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Objective 3: Describe the characteristics of a good (reliable) theory.

Psychology Tenth Edition in Modules defines a theory as an explanation using an integrated set of principles that organizes observations and predicts behaviors or events. A reliable theory produces testable predictions called hypotheses. These hypotheses are often implied, but they are the researchable questions of a theory. They are used to specify the results are hoped to found. A good theory also defeats researcher based biases. For example, the U.S. Senate Select ommittee on !ntelligence hoped to find "eapons of mass destruction in !raq, "hich caused them to have a biased opinion on the data, causing them to misinterpret observations, "hich led to the unnecessary !raq #ar$ a good theory is able to defeat these biases. !n order to brea% do"n the biases, researchers use a precise procedure called operational definitions. These statements are used to define the research variables. The "orld help needs to be operationally defined because it could be used to offer help, as% for assistance, help you up& "hen "ords are operationally defined they provide a clear definition. 'recise and carefully selected "ords allo" for one of the most important aspects of a theory to ta%e place$ replication. To be able to repeat the original observations "ith different sub(ects, materials and circumstances helps set up apart a reliable theory from an inadequate one. All in all, a theory can be classified as )reliable* if it organizes observations and if the theory implies predictions that others can use to replicate the theory. A reliable theory helps expound on a previous theory to help support its findings, as is the case "ith various memory and sleep tests. A good theory sets the stage for all psychological research.

I used Psychology Tenth Edition in Modules for about the characteristics of a reliable theory. I used previous knowledge along with the newfound infor ation to set up y own !artifacts" within the objective.

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