Steps To MMT

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Data Collection 1/16/14 Manual Muscle Testing: Pg.

39-51 Recent abdominal or thoracic surgeries are reasons for not doing a MMT, simply write unable to perform secondary to 1) Position the Patient Safety Standard positions Against gravity- watershed, grade III Gravity minimized (eliminated) 2) Explain and Instruct Clear, concise commands and demonstrate, tell them it is to test how strong they are 3) Assess the Uninvolved Limb, FIRST! Submaximal Resistance through ROM, note the quality of movement, determine the resistance to use on involved limb Intra-reliability is high, inter-reliability is much lower, so it is much more subjective. It is a clinical level skill, not a research level skill. Mid, functional range is good to be measured because that is where they work. 4) Assess the Involved Limb Determine method of strength assessment Stabilize the proximal segment Apply manual resistance in the proper direction 2 seconds in, 3 seconds hold, 3 seconds out Note and eliminate substitutions Finding things is one thing, testing them is another! 5) Record the Strength of the Involved Limb Use the numerical scale 0/5 to 5/5 Know the qualitative descriptors Ex: Strength of L ankle dorsiflexors 4/5 by MMT

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