc.

81. Differential rela$ is: a) o9er current rela$, !) o9er 9olta#e rela$, etc. 82. 1 ques li1e....T o transfor"ers are connecte% in parallel 4GO is s"thin#..... then the currents in the t o TG< ill !e: a) .a la#s .! , !) .a lea%s .!, c) !oth ill !e in phase, etc.... 8'. s1in effect %oes not %epen% upon: -ns. a"!ient te"perature. 8(. 1 ques li1e.... -7 resistance is "ore %ue to.... -ns. s1in effect 85. Hu"an !o%$ #ets shoc1 %ue to: a) static char#e %ischar#in# of !o%$, !o%$,%)none of these. !) 9olta#e in%uce% in the !o%$, c) current in%uce% in the

88. Hea9$ ater in nuclear reactor is use% as: a) acceleratin# a#ent, !) %eccleratin# a#ent, 8;. specifications of earth plate are: a) 80P 80P12.5 , !) A0PA0P12.5 , etc.

c) lu!ricatin# a#ent,

%) coolin# a#ent.

8>. Distance of #roun% electro%e fro" !uil%in# is: a) 1", !) 2", c) '" , %)(" 8A. ,h$ earth pit is fille% ith alternate la$ers of salt an% charcoal: -ns. to re%uce earthLs resistance. ;0. .f cosM is a po er factor, then 0@-4 ia proportional to: a) cosM, !) sinM, etc... ;1. 1 ques li1e..... h$ central phase is re9erse%.....(s"thin# %nt re"e"!er e2actl$)

;2. capacitors are connecte% here at the trans"ission line: a) at sen%in# en%, !) at recei9in# en%, c) in the "i%%le of the line, etc. ;'. ,hich #as is use% in the #as fire% pri"e "o9ers at #as po er plants: a) ?P*, !) 7N*, etc.

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