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INT. KITCHEN - NIGHT The camera proudly displays a jug of milk sitting on a table, the cap removed.

The shot lingers as the music paints an audial image of Why. More specifically, why is the milk jug sitting there. More importantly, why is it open? Did someone open it previously? How long has it been sitting there? Is it even milk? How are we so sure that were looking at milk? Just because some white liquid is in a milk jug doesnt mean that its milk. It could be anything. The camera swiftly changes to another angle of the milk. Something isnt right though. In the background we see a man, out of focus, staring intently at the milk. He lingers for a long while, shifting emotions although we cant see through the unfocused lens. After the music lingers for a while, the figure (in a robot-like fashion) moves forward towards the jug. Hes close to the milk. So close he can almost smell its contents. He stares down at the fateful jug, never breaking his watchful gaze. He picks up the jug, and takes a big swig. Tension. What was it? Was it milk? Was it something, more sinister? He then turns around and exits through the hallway. Will we ever know what was to be of the liquid? Without the shot changing, the figure robitcally moves back into the room, picks up the jug, and inspects the expiration date. He then sits it down, looks up. MAN (microsoft sam voice) The milk is, expired. INT. BATHROOM - ? The man pukes into a toilet in slow motion. While it was milk that he indeed did drink, it was not satisfactory.

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