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Numerical Methods

Catalogue Code: BS 337

Assignment No. 1
Date: 25/10/2011 Date of Submission:

!lease submit direct to Dr A A"i"# using the co$er %ro$ided. Do not use bindings or co$ers that ma&e the com%leted course'or& rigid or bigger than A(. Degree: S)ndicate: *egistration: NAM+:

Declaration , declare that the attached course'or& is entirel) m) o'n 'or&. Signed ......................................................................................................... Date .............................................................................................................

-or the attention of Dr A A"i"# College of +lectrical and Mechanical +ngineering Note: Attach hard co%) of Matlab code and %rint result and error after each iteration.

x f ( x) = x tanh( ) 1 2 .. 1: The single positive zero of the function models the wave num er of the water wave at a certain fre!uenc" in water of depth #$% (donot worr" a out the units here)$

a) &ind two points which rac'et the zero of f ( x) ) (se the Bisection )ethod to appro*imate the zero of f ( x ) to four decimal places c) +irte a )atla code for the Bisection )ethod and appro*imate the zero of f ( x ) to si* decimal places$ &ind the error in "our answer$ .. 2: ,ppro*imate
1 3 a) x = (13) to three decimal places " appl"ing isection method$

) +irte a )atla code for the Bisection )ethod and appro*imate the zero of f ( x ) to si* decimal places$ &ind the error in "our answer$
2 .. /: (se the Secant )ethod to find a root of the function f (t ) = cos t + 2 sin t + t

.. (: -onsider a simple electronic circuit with an input voltage of 2$# ./ a resister of resistence of 1### 0 and a diode$ 1t can e shown that the voltage across the diode can e found as the single positive zero
x 2 x f ( x ) = 1 1# 13 e*p # $ #22 1### $ of

a) (se 4ewton56aphson method to appro*imate the zero of f ( x) / ta'ing initial value of x # = #$7% ) +irte a )atla code for the 4ewton7s )ethod and appro*imate the zero of f ( x ) to si* decimal places$ &ind the error in "our answer$ .. 5: (se 4ewton56aphson )ethod to appro*imate a) a root of sin x = 1 x upto four places of decimal ) +irte a )atla code for the 4ewton7s )ethod and appro*imate the zero of f ( x ) to si* decimal places$ &ind the error in "our answer$

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