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Paul Lutheran Board of Directors Meeting 01/30/2014 Present: Heather Stroud, Greg Erath, Chris Schwartz, Billie Nichols, Joel Dietrich, Andreia Chapman, Mitch Bjugson, Jim Richards, Leigh Chapple, and Chuck Anderson. At 6:50pm Greg called the meeting to order. Billie led us in prayer. Review of previous minutes: Andreia made a MOTION to approve the minutes as distributed. Leigh second, open discussion, and by vote the minutes were approved. Financials There were no changes for December since the previous meeting was held on January 12th. There was concern about health care benefits and a brief discussion about how to defer the costs. MOTION made by Heather to approve the December Financial Report. Andreia second, open discussion, and by vote the motion was approved. LCEF We have had no answer for our request for interest only payments for the remainder of the fiscal year. There was discussion about whether or not we should continue to pursue the interest only payment option or try to solve our budget problems without LCEFs aid. Consecrated Stewards the campaign is not having the expected results. It was suggested that we add a Stewardship Box on the bulletin, showing our target giving for each week compared to that weeks contribution. In addition, we should present to the congregation data about percentage of pledges being met and not met (right now we have 10% giving above their pledges, 10% giving what they pledged and 80% not meeting their pledges), and send individual communication to every member that pledged, thanking them for their pledges and letting them know where they are right now regarding their giving. Congregational Meeting The meeting will be this Sunday, February 2nd. There will be an update on our financial situation, showing debt reduction form $170,000 to $60,000, and how the Consecrated Stewards pledges could solve the $60,000 debt. Thus, we need to stress the importance of people meeting their pledges, and remind them that so far the pledges have not translated into giving. Another issue to discuss is the capital campaign Imagine. We have reached 70% of the 36 months of the campaign; therefore people should be around 70% of their pledges. However, only 16 families have met and/or exceeded their pledges, while 44 families have not. There was discussion about steps we can take to reenergize the campaign like reestablishing the various committees on the building. Finally, there will be a ballot to vote on extending a call for Youth Minister to Daniel De Hoyos. Executive Directors Report We received a grant from LCF for $50,000 for the capital campaign. We also received a thank you note from Concordia Seminar for the contributions to Paul Burdette. BOD Open Positions We need help recruiting people for Property, Stewardship, and Christian Ed. Positions. Next meeting our next meeting will be February 25th. Closing prayer by Greg Meeting adjourned by Greg at 9:39pm.

St. Paul Lutheran Church & School Board of Directors Meeting 1/12/14 Present: Greg Erath, Karla Henke, Heather Stroud, Mitch Bjugson, Bruce Ketola, Billie Nichols, Brooke Moore, Leigh Chappel, Jim Richards, Joel Dietrich, Pastor Rob Mauella. Meeting was called to order by Greg Erath. Bruce Ketola led the group in prayer. Current financial position was explained by Heather Stroud. Revenue vs expenses, cash flow concerns and review of reports were explained by Heather. Board was informed by Mitch Bjugson that the $200,000 line of credit with LCEF was approved. General discussion of questions occurred as financial information was explained with spread sheets provided by Heather, church treasurer. Greg charged the board members to review their planned activities and expenditures in second half of the fiscal year and bring planned cuts in spending to the regular meeting later this month. MOTION from Mike King in written form was presented by Bruce Ketola in regards to call Daniel DeHoyos as youth director. Bruce Ketola made motion and seconded by Brooke Moore. Discussion included handouts from board of elders and memo from Greg Erath. Letter presented from Mike to the board stating that several members have committed to increase giving by at least a total of $21,000 to fund increased salary and benefits for called youth director. A copy of Mikes memo is attached and made a part of these minutes. Motion passed. MOTION made by Bruce Ketola to present this recommendation to a congregational meeting on February 2, seconded by Brooke Moore. After discussion, the motion passed. Leigh Chapple discussed school boards plan to increase school tuition and this matter will be presented as an email vote to the board prior to the next board meeting. Annual report: board discussion to complete annual report on same time schedule as church fiscal year July to June, thus it will be issued in July. Next board meeting is January 28, 2014. Prayer and Adjournment

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