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Compare roles of various advanced health care providers


Direct: masters prepared clinical nurse educator

Masters in Nursing

Wide variety of practice emphasis

Masters in clinical specialty- advanced practice

With or without national certification
Lack of international certification

NLN developed Nurse Educator Certification
Must have MN if not in Nursing education, or verify five years practice as
nursing educator

Indirect: doctoral prepared nurse educator

Wide variety of academic emphasis

Assess need for DNP for Indirect or Direct Nursing Advanced Practice

A. Environmental Scan of Nursing Profession

Stakeholder analysis (those ultimately affected by moving to DNP)
o ID and define characteristic of potential key stakeholders
Who? What is their What assumptions do you How might affect or
interest (stake)? hold regarding the be affected by
stakeholders? proposal to
advanced practice
within the DNP

Expert clinicians who Want to and can teach

could be educators
Schools of Nursing who Will make a role for clinical
need educators doctorate
Will value clinical expertise
Students who need Can learn from faculty
clinical expertise clinical doctorate

Society who need Subsidize nursing education

clinically competent Value
entry-level nurses.

o Analyze relationships between stakeholders

o Assess capacity of different stakeholders to participate or obstruct
o Establish which resources the stakeholders will summit or avoid

B. Strategies for Success

o Identify allies; opponents
o Identify strategic alliances to be developed

C. Summary of Next Steps for Personal Action

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