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Alpha Alpha News

Alpha Alpha, Chapter 25, Area IX, Ellis County, Texas State Organization
The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International
Vision: Leading Women Educators Impacting Education Worldwide

March 2014
Volume 82, Issue 6
Editors: JoAnn Muirhead and Sara Price
Weavers Words


February is such a short month and with Spring Break scheduled soon our March meeting is now here! I would like
to thank our February hostesses for a lovely evening of great food, heartfelt environment, and service to our sisters
in Alpha, Alpha Chapter!

Most all that attended our last meeting thoroughly enjoyed working on the Book Bags for Babies. Those that so
desired were sewing as fast their machines would allow them to finish over twenty-five book bags in such a short
amount of time at our meeting! The rest were helping just as importantly with the assembly of tags and ribbon
cutting to tie on the bags. What fun we had getting to know each other as we worked to be of service to First
Look and the new mothers they help to become knowledgeable and skilled parents. Our new member, Dr. Barbara
Qualls, played the piano so beautifully while all this took place. Somehow all this seemed so natural and welcoming
to those in attendance. Thanks goes to each of you for all you do to make our chapter the best it can be! Bring
more board books for babies. We can make more bags! They also need Size 4 and size 5 diapers in the First
Look supply closet. Also baby wipes are needed. A book that keeps flying off of their shelves is requested. It is
titled, What To Expect When You Are Expecting , 4
Edition. Multiple copies are needed.

Hopefully you are making plans to be at our meeting to learn more about Laugh Therapy from Dr. Betty Duke of
Mu, Mu Chapter. It will be such a treat to have someone from another chapter of our Society to present our
program. Thank-you goes to Carrie Lowe for planning our programs. (Continued on page 2)

Mission Statement: The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International promotes
professional and personal growth of women educators and excellence in education.
Laugh Therapy

The next meeting will be in Ennis at the
Ennis High School media center on
Thursday, March 6, 2014. Dr Betty Duke of
Mu Mu chapter will present her program
Laugh Therapy, and it will center around
her story of survival and how laughter aided
in her struggle. Please try to attend this
inspirational program.

Dont forget to bring board books or diapers
for our First Look project. We filled our
book bags, but we can always make more!
When: Thursday, March 6,
Time: 6:30 p.m.
Where: Ennis High School
Media Center
Inspiration: Lori Redning
Hostesses: Sara Price**
Cathy Criner
Billinelle Currie
Nanette Moyers
Carolyn King
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March Birthdays!!!
02 Amy Alexander
05 Nanette Moyers
11 Gail Bumpus
22 Darlene Duncan

Rolled Buttermilk Dumplings

1 cup all-purpose flour ! tsp salt
! tsp baking soda " cup buttermilk
1 " tsp baking powder

Sift flour, measure, resift 3 times with
baking powder, soda and aalt, the last time into a
2-qt. mixing bowl. Add buttermilk and mix lightly
with a fork. Turn out on a floured board or pastry
cloth. Knead lightly 4 or 5 times and roll or pat
out to !-inch thickness. Cut into rectangles 1 X 3
inches with a floured knife. Drop onto boiling
stew, cover and boil gently 12 minutes. Do not
uncover during cooking. Serve immediately.
Makes 4 servingss

The dumplings may be dropped on top of
stewed chicken, beef or lamb stew, but there must
be at least 3 cups of boiling liquid to have enough
gravy left after cooking the dumplings.

Given, Meta. Modern Encyclopedia of Cooking. Chicago:
J.G. Ferguson Publishing Company,1947. Print
Volume 82, Issue 6

Presidents letter continued:

I am excited to say that our slate of new officers accepted the positions and were voted in for the next biennium!
Installation of Officers will be at our May meeting. Our chapter is so jam-packed with outstanding ladies in the field
of education. Thanks for all you do.

Remember, we each have the active role as a committee member and some to be the committee chairman of
a committee. Be thinking of how you can help with this planning process for our chapter. It takes all of us
to make it happen in Alpha, Alpha Chapter!

Cathy Criner, Billinelle Currie, and I attended the Area 10 Luncheon this past Saturday. We heard our State
President, Nancy Newton, speak at this event. What a gracious lady she is! Our Area 9 Coordinator,
Michelle Grandinetti, was recognized and so was our fellow member Cathy Criner, as State Membership
Committee Chairman.

Please, continue praying for Mickie Nunn as sherecovers from her back surgery. We miss you Mickie!
Hope to see you soon. I appreciate each of you and what you bring to our chapter.

Linda Weaver
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Volume 82, Issue 6

Alpha Alpha Officers

Linda Weaver
Vice President:
Carrie Lowe
Vice President:
Karina Jones
Recording Secretary:
Kim Patak
Corresponding Secretary:
Lisa Wright
Cathy Criner

2013-2014 Meetings

September 12- Womens
Bldg. Waxahachie

October 10- Midlothian ISD
Admin. Bldg.

November 14- Lucy Mae
McDonald, Feris

January 9- Lumus Int.
School, Ennis

February 13- Womens
Bldg., Waxahachie

March 6 - Ennis High
School Media Center

April 10 - Global High
School, Waxahachie

May 8- Womens Bldg.,
From Your AC.
I have been hearing a lot of bragging here lately.
Apparently there has been quite of bit of teamwork
occurring in the chapters in order to meet the deadlines for
forms, lists, and reports. Music to my ears. I am proud to
tell you that Area 9 is at 100% for chapter profiles, which
is great considering only four of the 26 chapters in Area 9
meet in January. Congratulations, chapters!!
By now many of you have nominated or elected
new officers for the next biennium. If you are not in the
officer category there are many, many roles to fill in
your chapter. The more I visit chapters the more I am
convinced that the interests and passions of members are
met through the programs and projects. It requires the
diligence and creativity of committee chairs and committee
members to plan, prepare, and deliver programs and
projects that reflect those interests and passions. It is not
too early to consider what your role will be in the next
biennium. Annie Webb is looking for YOU.

DKG question: Which committee is responsible for
preserving the history of the organization at the chapter,
state, and international levels?

Membership Idea : SIGN UP!!!!! SIGN UP!!!! SIGN UP!!!!!




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Foreground (l-r) Linda Weaver and Darlene Duncan
Volume 82, Issue 6

Guest Michelle Beard and Evelyn
Restivo putting the tags and ribbons on
the book bags.
Contribute to the Fund
Alpha Alpha News

Our chapter is well on the way to meeting one of our special projects for this year. Members
brought hard back baby books and the members at the meeting either sewed the bags
together or put on the tags and ribbons. The response from the members was so great that
more bags are going to be made since we had extra books when all were made and filled.
What a great problem to have!

The officers for the next biennium were presented to the members. They are as follows:
President: Carrie Lowe
!st Vice President: Dr Barbara Qualls
Vice-President: Darlene Duncan
Recording Secretary: Carina Jones
Corresponding Secretary: Paula Butcher
Treasurer: Kathy Criner
Parliamentarian: Linda Weaver
Nominating Committee: Billienelle Currie, Mickie Nunn, JoAnn Muirhead, and Kathy
The members also nominated Carrie Lowe to represent Alpha Alpha at the annual tea held
by the Waxahachie City Federation of Womens Clubs.
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Volume 82, Issue 6

Minutes for Regular Meeting Alpha Alpha Chapter of Delta Kappa Gamma
Thursday, February 13, 2014, Waxahachie, TX, 6:30 p.m.
WelcomeLinda Weaver

ProgramBooks for Babies. Members made bags from receiving blankets to hold board book for
babies and donated the bags to First Look.

Call to OrderLinda Weaver

Inspirational MomentsSandra Yowell shared a love story about a lost wallet.
Approval of MinutesKim Patak

Program Chairmans ReportCarrie Lowe reminded us that the next meeting will be Thursday,
March 2, 2014 at the Ennis High School lecture hall. The program will be about laugh therapy.
Treasurers ReportCathy Criner stated our balance is $2056.45

New BusinessNomination of new officers and vote took place.
President-Carrie Lowe
Vice President-Dr. Barbara Qualls
Vice President-Darlene Duncan
Recording Secretary-Karina Jones
Corresponding Secretary-Paula Butcher
Treasurer-Cathy Criner
Parliamentarian-Linda Weaver
Nominating CommitteeLinda Weaver, Billinelle Currie, Cathy Criner, Mickie Nunn, and
JoAnn Muirhead

The door prize was won by Meredith Malloy.

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1he lnLernaLlonal nomlnaLlons CommlLLee (lnC) use a new Lechnology-based process
when recelvlng nomlnaLlons for elecLed lnLernaLlonal poslLlons. 1he lnC members
were senL Lhe needed maLerlals Lhrough a secure slLe LhaL was avallable only Lo Lhem.
1he members Lhen compleLed Lhelr forms and senL Lhem back Lo Lhe lnC members on
Lhls secure slLe. 1hls enabled Lhe lnS members Lo revlew Lhe maLerlals much qulcker
uslng an agreed-upon assessmenL Lool LhaL allowed Lhem Lo ldenLlfy Lhe Lop cholces for
Lhe poslLlons. 1hls process allowed Lhe lnS members Lo have greaLer efflclency,
enLhuslasm, and energy ln Lhelr work".
lf you are lnLeresLed ln Lhe nomlnees for Lhe nexL slaLe of offlcers, you can go Lo Lhe
SocleLy webslLe. 1he offlcers wlll be elecLed and lnsLalled ln lndlanapolls.
1he lnLernaLlonal CommunlcaLlons and ubllclLy CommlLLee

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