Job Flow Chart

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Must take high school courses in automotive repair, electronics, computers, mathematics, and a good English background

Graduate from high school with a high school diploma or the equivalent is typically the minimum requirement

ervice technicians must complete on' the'(ob training

The U. . Environmental !rotection "gency #E!"$ has training programs that get you ready for the E!" e%am

Technicians who buy or work with refrigerants must be licensed in proper refrigerant handling

The training length depends on how well the person&s educational background is

" certification from the )ational ,nstitute for "utomotive ervice E%cellence is the standard credential for service technicians

*ertification demonstrates competence and usually brings higher pay

*ertification is available in eight different areas

)ow that you have completed your training on how to be an automotive technician you can go work in a garage

ome qualities that are good to have in this kind of work are *ustomer service skills, +etail oriented, and +e%terity

, would have to have - years of e%perience and pass an e%am to become a master mechanic

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