Assests of English by Wahid

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HEL &HL Importance of English language: World language Lingua-franca Rich in literature Business language Scientific discoveries and

discoveries and inventions Economically ,Socially ,politically and linguistically dominant language People are important Government system and superiority of culture Media role Colonialism It is easy to learn Short number of alphabets Combination of many languages Forms and structures are very easy World wars supports

Assets of English language English has got a prominent place in international communication. The qualification of English is much more than other languages of the world. It is a highly developed language: it catches words from other languages. It is a flexible in nature we can mould and write variety of sentences. It is easy to learn due to its universal setup in vcab:grammar and structures.

1. Cosmopolitan vocabulary 2. Inflectional simplicity 3. Natural gende Liabilites of English language Inflection creates problems for the foreigners Idioms are difficult to understand due to their historical backgrounds Expressions Substitutions problems like small, little, detest , hate, antipathy etc Contradictory words like outstanding and standing out etc Spellings and sounds- sometimes no relation like what, psychology, know etc Extra use of vowels; for xm ;write ,believe, deceive etc Use of consonants is strange like sh in shoes,sugar,mission,nation,ocean,occasion,suspicion The use of grammar is alsowith objections. No one never did nothing. Some one did some thing. I donot do nothing. No body not worked.

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