Silk Weaving Is One of Many Traditional Crafts With Long

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Silk weaving is one of many traditional crafts with long-standing history.

And the most outstanding one has always been Ha Dong silk woven in Van Phuc, Ha DongFrom time immemorial, nearly all Ha Dong inhabitants involves in Silk weaving. Van Phuc silk weaving village has been known of as the oldest producer of most beautiful and sophisticated silk in our country A legend relates that the founder of Van Phuc silk weaving village was originally a lady from Hangzhou , China who followed her husband to battle down in the south and the settle down in this village. She poured her entire twisting home nostalgia onto silkworm raising and her loom. Silk weaving appeared and has since become a traiditional craft of Van Phuc In order to churn out highest quality silk products, artisants have to undergo numerous stages : from planting mulberry and raising silkworms; unwinding silk threads from cocoons to manual silk thread classification. This stage is called silk thread winding. Then comes the stage in which silk threads are wound around large vertical spools and defective threads are eliminated. Next, weavers vertically engage silk threads of certain amount loom for a required width of a specific product. Finally, the arranged vertical threads are placed on the loom or sent for processing so as to gain increased durability. Depeding on each type of silk, such as flowered silk, satin silk, wavedesigned silk etc., different kinds of looms are used. Previously, weavers used to launch shuttles through the weaving frame in very high looms.. The came the time shulltes were pulled by a cord. And it was the time of improved flower-inserted loom which required two weavers : one under the loom while the other was atop inserting every single silk thread to create flower patterns. Nowadays, automated weaving machines are able to insert every desired flower pattern. Van Phuc silk is famous nationwide thanks to artisans skillful and talented hands, their unmatched patience and high aesthetic sense. Van Phuc weavers have sophisticatedly added a wide range of birds, animals and flowers to their products. In creating different kinds of soft, shining and light silk products, silk has to be bleached and rinsed so as to eliminate 25% of impure substances from silk threads. Then it is dyed with different colors; however, its original color is always the best because only such color is most beautiful and unfading. Van Phuc silk was once only used for national costumes for king or royal family. Van Phuc silk is soft, durable and light from generation to generation. The most famous Van Phuc product is Lua Van or Van silk. Van means cloud since Lua Van billows like a cloud. Producing Lua Van is a demonstration of the slkill ofa Van Phuc silk weaver. Among Van Phuc silk products, perhaps satin silk is the most elegant and luxurious. Van Phuc inhabitants have long regarded silk as a precious product and honoured is as local spirit. Silk is very suitable to the hot weather of Vietnam. Such characteristics as being light, cool and protective against several types of sun rays can only be found in natural silk. Vna Phuc inhabitants determined to uphold the age-old traditional craft of their locality. And such is a tribute paid to their ancestors. Van Phuc silk futher enhance the pure and elegant beauty of Vietnamese women.

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