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Access:NewAge Note: This was posted to the festival mail list by John Somoza.

He is a fantastic astrologer, very insightful and generous with advice, help and information. If you're interested in astrology, the festival list is one of the best. To subscribe send mail to! ma" with the message! subscribe festival and you will receive all details.The moderator is Sandra $ozhon.

Horary Electional Basics

by John Somoza %re you interested in setting up a Horary lectional &hart' (hat I am about to pass on to you is what I was taught and also learned on my own. I am )uite satisfied with the outcome of my training as I see good results in my professional interpretations. However, I am not the *uru of Horary so please respect any other %strolger's theories that differ from mine. Since the purpose of an lectional is for a good outcome the Horary +oon must end in a good aspect. ,sually a trine, se-tile and sometimes a con"unction, before it goes .oid of &ourse. (hy not always a con"unction' % con"unction to .enus or Jupiter is not the same as a con"unction to +ars or /luto. %s far as the chart type, I use the /lacidus, Tropical system. 0ut whatever wor1s for you is fine. I also use traditional and current rulers. So Jupiter and 2eptune both rule /isces, etc. 34or the chart output 0lue Star with the Horary module does several types of Horary charts. It will also list all +oon aspects and traditional (illiam 5illy points. I don't use the 5illy info. 6ou can use whatever program you have handy. Just remember do lay out the +oon aspects.7 4irst , set your time frame. &an it be done on wee1ends' +ust it be between certain hours' 2e-t, use an %strological calendar li1e +aynard's &elestial Influences to find days the +oon ends in a good aspect. 4inding the time within those dates is the hard part. Some events in life can be done at any time. 4or e-ample, if you want to get married at 8am go to 5as .egas, 2evada. They have 89 hours a day, any day of the year, no waiting, chapels. I have told people do this on a good lectional date and time. Then go through the traditional wedding for the relatives. The 8nd wedding doesn't matter, they are already married. Just ma1e sure you run the chart for 5as .egas on the first marriage. 2ow that you have your dates write each one on a separate piece of paper and mediate on them. +aybe burn some incense or a candle. /ic1 the date

that comes to mind and start wor1ing your chart. 3There are no perfect dates. :nly the ,niverse has that ability.7 % few basic rules ne-t. These are not all of them but it will get you started. 0ut first remember the Horary +oon and the transits it will ma1e before going .oid of &ourse 3.:&7. If it ma1es many s)uares and oppositions your electional chart will go through trying times; even if it ends up in a good aspect. The +oon's movements for its time in any sign is what Horary %strologers interpret. This is where 2atal and Horary differ, among other things. The horary moon is very, very important for horary astrologers. /lease remember this at all times when doing Horary.

hen yo! start things rolling as per the electional chart, there sho!l" not be any of the follo#ing, if it is possible to eliminate them.
<. 2o planetary change until the +oon goes .:&. Something will change their mind or whatever. =! See %ug <, '>? @ +ercury changing signs into .irgo while the +oon is still in /isces. 8. Horary +oon should not be .:& unless you want it to be there. 2othing will come of it, if that is what you want. See %ug 8, '>? at <8!A<pm BT. C. 2o planetary eclipses or occultations. See %ug <?, '>? at 8!DEpm BT, occultation with +ercury. 9. 2o /art of 4ortune 3/:47 in the Fth house or the <8th house unless the matter relates to an Fth or <8th house issue. So if you are opening up an underta1er's biz the /:4 in the Fth would be good. If you are opening up a hospital the /:4 in the <8th would be good. A. 2o /:4 in the second or third decanate of &ancer unless it is a related matter. The second decanate of &ancer is Scorpio and the third decanate of &ancer is /isces. ?. 2o /:4 in Scorpio or /isces unless it is a related matter. E. ,nli1e natal, a past aspect in Horary still in orb is not as relevant as an applying aspect. So if you get married %4T $ a +oon s)uare to a malefic, that's fine. The aspect is past. Set up the chart accordingly but see note below. F. Try not to have the +oon in Scorpio or &apricorn, its fall and detriment unless you want it there. +oon in Taurus is good because of it e-altation. 0ut be careful here because there are some degree points that are very negative. If you want things to go slowly, +oon in &apricorn will do it. >. Try not to have the +oon in a common sign and cadent house. 3&adent Houses CG?G>G<8. &ommon Signs *emini, .irgo, Sagittarius, /isces7 So a +oon in the Crd house in the sign of

/isces is considered &ommon and &adent. Things will not wor1 out as you planned. ,nless you want it there. <D. Bo not mi- 2atal rules with Horary rules but remember you 2atal rules for reference. <<. Bo not have any planet ta1ing a station either way until the +oon goes .:&. Someone will change their mind. See %ugust <D, '>? /luto SB F!C?am BT. <8. Bo not have the planet that rules the event retrograde. So if you are signing a contract for a house do not have +ercury retrograde. 3,sually you should never have +ercury retrograde, but there are times when it is beneficial.7 If you are getting married do not have .enus retrograde, etc.

S!ccess tips, if it is possible to have it on the chart

%. have the ruler of the <st house cusp sitting in the <Dth house, 3So if 5eo is rising, have the Sun in the <Dth7 0. or the ruler of the <Dth house cusp in the <st house, 3So if 5eo is on the +&, have the Sun in the <st7 &. or the +oon in the <Dth house, B. or the +oon doing a good aspect to the ruler of the <Dth house cusp, 3trines, se-tiles, con"unctions7 . or a good aspect between the rulers of the <st house cusp and the <Dth house cusp, 4. or the same ruler for the <st house cusp and the <Dth house cusp SI*2S, 3,sually you can do this with *emini and .irgo, both ruled by +ercury. %lso with /isces and Sagittarius both ruled by Jupiter. 4or e-ample @ *emini would be on the %& and .irgo would be on the +&.7 *. Try to have the /:4 in the house of where you are concentrating. So if you want to start an %strology biz have the /:4 in the <<H and possibly in the sign of %)uarius and possibly getting a positive aspect from the Horary +oon. H. The /:4 in the second house or the <Dth is also good for any new business. To borrow money the /:4 in the Fth is good, even the /:4 in Scorpio. The +oon ta1es 8 <G8 days to complete a sign. %nything adversely happening during that time could affect the chart. $un the chart for after the +oon has passed the negative period. /lease remember that in Hoaray the +oon is the $o%&!ler of everything. 3N'TE @ 2ot all negatives effect the chart. The reason being some negatives do not connect with the area you are hoping to be successful at. I have also seen %strologers throw a negative in the <8th house or have it

intercepted. So an intercepted +ars getting a s)uare from the +oon may have no effect in the chart. There is a lot of theory on in this area.7 %nd lastly, do not continue reading the aspects of the Horary +oon after it has gone .oid of &ourse since it has completed its "ob. This differs from natal %strology. %s far as at starting time, the late Ivy *oldstein@Jacobson states in her out of print boo1 HSimplified Horary %strologyH, page 8??, to first start with your natal %scendent sign and degree. $otate the lectional chart if necessary if the time is unsatisfactory. 3This is where the fun time starts, locating a good time.7 To save time get a popup program li1e the one %strolabe sells 3%strologer's &ompanion7. +atri- has one in their 0lue Star program. The chart display changes )uic1ly on the screen when you change the time. There are others. 6ou have more than enough to 1eep you busy. $emember, these are only a fe# of the rules. If you want an e-ample of a good date for a marriage loo1 bac1 on Becember 89, <>>A. 3Bon't worry if you did not get married on a good date and time. If your marriage is wor1ing fine it does not ma1e a difference. There are people we have met who are very luc1y in this lifetime. %n electional chart would probably be useless for them.7 *ood luc1 in doing electional wor1 and much success in your Horary studies. 3I have received a number of personal re)uests so this statement should cover it. H%ll newsletter publishers, and you etc. can reprint this or any of my other posts intact without as1ing for my permission. %nd than1 you for the credits.H %nd no, you don't have to pay me.7 &opyright <>>? John Somoza, Horary %strologer, 2ew 6or1, 26 38<87 EEE@?9?9. The Stars 2ever 5ie. +ay They %lways 0e (ith 6ou Acces: NewAge Not: Aceasta a fost postat la lista de e-mail festival de John Somoza. El este un astrolog fantastic, foarte perspicace i generos cu sfaturi, a!utor i informa"ii. #ac sunte"i interesat $n astrologie, lista de festival este una dintre cele mai %une. &entru a va inscrie pentru a trimite e-mail: ma!ordomo' cu mesa!ul: a%ona festival si vei primi toate moderator details.(he este Sandra )ozhon. **************************************** No"iuni de %az care dureaz o or Electional

de John Somoza Sunte"i interesa"i $n crearea-o diagram care dureaz o or Electional+ ,eea ce am s treci pe la tine este ceea ce am fost $nv"at i, de asemenea, a $nv"at pe cont propriu. Sunt destul de mul"umit cu rezultatul de formare mea ca vad rezultate %une $n interpretrile mele profesionale. ,u toate acestea, eu nu sunt -uru care dureaz o or de aceea v rugm s respecte orice teorii Astrolger altor care difer de la min. #in moment ce scopul unei Electional este pentru un rezultat %un lunei care dureaz o or tre%uie s se $ncheie cu un aspect %un. #e o%icei, un trigon, se.til i, uneori, o con!unc"ie, $nainte de a intra /idului a cursului. #e ce nu este $ntotdeauna o con!unc"ie+ 0 coro%orat la /enus sau Jupiter nu este acela i lucru ca o con!unc"ie cu 1arte sau &luto. 2n ceea ce prive te tipul de diagram, eu folosesc sistemul &lacidus, tropical. #ar orice functioneaza pentru tine este %ine. Eu folosesc, de asemenea, rigle tradi"ionale i actuale.#eci, Jupiter si Neptun am%ele &estii regul, etc 3&entru graficul de stele de ie ire Al%astru cu modulul care dureaz o or nu mai multe tipuri de diagrame care dureaz o or, va lista, de asemenea, toate aspectele lunei i tradi"ionale puncte 4illiam 5ill6.. Eu nu folosesc meciului 5ill6. &ute"i folosi orice program vei avea la $ndem7n doar minte nu se efectueaz aspectele 5unii..8 2n primul r7nd, cadrul de timp sta%ilit. Se poate face in wee9end+ (re%uie s-l fi $ntre anumite ore+ Apoi, utiliza"i un calendar astrologic ca :nfluen"e ,eleste 1a6nard de a gsi de zile, 5una se $ncheie cu un aspect %un. -sirea de timp $n cadrul acestor date este partea cea mai grea. ;nele evenimente din viata se poate face $n orice moment. #e e.emplu, dac dori"i s v cstori"i la <am merg la 5as /egas, Nevada. Ei au <= ore pe zi, in orice zi a anului, fara sa asteptati, capele. /-am spus oamenii fac acest lucru la o dat Electional %un i timp.Apoi, du-te prin nunt tradi"ional pentru rude. Nunta dou nu conteaz, ele sunt de!a cstori"i. #oar asigura"i-v c ave"i o diagram pentru 5as /egas pe prima cstorie. Acum, c ave"i datele scrie fiecare pe o %ucat de h7rtie separat i media pe ele. &oate arde tm7ie unele sau o lum7nare. Alege"i data care vine $n minte i $ncepe"i s lucra"i diagram. 3Nu sunt date perfecte Numai c ;niversul are capacitatea de..8 ,7teva reguli de %az urmtoare. Acestea nu sunt toate ale ei, dar ea va o%"ine ai $nceput.#ar aminti"i-v mai $nt7i 5una care dureaz o or i de tranzit se va face $nainte de a merge /idul de golf 3,0/8. 2n cazul $n care face multe pie"e i opozi"ii diagram electional va trece prin momente $ncearc, chiar dac se termin $ntr-un aspect %un. 1i crile 5unii pentru timpul su, $n orice semn este ceea ce Astrologii care dureaz o or interpreta.Acest lucru este $n cazul $n care Natal i care dureaz o or difer, printre altele. 5una care dureaz o or este foarte, foarte important pentru astrologi care dureaz o or. / rugm s re"ine"i acest lucru $n orice moment, atunci c7nd faci dureaz o or. ,7nd porni"i lucruri de rulare ca pe graficul electional, nu ar tre%ui s fie oricare dintre urmtoarele, $n cazul $n care este posi%il pentru a le elimina. >. Nici o schim%are planetar p7n lunei merge ,0/. ,eva se va schim%a mintea

lor sau orice altceva. E?: A se vedea > Aug @AB - 1ercur schim%are semne $n timp ce Cecioara 5una este inca in &esti. <. 5una care dureaz o or, nu ar tre%ui s fie de ,0/ cu e.cep"ia cazului $n care dori"i s fie acolo. Nimic nu va veni de aceasta, $n cazul $n care este ceea ce vrei. A se vedea D< august, @AB la ><:E> E#(. F. Nr eclipsele planetare sau occultations. A se vedea Aug >B, @AB la >=:DG E#(, ocultarea cu 1ercur. =. Nici o parte din Cortune 3&0C8 in casa H-a sau casa a ><-e.cep"ia cazului $n care pro%lema se refer la o pro%lem casa opta sau ><. #eci, dac v deschide"i un %iz pompe fune%re este &0C $n al H-lea ar fi %ine. #ac sunte"i deschiderea unui spital, &0C $n a ><-a ar fi %ine. E. Nr &0C $n decada a doua sau a treia de cancer e.cep"ia cazului $n care aceasta este o chestiune legat. #ecada a doua a )ac Scorpion este i decada a treia )acul este &esti. B. Nr &0C in Scorpion sau &esti e.cep"ia cazului $n care aceasta este o chestiune legat. G. Spre deose%ire de Natal, un aspect trecut, $n care dureaz o or $nc $n or%, nu este la fel de relevant ca un aspect aplicare. #eci, dac te-ai casatorit #;&A un ptrat lunei la un malefice, asta e %ine. Aspect este trecut. ,onfigurarea diagram $n consecin", dar a se vedea nota de mai !os. H. 2ncerca"i s nu ai% 5una in Scorpion sau ,apricorn, cderea sale i $n detrimentul e.cep"ia cazului $n care dori"i acolo. 5una in (aur este %un, deoarece din ea e.altare. #ar fii atent aici, pentru c c7teva puncte de gradul $n care sunt foarte negative. #aca vrei ca lucrurile s mearg $ncet, 5una in ,apricorn va face. A. 2ncerca"i s nu ai% 5una $ntr-un semn comun i casa cztor. 3,ztor ,ase FIBIAI><. ,omun Semne -emeni, Cecioara, Sagetator, &esti8 #eci, o 5una in casa F $n semnul &estilor este considerat comun i cztor. 5ucrurile nu vor func"iona dup cum a"i planificat. E.cep"ia cazului $n care dori"i acolo. >D. Nu amesteca"i normele Natal cu normele care dureaz o or, dar aduc aminte de tine norme de trimitere Natal. >>. Nu au nici o planeta de a lua o sta"ie de cale, fie p7n la lunei merge ,0/. ,ineva se va schim%a mintea lor. A se vedea $n >D august @AB &luto S# DH:FB E#(. ><. Nu ave"i planeta c normele retrograd eveniment. #eci, dac sunte"i semnarea unui contract pentru o casa nu posedam 1ercur retrograd. 3#e o%icei, nu tre%uie s v fi 1ercur retrograd, dar momente $n care ea este %enefic.8 #ac se cstoresc nu posedam /enus retrograd, etc Sfaturi de succes, $n cazul $n care este posi%il s-l ai% pe diagram A. au conducator al cuspida casei primul edin"ei $n casa >D, 3#eci, daca 5eul este $n cre tere, au Soarele $n al >D-lea8 J. sau conducator al cuspida casei zecea in casa >, 3#eci, dac 5eul este pe 1,, au Soarele in >st8 ,. sau 5una in casa >D-a, #. sau 5una face un aspect %un pentru conductorul de cuspida casei >D 3trigon, se.til, con!unc"ii8

E. sau un aspect %un $ntre conductorii de cuspida casei > si cuspida casa >D, C. sau rigla aceea i pentru cuspida casei > si SE1NE zecea cuspida casa, 3de o%icei pute"i face acest lucru cu -emenii si Cecioara, at7t condusa de 1ercur asemenea, cu at7t &estii si Sagetatorul de Jupiter #e e.emplu -.. -emini ar fi cu privire la A, si Cecioara ar fi pe 1,.8 -. 2ncerca"i s ai% &0C $n casa $n care v afla"i de concentrare. #eci, dac dori"i s porni"i un %iz Astrologie au &0C $n >>h i, eventual, $n semn de /arsator si o%tinerea, eventual, un aspect pozitiv de pe 5una care dureaz o or. K. &0C in casa a doua sau al >D-lea este, de asemenea, %un pentru orice afacere nou.&entru a $mprumuta %ani &0C $n H-a este %un, chiar &0C in Scorpion. 5una are < > I < zile pentru a finaliza un semn. 0rice se $nt7mpl negativ $n acea perioad ar putea afecta diagram. &orne te graficul de dupa 5una a trecut de perioada de negativ. / rugm s re"ine"i c, $n Koara6 5una este co,onducatorul totul. 3N0(A - Nu toate negativele efect diagram motivul fiind unele negative nu se conecteaz cu zona pe care se spera a fi de succes, de asemenea, am vzut Astrologii arunca o negativ in casa >< sau l-au interceptat #eci un 1arte interceptat... o%tinerea unui ptrat de pe 5una ar putea avea nici un efect $n graficul o mul"ime de teorii $n acest domeniu..8 Li, $n fine, nu continua"i s citi"i aspecte ale 5unii care dureaz o or dup ce a trecut /idul de curs, deoarece a terminat trea%a. Aceasta difera de astrologie natala. 2n ceea ce prive te la ora de plecare, la sfarsitul anilor :v6 -oldstein-Jaco%son state din afara ei de carte de imprimare Msimplificat care dureaz o or AstrologieM, pagina <BB, pentru a $ncepe mai $nt7i cu dvs. semn Ascendent natale i gradul. )oti"i diagram Electional, dac este necesar $n cazul $n care timpul este nesatisfctoare. 3Aceasta este $n cazul $n care timpul incepe distractia, localizarea un moment %un.8 &entru a economisi timp o%"ine un program de tip pop-up ca un Astrola%e vinde 3,ompanion astrologice lui8. 1atri. are unul $n programul lor, Jlue Star. Ecranului diagram schim% rapid pe ecran, atunci c7nd a schim%a ora. 1ai sunt si altii. Ai mai mult decat suficient pentru a v "in ocupat. Aminti"i-v, acestea sunt doar c7teva dintre regulile. #ac dori"i un e.emplu de %un dat pentru o cstorie se uite $napoi, la <= decem%rie >AAE. 3Nu v face"i gri!i dac nu a"i cstori la o data %un i ora #ac maria!ul tau este de lucru %ine c nu face o diferen".. Acolo sunt oameni ne-am $nt7lnit, care sunt foarte noroco i $n aceast via". 0 diagram electional ar fi, pro%a%il, fi inutil pentru ei.8 1ult noroc $n a face locul de munc electional i mult succes $n studiile care dureaz o or. 3Am primit o serie de cereri cu caracter personal, astfel aceast declara"ie ar tre%ui s-l acopere M(o"i editorii newsletter-ul, i v putem reproduce etc acest lucru sau la oricare dintre posturile mele alte intact fr a cere permisiunea mea. Li v mul"umesc pentru credite.M. Li nu, nu tre%uie s m plteasc.8 ****************************************

,op6right >AAB John Somoza, care dureaz o or astrolog, New Nor9, NN 3<><8 GGG-B=B=. Stele nu mint niciodata. Ele pot fi mereu cu tine
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