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Ancient China Day 2 SOL 2.

4: The student will develop map skills by a) locating the United States, China, and Egypt on world maps; b) understanding the relationship between the environment and the culture of ancient China and Egypt; Objectives: Students will know where the different geographical locations are in China. Students will understand that China has a diverse physical geography. Students will be able to identify and color key geographical features on their own China maps. Materials: Google Earth Procedure: 1. Tell students that today they are going on an adventure to China! First though, we need to get more familiar with the places we are going! 2. Ask the class to locate the continent of Asia on the map, then locate the country of China. 3. Show the class the map of ancient China. Ask students to note the different types of geography they see on the map. Locate rivers, landmarks, and points of interest, and list these on a chart. 4. Have students also note where the Great Wall is, Yangtze River, the Gobi Desert, Mount Everest, Giant Panda habitats, Huang He River, and the Plateau of Tibet. 5. Show students the Google Earth tour of these locations. Students will be asked to describe each location. Talk about the proximity and distance between each location. 6. The google tour will begin in Virginia and travel to China. Students will first see the Great Wall, Yangtze River, the Gobi Desert, Panda Sanctuaries, Huang He River, the Plateau of Tibet, and finally Mount Everest. 7. As the tour goes along, we will talk about the seasonal weather and the different types of geography. I will ask students what they think people in Ancient China did for jobs (farmers). a. Important things students should know about each location: b. Great Wall: form of architecture in ancient China that we still have today. It is thousands of miles long and meant to keep enemies out of China

c. Yangtze River: longest river in China-cradle of ancient civilization d. Gobi Desert: driest desert in the world e. Panda Sanctuaries: 30% of all pandas, keep other endangered animals, home to many different types of plants and flowers f. Huang He River: 2nd longest river; yellow river; The ancient Chinese settled
along the Huang He. They fished, farmed, and irrigated the land

g. The Plateau of Tibet: highest and largest plateau; surrounded by mountains h. Mount Everest: tallest mountain in China 8. What have you learned so far about Ancient China? 9. How does this map of China compare to the map of the United States?

Assessment: Summative: Have students label the rivers, landmarks, and points of interest on their copies of the map of ancient China. Have them color their maps. Formal assessment will occur at the end of the lesson.

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