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How Money Laundering Works Roba Zantout

Outline for Informative Speech

Topic: How Money Laundering Works. Purpose: To inform audience how money laundering works. Central Idea: Money Laundering a well know act worldwide that involves three stages namely;

Placement, layering and integration.

Organizational Pattern: Chronological. Introduction A. Attention material: Where large sums of money are concerned it is advisable to trust nobody. A famous quote by Agatha Christie perfectly sums up what I am going to discuss today. Money Laundering is process of taking the earnings of criminal activity and making them appear legal or simply making dirty money appear clean. Interestingly, money laundering works just like stage magic; money launderers appear to make money from illegal sources untraceable, the same way the magician can make a pigeon disappear. Both employ professional techniques in doing so. B. Tie to the audience: I am sure that most of us being Lebanese citizens are aware of the issue of money laundering in our country. C. Credibility: Moreover, with the recent major money laundering drug scandal of the Lebanese Canadian Bank that was settled with $ 102M just a week ago; I am sure it is important for us being Lebanese citizens to understand the issue of money laundering that is currently happening in our country. D. Preview: Today I will list and explain Money Laundering a well know act

worldwide that involves three stages namely; Placement, layering and integration. [Transition: Now that we have defined what is Money Laundering let us see how it
works] Body I. Stage I of the money laundering cycle Placement: A. Black- Market deals such as drug trafficking usually paid in cash. B. Cash is then divided into smaller amounts of stash to hide questions regarding unusual bank deposits. C. Use of extended example of Sam a successful drug trafficking and how he employs the technique of placement. D. Two pictures depicting the first stage of money laundering cycle placement. [Transition: Now that we have explained the first stage of money laundering which is placement: simply placing the money into the bank we move on to explain the next stage of the money laundering cycle which is Layering]

How Money Laundering Works Roba Zantout II. Stage II of the money laundering cycle Layering: A. Most critical stage of money laundering cycle. B. Sam the cocaine drug trafficker opens multiple fake legal businesses around the world. C. Sends fake invoices between these companies to his bank account. D. Once Dirty Money deposited in the bank cross international borders to other banks it is virtually impossible to trace back the source of money. [Transition: Now that we have explained the second stage of money laundering which is simply concealing the illegal source of money we move on to explain the final stage of the money laundering cycle.] III. Stage III of the money laundering cycle Integration: A. Final Stage of money laundering cycle B. Convert your money which has crossed borders to assets such as luxurious cars and real estate and sell them in the open market C. Uses Sams example in the Integration process. D. Now the Dirty completely appears to be Clean E. Final Step offers a legal source of earnings (that is, cars and real estate) for their illegal earnings. F. Offers figures and statistics for extent of money laundering in GDP and shows some famous settled cases of money laundering. [Transition to conclusion: Now that I have explained the final stage of money laundering cycle integration; what is money laundering and how does money laundering works we will finally review the cycle quickly.] Conclusion A. Final Review: The money laundering cycle was explained in three stages. i. Placement: I explained to you how dirty money is placed into banks. ii. Layering: I showed you how launderers make the dirty money appear clean by opening fake businesses around the world and wiring cash from one country to another to make the source of dirty money untraceable iii. Integration: Final stage of purchasing assets and selling them in the open market to sow legitimate source of earnings. B. Tie back to the audience: I hope that as young future business owners you are more aware of this illegal activity of money laundering which also sheds light on you to be an anti money laundering business. C. Concluding remarks: Always remember the famous quote by Henry Fielding Money is the fruit of evil, as often as the root of it. Therefore, I encourage you all to deal with money very carefully. Thank you!

How Money Laundering Works Roba Zantout

Madinger, J. (2011). Money laundering: A guide for criminal investigators. CRC Press.

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