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Toni Grimalt (Photographer)

Toni Grimalt was born in SHorta (Mallorca) in 1.959. He is one of the best landscape photographer in Spain and has visited many locations in the World : Iran, Southern Africa, Burma, Indonesia, Scotland, Easter Island, Lebanon, Georgia, Jordan, Cuba, Tibet. Toni got interested in Photography and the same time that he was discovering other countries. He can not imagine one without the other , some of his best memories are behind the viewer. he still remember the sound of his first "big camera " Pentax K -1000. Today seems to many prehistoric times, it was the fully manual film cameras. After the K -1000, he discovered the world Nikon , travel for years with his Nikon FM3a and then with the wonderful F4 , filled with images of his paper files and slides , the result of those years was his first exposure " Mirades dues , quatre mons " (two eyes , four worlds ) , an exhibition in which he wanted to reflect his personal view of Easter Island and Iguazu.

When the digital photography appeared, he succumbed to it, that step and willing to adapt to the new camera , its lenses, and their balances before going on a trip , so he was drove out again to photograph Mallorca and discovered Mallorca today continue looking for touring , this recondite Mallorca , different, virgin , full of light, that Mallorca still retaining its cultural identity , that Mallorca unknown by many of his visitors. Discovering this new vision of the island 's what made him consider the possibility of making a collection on that Mallorca 's hidden from the eyes of tourists , translate it into images and perform quality work and the exhibition " born to Mallorca veig jo " ( the Mallorca I see ) , and then" L' Illa calm "," Voramar "and" Porto Colom i mes " exposures. Currently, he owns a restaurant in SHorta. When winter comes, it closes. So, he travels somewhere with his camera taking many photos. Those are presented and exposed in showrooms later. Right now, he is working hard on the island, looking for new images with my Nikon D3X and the D -700. Part of his work can be seen on his website and also some collaboration with my photographs in publications of cultural and local level.

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