Project Graduation Auction Flyer

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2014 Project Graduation Silent Auction

Benefiting MLCs Senior Class Alcohol and Drug !ree Graduation "#ent

Saturday, March 22nd, 2014 5:00 pm 7:30 pm Jims Family R staurant 124 !"#u"n"c$ %& ', (inds"r, )*
J"in *"+ th r (ith Family, Fri nds %nd ,"ur -"cal )"mmunity F"r %n .& nin+ /0 F""d, Fun 1 .nt rtainm nt (hil Raisin+ M"n y F"r % 2r at )aus '

Jims R staurant (ill 3 4"natin+ 105 /0 F""d Sal s !lan *" Stay F"r 4inn r6
Sil nt %ucti"n (ith Many 2r at 7t ms6
8)ash and )h c$s %cc pt d9

50:50 Ra00l ; nna *att""s

Sil nt %ucti"n 7t ms 7nclud
Autographed Sports Memorabilia * Rock Cats Tickets * Hotel Stay * Fine-Dining i!t Certi!icates * "rthodontia Ser#ices * Theater Tickets * Museums * Amusement $arks * %oga * Skiing * Ri#er Cruise * &ip'ining * (us Trip to )%C * *e+elry * i!t (askets And Much More,

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