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FUNDAMENTAL OF ELEMENTS: The assignment should be definite and clear. The assignment should be concise but sufficiently detailed to, enable to understand the task assigned. The assignment should Anticipate special difficulties and suggest ways to remove them. The assignment should relate the new unit to past experience. Students must understand the importance of the assignment. The assignment should arouse an interest in advance work. The assignment should provide for differences in the ability and interest of the students. The assignment should motivated chiefly by the hope of worthwhile achievements, rather than scholastic reward or the fear of punishment. The assignment should stimulate thought. The assignment should provide necessary and specific directions for the study of the lessons. The assignments should be adjusted to the time and opportunity of the class. Materials of the assignment should be varied and adaptable to the need of the students.

TYPES OF ASSIGNMENTS: N.L. Bossing has listed the following types of assignment

Page or paragraph assignment

Chapter assignment

Topical assignment

Problem assignment

Project assignment

Experience assignment

Individual / group assignment

Unit assinment

Experiment assinment

Practice assignment

Page / paragraph assignment: Often thought of as the textbook assignment. This method is still widely used.

Chapter assignment:

It is another form of text book assignment. Although same it is vastly different from page or paragraph assignment. In this Chapter assignment usually chapters are of a unitary nature and involve some elements of completeness within themselves. Topical assignment: This type of assignment may or may not be center around a single chapter in the text book. It has a wealth of possibility in the social sciences particularly. Problem assignment: In this form of assignment an arbitrary form if distinction is set up between a problem and the project. This considers being the very valuable form of assignment. Project assignment: It is especially for doing workshop, to the natural sciences and to some measures for the social sciences. Its special appeal is through the natural motor activity required. Experience assignment: Most frequently used in the field of mathematics. It represents the old traditional approach to teaching although if used in combination with others types, this form can be used effectively. Individual / group assignment: Used extensively as a device to supplement other types and to provide for individual difference in interest and capacities with in the class, very effectively. Unit assignment: It may apply to any extensive segment of classroom activity that presents factors of cohesion and a relatively complete additional element around which the unit may resolve itself as a core, rather pretentious problem may serve as this unitary core. Experimental assignment: This is a form of the problem and project types characteristics of the science laboratory. Too often in practice, it does not represent either an experiment or a problem in the true sense. It can be made a vital instrument of educational training if properly used.

Practice assignment: This type assignment of repetitions of activities designed to produce mental or motor skills .mastery of the simple combinations in arithmetic, memorization of a poem, or practice in speed on the typewriter are the examples of this type of assignment. DIFFICULTIES IN THE PREPARATION OF AN ASSIGNMENT: Fleming and woodring have listed the following difficulties Insufficient thought to prepare assignment Inadequate preparation in planning the assignment. Inability to obtain an acceptance by the pupil of a worthy purpose for the performance. Loss of interest due to long phase of time between the assignment and preparation. Avoidance of assignments Unsatisfactory accomplishments. Provision for continuity of work by presenting new problems as a continuation of previous experience and anticipation of future problems. Correlating with other subjects and outside subjects. Inclusion the challenges of mental exploration by the pupil, there by stimulating real thinking. Focusing attention is an important element in the new problems or task, and directing the attack in such a way as to increase interest rather than lessen it, to stimulate effort, and to overcome seeming obstacles to accomplishments. Providing the necessary tools for the preparation by training in study procedures and techniques, and in selection, organization, and of materials thereby developing effective habits of independent work. Giving to pupils devices for checking the mastery and performance of work undertaken. Evaluating the effectiveness of an assignment by the quality of response during the presentation of the assignment, and the adequacy of pupil preparation. Providing sufficient time for adequate consideration of the assignment and determining the psychological moment for its preparation. PROCEDURE FOR THE PREPARATION OF ASSIGNMENT:

The following procedure is for the preparation of good assignment Analyze the nature of learning process required in the advance unit. This is without the exception the first step in a good assignment procedure. Much of what steps followed in good assignment depends upon the analysis. Study the various types of assignments available and select the one form of learning situation. Provide the essential background for the advance work where uncertainty exists that such background obtains. At this point too much teachers are likely to assume the adequacy of this background when in fact it may not exist. Scarcely can one emphasize too strongly the perceptive preparation for the new. Whether this is the next step in the assignment or not, it is obvious that very early in the challenge to the student that will enlist his interest and maximum effort in the new unit. Outline is sufficient detail the advance unit to be studied. Suggest some pan of attack upon the new unit. It is well to remember one caution does not do for the student that which he may be led to do for him. This suggests the desirability of leading the class in the cooperative discovery of desirable leads for the general attack upon the new. Where reference to source material other than the textbook is necessary, this should be made, specific. The most satisfactory plan in the large unit assignment is to provide the select list of available sources in mimeographed or hectographed from with chapter or inclusive page reference given. PRINCIPLES OF ASSIGNMENT: 1. The nature of the assignment should be such as it does not require any assistance from private tutor. 2. It should not be purely mechanical (i.e.,) it should require general knowledge on the part of the child. 3. Assignment should aim at developing the individual. This purpose can very conveniently realize if the assignment is based on the nature of the individual. 4. Assignment should be very definite. 5. It should be supplementary rather preparatory as for as possible.

6. A single assignment for the whole class may not be appropriate. It should vary according to the individuals physical and mental makeup of the individual. 7. Assignment should be coordinated to different subjects. 8. Time table must be framed for the assignments in order to avoid the confusion. 9. Whiling assigning assignments principles of sliding scales should be adapted. 10. Assignments should not be used as punishments. 11. Assignments should be properly checked. 12. Provide library books for reading at home. 13. 15% of the marks should be reserved for the evaluation the students work based on the assignments done through the year. METHODS OF CORRECTION: Correction by the teachers is the best method of correction and usually resorted to. Assignments can be corrected with the help of best students in the class. Sometimes it may be possible for the teachers to correct the assignments. Assignments sometimes can be corrected by the students himself and he may resort the help of other students .Its important for the teacher have a customary glance over the work and he should sign it. Assignments can be corrected with the help of black board. In language lessons this method can be opted. Correction can do through the exchange of the assignments. Dictation work is generally checked by this method and it saves a lot of times without any loss to any individual student.

ASSIGNMENTS FOR PRACTICE: Debate Demonstration Description Discussion Dramatization. Evaluation. Explanation.

Exposition. Lecturing. Narration. Note. Dictation. Observation. Questioning. Source materials. Story telling. Study habits. Supervised study. Teachers dairy. SIGNIFICANCE OF ASSIGNMENT: N.L. Boss said that The central position of the assignment as the method of the techniques remains unquestioned G.H. Betts asserts, upon the proper assignment of the lesson depends much of the success of the recitation, and much of the pupils progress in the learning how to study. W.N. Drum suggests that teachers generally do appreciate assignments, and the work of the pupils probably suffers as much from hasty or careless assignments from any other single cause H.R. Douglass and others suggest that assignment represents one of the most important phases of teaching.

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