Can You Take The Pressure

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Name: ______________________________________ Date: ___________________ Period:


Can You Take the Pressure?

1. Write your weight in pounds here: _____________________________ lbs

2. A kilogram is approximately twice as big as a pound. Divide your weight in
pounds by 2. This will convert your weight in pounds to a mass in kilograms.
_____________________________ lbs 2 =
_____________________________ kg
3. Multiply your mass by 10 to change it to a force in Newtons.
____________________________ kg x 10 =
____________________________ N
4. Step on the grid on the other paper. Trace around your shoe. Count the number
of blocks contained within your footprint. Count any block that is covered halfway
or more. ___________________ blocks
5. Each block is a square that measures 1 cm x 1 cm. A cm is 1/100 of a meter.
So, each block measures 0.01 m x 0.01 m. To find the area of each block, you
need to multiply the length by the width. Therefore, the area of each block turns
out to be 0.0001 m2.
Area= Length x Width

6. To change each block to meters squared, you need to move the decimal 4
places to the left. Take the number of blocks you counted in #4 and move the
decimal 4 places to the left. __________________________ m 2

7. Take the force you found in #3 and divide it by the area you found in #5. This is
the pressure in Pascals, Pa, you exert on the floor every time you take a step.
Pressure = Force = _______________________ =
__________________________ Pa
8. Repeat the activity except stand on the toes of one foot on the grid. Record your
answers below:
Weight: _______________________ lbs
Kilograms: ____________________ kg
Newtons: _____________________ N
# of blocks: _________________
Area: ________________________ m2
Pressure: _____________________ Pa
9. How does the pressure exerted by standing on one foot compare with the
pressure exerted by standing on your toes?
10. Which one in each pair would have a larger pressure (circle one):
a. Flat tire or inflated tire
b. Tower of Pisa- leaning or straight
c. Stiletto heels or flip flops

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