Hip Goni MMT

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Hip MMT Hip Flexion Against Gravity Pt Position Seated at edge of plinth 90/90.

Gravity Minimized Side-lying, test leg top, therapist supports leg, let knee bend during hip flexion Hip extension "one Gravity Minimized Side-lying, test leg on top, therapist supports leg Hip flexion "one Gravity Minimized Supine, test leg hip and knee bent 90/90. $herapist supports leg. 'nternal rotation "one Gravity Minimized Supine, test leg hip and knee bent 90/90. $herapist supports leg. )xternal rotation "one

Start Position 90/90 Resistance Hip Extension Against Gravity Pt Position Prone, pillo# under abdo!en, feet off plinth. $herapist stabili%es pel&is. istal fe!ur Against Gravity Pt Position Seated at edge of plinth 90/90 istal fe!ur

Start Position "eutral Resistance Hip External Rotation

Start Position 'nternal rotation Resistance (ust abo&e ankle Against Gravity Pt Position Seated at edge of plinth 90/90 Hip Internal Rotation

Start Position )xternal rotation Resistance Pt Position (ust abo&e ankle Hip Abduction

Side-lying test leg up. *otto! leg bent. Supine. $herapist.s hand under pt heel to +,ake sure trunk and pel&is stay straight- support. /pposite leg abducted to get out of the #ay. 0dduction "one Supine. $herapist.s hand under pt heel to support. /pposite leg abducted to get out of the #ay. 0bduction "one istal fe!ur Side-lying test leg do#n. $herapist holds top leg up. +,ake sure trunk and pel&is stay straightistal fe!ur

Start Position "eutral Resistance Hip Adduction Pt Position

Start Position "eutral Resistance

Hip Goniometer Measurement Hip Flexion )nd 1eel Pt Position Soft/1ir! Hip Extension 1ir!

Supine. Pel&is neutral, +put finger on Prone, pillo# under abdo!en. +put finger 0S'S, flex hip to 2ust before 0S'S !o&es- on PS'S, extend to 2ust before PS'S !o&eslet knee bend. 3reater trochanter of the fe!ur 4ine up #ith !iddle of thorax or parallel to the supporting surface. Parallel to fe!ur, pointing to#ard the lateral epicondyle. Hip External Rotation 3reater trochanter of the fe!ur 4ine up #ith !iddle of thorax or parallel to the supporting surface. Parallel to fe!ur, pointing to#ard the lateral epicondyle. Hip Internal Rotation 1ir!

0xis Stationary 0r! ,o&eable 0r!

)nd 1eel Pt Position


Seated at edge of plinth 90/90 #ith to#el Seated at edge of plinth 90/90 #ith to#el roll under thigh. +$herapist can use their roll under thigh. +$herapist can use their thigh to hold pt leg in placethigh to hold pt leg in place'nferior patella Perpendicular to the floor 0long the tibia 'nferior patella Perpendicular to the floor 0long the tibia

0xis Stationary 0r! ,o&eable 0r!

Hip Abduction )nd 1eel Pt Position 0xis Stationary 0r! ,o&eable 0r! 1ir!

Hip adduction Soft/1ir!

Supine. 5eep toes pointed up. Put finger Supine. 5eep toes pointed up. Put finger on opposite 0S'S. on sa!e 0S'S. 0S'S on sa!e side Pointing to#ard 0S'S on opposite side 0long fe!ur, pointing to#ard !iddle of the patella 0S'S on sa!e side Pointing to#ard 0S'S on opposite side 0long fe!ur, pointing to#ard !iddle of the patella

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