RP FAQs - Tsunami WS2008 Final

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Frequently Asked Questions (PHILIPPINES, 5 August 2008 (!

"#$ts #nd $urrent st#tus% s$o&e o" #n e'ent% i(&#$t s$en#rio What are the details of the earthquake? (location, how strong is the earthquake, any reported damages, will there be aftershocks, etc) After the earthquake, will there be a tsunami? Arrival time. What is the expected arrival time of the tsunami? How much time is there to evacuate after the earthquake? How fast will the tsunami arrive? What are the affected/ what will be the affected areas is case of tsunami? (some variations: Will my location be affected?! Will my place be affected? "here is an island in front of us that will protect us!) How high will the tsunami waves be? What are the chances of aftershocks being stronger or tsunamigenic? (2 t)e *ulletins+ Wh is our magnitude different from !"#"? (, s$ien$e o" e#rt)qu#kes $an ou %redict the time and %lace when an earthquake will occur?/ $an earthquakes be %redicted? What is the difference between magnitude and intensit ? (- s$ien$e o" tsun#(is What is a tsunami? How are tsunamis formed/ generated? What are the signs of an a%%roaching tsunami? What is the difference between tsunami and tidal wave? What is the difference between tsunami and storm surge? What is the season for tsunamis? (&s there a season for tsunamis?' &s the countr / m region/ %rovince %rone or at risk to tsunamis? Historical tsunamis. How many tsunamis have affected the country? When was the most destructive tsunami? #eople asking for past tsunami events that hit a particular area$locality% !nusual animal behavior. &o you believe that behavioral signs of animals can be also a manifestation of bigger tsunamis or related disasters?

(5 e#rly .#rning syste(s Who will be the official lead agenc who will announce the e(%ected tsunami? $an )H&*+,$" give warning? How? (/ s#"ety #nd &re&#redness What measures has our office undertaken in terms of %re%aring the %eo%le for tsunami occurrence? What are the safet %recautions for tsunami events? Which is safe, to go u% or to go down the building? )lease give advice to our listeners. What can ou recommend to the %ublic? What do ou advice %eo%le when a tsunami warning is issued?

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