GSM For Dummies

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Introduction to GSM

Uplink/Downlink FDMA Frequencies Number Identifiers MSISDN IMSI IMEI IMEISV


SM is !n !cron"m t#!t st!nds for Global System for Mobile Communications$ %#e ori&in!l frenc# !cron"m st!nds for Groupe Spcial Mobile$ It w!s ori&in!ll" de'eloped in ()*+ !s ! st!nd!rd for ! mobile telep#one s"stem t#!t could be used !cross Europe$ SM is now !n intern!tion!l st!nd!rd for mobile ser'ice$ It offers #i&# mobilit"$ Subscribers c!n e!sil" ro!m worldwide !nd !ccess !n" SM network$ SM is ! di&it!l cellul!r network$ At t#e time t#e st!nd!rd w!s de'eloped it offered muc# #i&#er c!p!cit" t#!n t#e current !n!lo& s"stems$ It !lso !llowed for ! more optim!l !lloc!tion of t#e r!dio spectrum, w#ic# t#erefore !llows for ! l!r&er number of subscribers$ SM offers ! number of ser'ices includin& 'oice communic!tions, S#ort Mess!&e Ser'ice -SMS., f!/, 'oice m!il, !nd ot#er supplement!l ser'ices suc# !s c!ll forw!rdin& !nd c!ller ID$ 0urrentl" t#ere !re se'er!l b!nds in use in SM$ +12 MH3, *12 MH4, )22 MH3, (*22 MH3, !nd ()22 MH3 !re t#e most common ones$ Some b!nds !lso #!'e Extended GSM (EGSM) b!nds !dded to t#em, incre!sin& t#e !mount of spectrum !'!il!ble for e!c# b!nd$ SM m!kes use of Frequenc" Di'ision Multiple Access -FDMA. !nd %ime Di'ision Multiple Access -%DMA.$ 5%DMA will be discussed l!ter
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Uplinks/Downlinks & Reverse orward

SM !llows for use of duple/ oper!tion$ E!c# b!nd #!s ! frequenc" r!n&e for t#e uplink -cell p#one to tower. !nd ! sep!r!te r!n&e for t#e downlink -tower to t#e cell p#one.$ %#e

uplink is !lso known !s t#e Reverse !nd t#e downlink is !lso known !s t#e Forward$ In t#is tutori!l, I will use t#e terms uplink !nd downlink$

Uplink and Downlink

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re!uency Division Multiple "ccess # DM"$

SM di'ides t#e !lloc!ted spectrum for e!c# b!nd up into idi'idu!l c!rrier frequencies$ 0!rrier sep!r!tion is 922 k#3$ %#is is t#e FDMA !spect of SM$

"bsolute Radio re!uency C%annel &umber #"R C&$

%#e A:F0N is ! number t#!t describes ! p!ir of frequencies, one uplink !nd one downlink$ %#e uplink !nd downlink frequencies e!c# #!'e ! b!ndwidt# of 922 kH3$ %#e uplink !nd downlink #!'e ! specific offset t#!t '!ries for e!c# b!nd$ %#e offset is t#e frequenc" sep!r!tion of t#e uplink from t#e downlink$ E'er" time t#e A:F0N incre!ses, t#e uplink will incre!se b" 922 k#3 !nd t#e downlink !lso incre!ses b" 922 k#3$
5Note; Alt#ou&# SM oper!tes in duple/ -sep!r!te frequencies for tr!nsmit !nd recei'e., t#e mobile st!tion does not tr!nsmit !nd recei'e !t t#e s!me time$ A switc# is used to to&&le t#e !ntenn! between t#e tr!nsmitter !nd recei'er$

%#e followin& t!ble summ!ri3es t#e frequenc" r!n&es, offsets, !nd A:F0Ns for se'er!l popul!r b!nds$

GSM 'ands

%#e followin& di!&r!m illustr!tes !n A:F0N wit# p!ired uplink !nd downlink frequencies for A:F0N ( in t#e SM )22 b!nd$

GSM()) "R C& *

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Calculatin+ Uplink/Downlink re!uencies

%#e followin& is ! w!" to c!lcul!te t#e uplink !nd downlink frequencies for some of t#e b!nds, &i'en t#e b!nd, t#e A:F0N, !nd t#e offset$

GSM ())
Up < *)2$2 = -A:F0N 5 $9. Down < Up = +1$2 e/!mple; i'en t#e A:F0N >9, !nd we know t#e offset is +1MH3 for t#e SM)22 b!nd; Up < *)2$2 = ->9 5 $9. Up < *)2$2 = -(+$+. Up < )2+$+2 MH3

Down < Up = ?ffset Down < )2+$+2 = +1$2 Down < )+)$+2 MH3 %#e uplink/downlink p!ir for SM)22 A:F0N>9 is )2+$+2/)+)$+2 -MH3. Here !re t#e formul!s for E SM)22, D0S(*22, !nd @0S()22;

Up < *)2$2 = -A:F0N 5 $9. Down < Up = +1$2

Up < (>(2$2 = --A:F0N A 1((. 5 $9. Down < Up = )1$2

Up < (*12$2 = --A:F0N A 1(9. 5 $9. Down < Up = *2$2
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&umberin+ System #Identifiers$

Mobile Subscriber ISD& #MSISD&$
%#e MSISDN is t#e subscriberBs p#one number$ It is t#e number t#!t !not#er person would di!l in order to re!c# t#e subscriber$ %#e MSISDN is composed of t#ree p!rts; 0ountr" 0ode -00. N!tion!l Destin!tion 0ode -ND0. Subscriber Number -SN.


Country Code #CC$ A %#is is t#e intern!tion!l di!lin& code for w#ic#e'er countr" t#e

MS is re&istered to$ &ational Destination Code #&DC$ A In SM, !n ND0 is !ssi&ned to e!c# @CMN$ In m!n" c!ses, ! @CMN m!" need more t#!n one ND0$ Subscriber &umber #S&$ A %#is is ! number !ssi&ned to t#e subscriber b" t#e ser'ice pro'ider -@CMN.$

%#e combin!tion of t#e ND0 !nd t#e SN is known !s t#e N!tion!l -si&nific!nt. Mobile Number$ %#is number identifies ! subscriber wit#in t#e SM @CMN$

&ational #si+nificant$ Mobile &umber

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International Mobile Subscriber Identity #IMSI$

%#e IMSI is #ow t#e subscriber is identified to t#e network$ It uniquel" identifies t#e subscriber wit#in t#e SM &lob!l network$ %#e IMSI is burned into t#e SIM c!rd w#en t#e subscriber re&isters wit# @CMN ser'ice pro'ider$ %#e IMSI is composed of t#ree p!rts; Mobile 0ountr" 0ode -M00. Mobile Network 0ode -MN0. Mobile Subscriber Identific!tion Number -MSIN.


Mobile Country Code #MCC$ A %#is number identifies w#ic# countr" t#e subscriberBs network is in$ It #!s D di&its$

Mobile &etwork Code #M&C$ A %#is number identifies t#e #ome SM @CMN of t#e subscriber -0in&ul!r, %AMobile, etc$.$ It #!s 9 or D di&its$ Some networks m!" #!'e more t#!n one MN0 !lloc!ted to it$ Mobile Subscriber Identification &umber #MSI&$ A %#is number uniquel" identifies ! user wit#in t#e #ome SM network$
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International Mobile ,!uipment Identity #IM,I$

%#e IMEI uniquel" identifies t#e Mobile Equipment itself$ It is essenti!ll" ! seri!l number t#!t is burned into t#e p#one b" t#e m!nuf!cturer$ %#e IMEI is composed of t#ree p!rts; %"pe Alloc!tion 0ode -%A0. A * di&its Seri!l Number -SN:. A E di&its Sp!re -S@. A ( di&it


/ype "llocation Code #/"C$ A %#is number uniquel" identifies t#e model of ! wireless de'ice$ It is composed of * di&its$ Under t#e new s"stem -!s of April 922+., t#e first two di&its of ! %A0 !re t#e Reporting Body dentifier of t#e SMA !ppro'ed &roup t#!t !lloc!ted t#is model t"pe$ Serial &umber #S&R$ A %#is number is ! m!nuf!cturer defined seri!l number for t#e model of wireless de'ice$ Spare #S.$ %#is number is ! c#eck di&it known !s ! !u"n #"ec$ %igit$ It is omitted durin& tr!nsmission wit#in t#e SM network$ ?n m!n" de'ices t#e IMEI number c!n be retrie'ed b" enterin& 5F2EF

ormer IM,I Structure

@rior to April, 922+ t#e IMEI #!d ! different structure; %"pe Alloc!tion 0ode -%A0. A E di&its F!ctor" Assembl" 0ode -FA0. A 9 di&its Seri!l Number -SN:. A E di&its Sp!re -S@. A ( di&it

ormer IM,I Structure

As of April 922+, t#e use of t#e FA0 w!s no lon&er required$ %#e current pr!ctice is for t#e %A0 for ! new model to &et !ppro'ed b" n!tion!l re&ul!tin& bodies, known !s t#e Reporting Body dentifier$
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International Mobile ,!uipment Identity/Software 0ersion #IM,IS0$

%#is is ! newer form of t#e IMEI t#!t omits t#e Sp!re di&it !t t#e end !nd !dds ! 9A di&it Software &ersion 'u(ber (S&') !t t#e end$ %#e SVN identifies t#e softw!re 'ersion t#!t t#e wireless de'ice is usin&$ %#is results in ! (EAdi&it IMEI$ %"pe Alloc!tion 0ode -%A0. A * di&its Seri!l Number -SN:. A E di&its Softw!re Version Number -SVN. A 9 di&its





Number Identifiers








Co&ic!l 0#!nnels

Aut#entic!tion G Encr"ption


Ad'!nces Speec# Encodin& SM E'ents Upd!tes 7ulletin 7o!rd Sitem!p 0ont!ct Me


&etwork "rc%itecture
Mobile St!tion 7!se %r!nscei'er St!tion Home Coc!tion :e&ister 7!se St!tion 0ontroller Mobile Switc#in& 0enter !tew!" MS0 Visitor Coc!tion :e&ister Equipment Identit" :e&ister Aut#entic!tion 0enter


GSM &etwork "rc%itecture

A SM network is m!de up of multiple components !nd interf!ces t#!t f!cilit!te sendin& !nd recei'in& of si&n!llin& !nd tr!ffic mess!&es$ It is ! collection of tr!nscei'ers, controllers, switc#es, routers, !nd re&isters$ A @ublic C!nd Mobile Network -@CMN. is ! network t#!t is owned !nd oper!ted b" one SM ser'ice pro'ider or !dministr!tion, w#ic# includes !ll of t#e components !nd equipment !s described below$ For e/!mple, !ll of t#e equipment !nd network resources t#!t is owned !nd oper!ted b" 0in&ul!r is considered ! @CMN$

Mobile Station #MS$

%#e Mobile St!tion -MS. is m!de up of two components; Mobile ,!uipment #M,$ %#is refers to t#e p#"sic!l p#one itself$ %#e p#one must be !ble to oper!te on ! SM network$ ?lder p#ones oper!ted on ! sin&le b!nd onl"$ Newer p#ones !re du!lAb!nd, tripleAb!nd, !nd e'en qu!dAb!nd c!p!ble$ A qu!dAb!nd p#one #!s t#e tec#nic!l c!p!bilit" to oper!te on !n" SM network worldwide$ E!c# p#one is uniquel" identified b" t#e nternational Mobile E)uip(ent dentity -IMEI. number$ %#is number is burned into t#e p#one b" t#e m!nuf!cturer$ %#e IMEI c!n usu!ll" be found b" remo'in& t#e b!tter" of t#e p#one !nd re!din& t#e p!nel in t#e b!tter" well$

It is possible to c#!n&e t#e IMEI on ! p#one to reflect ! different IMEI$ %#is is known !s IMEI spoofin& or IMEI clonin&$ %#is is usu!ll" done on stolen p#ones$ %#e !'er!&e user does not #!'e t#e tec#nic!l !bilit" to c#!n&e ! p#oneBs IMEI$ Subscriber Identity Module #SIM$ A %#e SIM is ! sm!ll sm!rt c!rd t#!t is inserted into t#e p#one !nd c!rries inform!tion specific to t#e subscriber, suc# !s MS * +MS * ,i -used for encr"ption., Ser'ice @ro'ider N!me -S@N., !nd !ocal -rea dentity -CAI.$ %#e SIM c!n !lso store p#one numbers -MSISDN. di!led !nd recei'ed, t#e ,c -used for encr"ption., p#one books, !nd d!t! for ot#er !pplic!tions$ A SIM c!rd c!n be remo'ed from one p#one, inserted into !not#er SM c!p!ble p#one !nd t#e subscriber will &et t#e s!me ser'ice !s !lw!"s$ E!dc# SIM c!rd is protected b" ! +Adi&it @erson!l Identific!tion Number -@IN.$ In order to unlock ! c!rd, t#e user must enter t#e @IN$ If ! @IN is entered incorrectl" t#ree times in ! row, t#e c!rd blocks itself !nd c!n not be used$ It c!n onl" be unblocked wit# !n *Adi&it @erson!l Unblockin& He" -@UH., w#ic# is !lso stored on t#e SIM c!rd$

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'ase /ransceiver Station #'/S$

'ase /ransceiver Station #'/S$ A %#e 7%S is t#e Mobile St!tionBs !ccess point to t#e network$ It is responsible for c!rr"in& out r!dio communic!tions between t#e network !nd t#e MS$ It #!ndles speec# encodin&, encr"ption, multiple/in& -+%M-., !nd

modul!tion/demodul!tion of t#e r!dio si&n!ls$ It is !lso c!p!ble of frequenc" #oppin&$ A 7%S will #!'e between ( !nd (E %r!nscei'ers -%:I., dependin& on t#e &eo&r!p#" !nd user dem!nd of !n !re!$ E!c# %:I represents one A:F0N$ ?ne 7%S usu!ll" co'ers ! sin&le (92 de&ree sector of !n !re!$ Usu!ll" ! tower wit# D 7%Ss will !ccomod!te !ll DE2 de&rees !round t#e tower$ Howe'er, dependin& on &eo&r!p#" !nd user dem!nd of !n !re!, ! cell m!" be di'ided up into one or two sectors, or ! cell m!" be ser'iced b" se'er!l 7%Ss wit# redund!nt sector co'er!&e$ A 7%S is !ssi&ned ! #ell dentity$ %#e cell identit" is (EAbit number -double octet. t#!t identifies t#!t cell in ! p!rticul!r !ocation -rea$ %#e cell identit" is p!rt of t#e 0ell lob!l Identific!tion -0 I., w#ic# is discussed in t#e section !bout t#e Visitor Coc!tion :e&ister -VC:.$

*1) 2 Sector

%#e interf!ce between t#e MS !nd t#e 7%S is known !s t#e .( nterface or t#e -ir nterface$

Um Interface

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'ase Station Controller #'SC$

'ase Station Controller #'SC$ A %#e 7S0 controls multiple 7%Ss$ It #!ndles !lloc!tion of r!dio c#!nnels, frequenc" !dministr!tion, power !nd si&n!l me!surements from t#e MS, !nd #!ndo'ers from one 7%S to !not#er -if bot# 7%Ss !re controlled b" t#e s!me 7S0.$ A 7S0 !lso functions !s ! JfunnelerJ$ It reduces t#e number of connections to t#e Mobile Switc"ing #enter -MS0. !nd !llows for #i&#er c!p!cit" connections to t#e MS0$ A 7S0 m" be colloc!ted wit# ! 7%S or it m!" be &eo&r!p#ic!ll" sep!r!te$ It m!" e'en be colloc!ted wit# t#e Mobile Switc#in& 0enter -MS0.$

'ase Station Controller

/%e interface between t%e '/S and t%e 'SC is known as t%e Abis Interface

"bis Interface

/%e 'ase /ransceiver Station #'/S$ and t%e 'ase Station Controller #'SC$ to+et%er make up t%e Base Station System #'SS$3

'ase Station System

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Mobile Switc%in+ Center #MSC$

Mobile Switc%in+ Center #MSC$ A %#e MS0 is t#e #e!rt of t#e SM netowrk$ It #!ndles c!ll routin&, c!ll setup, !nd b!sic switc#in& functions$ An MS0 #!ndles multiple 7S0s !nd !lso interf!ces wit# ot#er MS0Bs !nd re&isters$ It !lso #!ndles inerA7S0 #!ndoffs !s well !s coordin!tes wit# ot#er MS0Bs for interAMS0 #!ndoffs$

Mobile Switc%in+ Center

%#e interf!ce between t#e 7S0 !nd t#e MS0 is known !s t#e - nterface

" Interface

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Gateway Mobile Switc%in+ Center #GMSC$

%#ere is !not#er import!nt t"pe of MS0, c!lled ! !tew!" Mobile Switc#in& 0enter - MS0.$ %#e MS0 functions !s ! &!tew!" between two networks$ If ! mobile subscriber w!nts to pl!ce ! c!ll to ! re&ul!r l!ndline, t#en t#e c!ll would #!'e to &o t#rou&# ! MS0 in order to switc# to t#e @ublic Switc#ed %elep#one Network -@S%N.$

Gateway Mobile Switc%in+ Center

For e/!mple, if ! subscriber on t#e 0in&ul!r network w!nts to c!ll ! subscriber on ! %A Mobile network, t#e c!ll would #!'e to &o t#rou&# ! MS0$

Connections 'etween /wo &etworks

%#e interf!ce between two Mobile Switc#in& 0enters -MS0. is c!lled t#e E nterface

, Interface

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4ome 5ocation Re+ister #45R$

4ome 5ocation Re+ister #45R$ A %#e HC: is ! l!r&e d!t!b!se t#!t perm!nentl" stores d!t! !bout subscribers$ %#e HC: m!int!ins subscriberAspecific inform!tion suc# !s t#e MSISDN, IMSI, current loc!tion of t#e MS, ro!min& restrictions, !nd subscriber supplement!l fe!utures$ %#ere is lo&ic!ll" onl" one HC: in !n" &i'en network, but &ener!ll" spe!kin& e!c# network #!s multiple p#"sic!l HC:s spre!d out !cross its network$
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0isitor 5ocation Re+ister #05R$

0isitor 5ocation Re+ister #05R$ A %#e VC: is ! d!t!b!se t#!t cont!ins ! subset of t#e inform!tion loc!ted on t#e HC:$ It cont!ins simil!r inform!tion !s t#e HC:, but onl" for subscribers currentl" in its Coc!tion Are!$ %#ere is ! VC: for e'er" Coc!tion Are!$ %#e VC: reduces t#e o'er!ll number of queries to t#e HC: !nd t#us reduces network tr!ffic$ VC:s !re often identified b" t#e Coc!tion Are! 0ode -CA0. for t#e !re! t#e" ser'ice$

0isitor 5ocation Re+ister

5ocation "rea Code #5"C$ A CA0 is ! fi/edAlen&t# code -two octets. t#!t identifies ! loc!tion !re! wit#in t#e network$ E!c# Coc!tion Are! is ser'iced b" ! VC:, so we c!n t#ink of ! Coc!tion Are! 0ode -CA0. bein& !ssi&ned to ! VC:$ 5ocation "rea Identity #5"I$ An CAI is ! &lob!ll" uniqe number t#!t identifies t#e countr", network pro'ider, !nd CA0 of !n" &i'en Coc!tion Are!, w#ic# coincides wit# ! VC:$ It is composed of t#e Mobile 0ountr" 0ode -M00., t#e Mobile Network 0ode -MN0., !nd t#e Coc!tion Are! 0ode -CA0.$ %#e M00 !nd t#e MN0 !re t#e s!me numbers used w#en formin& t#e IMSI$

5ocation "rea Identity #5"I$

Cell Global Identification #CGI$ %#e 0 I is ! number t#!t uniquel" identifies ! specific cell wit#in its loc!tion !re!, network, !nd countr"$ %#e 0 I is composed of t#e M00, MN0, CAI, !nd 0ell Identit" -0I.

Cell Global Identity

%#e VC: !lso #!s one ot#er 'er" import!nt function; t#e !ssi&nment of ! %empor!r" Mobile Subscriber Identit" -%MSI.$ %MSIs !re !ssi&ned b" t#e VC: to ! MS !s it comes into its Coc!tion Are!$ %MSIs !re unique to ! VC:$ %MSIs !re onl" !lloc!ted w#en in cip#er mode$

%#e interf!ce between t#e MS0 !nd t#e VC: is known !s t#e B nterface !nd t#e interf!ce between t#e VC: !nd t#e HC: is known !s t#e % nterface$ %#e interf!ce between two VC:s is c!lled t#e G nterface

' and D Interfaces

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,!uipment Identity Re+ister #,IR$

,!uipment Identity Re+ister #,IR$ A %#e EI: is ! d!t!b!se t#!t keeps tr!cks of #!ndsets on t#e network usin& t#e IMEI$ %#ere is onl" one EI: per network$ It is composed of t#ree lists$ %#e w#ite list, t#e &r!" list, !nd t#e bl!ck list$ %#e bl!ck list is ! list if IMEIs t#!t !re to be denied ser'ice b" t#e network for some re!son$ :e!sons include t#e IMEI bein& listed !s stolen or clonedor if t#e #!ndset is m!lfunctionin& or doesnt #!'e t#e tec#nic!l c!p!bilities to oper!te on t#e network$ %#e &r!" list is ! list of IMEIs t#!t !re to be monitored for suspicous !cti'it"$ %#is could include #!ndsets t#!t !re be#!'in& oddl" or not performin& !s t#e network e/pects it to$ %#e w#ite list is !n unpopul!ted list$ %#!t me!ns if !n IMEI is not on t#e bl!ck list or on t#e &r!" list, t#en it is considered &ood !nd is Jon t#e w#ite listJ$ %#e interf!ce between t#e MS0 !nd t#e EI: is c!lled t#e F nterface$

,!uipment Identity Re+ister

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"ut%entication Center #"uc$

"ut%entication Center #"uC$ A %#e Au0 #!ndles t#e !ut#entic!tion !nd encr"ption t!sks for t#e network$ %#e Auc stores t#e Hi for e!c# IMSI on t#e network$ It !lso &ener!tes cr"pto'!ri!bles suc# !s t#e :AND, S:ES, !nd Hc$ Alt#ou&# it is not required, t#e Auc is norm!ll" p#"sic!ll" colloc!ted wit# t#e HC:$

"ut%entication Center

%#ere is one l!st interf!ce t#!t we #!'enBt discussed$ %#e interf!ce between t#e HC: !nd ! MS0 is c!lled t#e # nterface$ Kou will see it in t#e full network di!&r!m below$%#is completes t#e introduction to t#e network !rc#itecture of ! SM network$ 7elow "ou will find ! network di!&r!m wit# !ll of t#e components !s well !s t#e n!mes of !ll of t#e interf!ces$

ull GSM &etwork

Mobile St!tion

7!se %r!nscei'er St!tion

Home Coc!tion :e&ister

7!se St!tion 0ontroller Mobile Switc#in& 0enter !tew!" MS0 Visitor Coc!tion :e&ister Equipment Identit" :e&ister Aut#entic!tion 0enter %DMA Co&ic!l 0#!nnels Aut#entic!tion G Encr"ption %imin&



Ad'!nces Speec# Encodin& SM E'ents Upd!tes 7ulletin 7o!rd Sitem!p 0ont!ct Me


"ut%entication & ,ncryption

Introduction Aut#entic!tion @rocedures 0ip#erin& @rocedures


"ut%entication A L#ene'er ! MS requests !ccess to ! network, t#e network must !ut#entic!te t#e MS$ Aut#entic!tion 'erifies t#e identit" !nd '!lidit" of t#e SIM c!rd to t#e network !nd ensures t#!t t#e subscriber is !ut#ori3ed !ccess to t#e network$ ,ncryption A In SM, encr"ption refers to t#e process of cre!tin& !ut#entic!tion !nd cip#erin& cr"pto'!ri!bles usin& ! speci!l ke" !nd !n encr"ption !l&orit#m$ Cip%erin+ A 0ip#erin& refers to t#e process of c#!n&in& pl!inte/t d!t! into encr"pted d!t! usin& ! speci!l ke" !nd ! speci!l encr"ption !l&orit#m$ %r!nsmissions between t#e MS !nd t#e 7%S on t#e Um link, !re encip#ered$ 6i A %#e Hi is t#e indi'idu!l subscriber !ut#entic!tion ke"$ It is ! (9*Abit number t#!t is p!ired wit# !n IMSI w#en t#e SIM c!rd is cre!ted$ %#e Hi is onl" stored on t#e SIM c!rd !nd !t t#e Aut#entic!tion 0enter -Au0.$ %#e Hi s#ould ne'er be tr!nsmitted !cross t#e network on !n" link$ R"&D A %#e :AND is ! r!ndom (9*Abit number t#!t is &ener!ted b" t#e Auc w#en t#e network requests to !ut#entic!te ! subscriber$ %#e :AND is used to &ener!te t#e Si&ned :esponse -S:ES. !nd Hc cr"pto'!ri!bles$ Si+ned Response A %#e S:ES is ! D9Abit cr"pto'!ri!ble used in t#e !ut#entic!tion process$ %#e MS is c#!llen&ed b" bein& &i'en t#e :AND b" t#e network, t#e S:ES is t#e e/pected correct response$ %#e S:ES is ne'er p!ssed on t#e Um -Air. interf!ce$ It is kept !t t#e MS0/VC:, w#ic# performs t#e !ut#entic!tion c#eck$ "7 "l+orit%m A %#e AD !l&orit#m computes ! D9Abit Si&ned :esponse -S:ES.$ %#e Hi !nd :AND !re inputted into t#e AD !l&orit#m !nd t#e result is t#e D9Abit S:ES$ %#e AD !l&orit#m resides on t#e SIM c!rd !nd !t t#e Au0$ "- "l+orit%m A %#e A* !l&orit#m computes ! E+Abit cip#erin& ke" -Hc.$ %#e Hi !nd t#e :AND !re inputted into t#e A* !l&orit#m !nd t#e result is t#e E+Abit Hc$ %#e A*

!l&orit#m resides on t#e ISM c!rd !nd !t t#e Au0$ 6c A %#e Hc is t#e E+Abit cip#erin& ke" t#!t is used in t#e A1 encr"ption !l&orit#m to encip#er !nd decip#er t#e d!t! t#!t is bein& tr!nsmitted on t#e Um interf!ce$ "8 A %#e A1 encr"ption !l&orit#m is used to encip#er !nd decip#er t#e d!t! t#!t is bein& tr!nsmitted on t#e Um interf!ce$ %#e Hc !nd t#e pl!inte/t d!t! !re inputted into t#e A1 !l&orit#m !nd t#e output is encip#ered d!t!$ %#e A1 !l&orit#m is ! function of t#e Mobile Equipment -ME. !nd not ! function of t#e SIM c!rd$ %#e 7%S !lso m!kes use of t#e A1 !l&orit#m$ %#ere !re t#ree 'ersions of t#e A1 !l&orit#m; A1/( A %#e current st!nd!rd for U$S$ !nd Europe!n networks$ A1/( is ! stre!m cip#er$M7: A1/9 A %#e deliber!tel" we!kened 'ersion of A1/( t#!t is intended for e/port to nonA western countries$ A1/9 is ! stre!m cip#er$ A1/D A A newl" de'eloped !l&orit#m not "et in full use$ A1/D is ! block cip#er$ /riplets A %#e :AND, S:ES, !nd Hc to&et#er !re known !s t#e %riplets$ %#e Au0 will send t#ese t#ree cr"pto'!ri!bles to t#e requestin& MS0/VC: so it c!n !ut#entic!te !nd encip#er$
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"ut%entication .rocedures
w#en ! MS requests !ccess to t#e network, t#e MS0/VC: will norm!ll" require t#e MS to aut"enticate$ %#e MS0 will forw!rd t#e IMSI to t#e HC: !nd request !ut#entic!tion +riplets$

L#en t#e HC: recei'es t#e IMSI !nd t#e !ut#entic!tion request, it first c#ecks its d!t!b!se to m!ke sure t#e IMSI is '!lid !nd belon&s to t#e network$ ?nce it #!s !ccomplis#ed t#is, it will forw!rd t#e IMSI !nd !ut#entic!tion request to t#e -ut"entication #enter -Au0.$

%#e Au0 will use t#e IMSI to look up t#e Hi !ssoci!ted wit# t#!t IMSI$ %#e Hi is t#e indi'idu!l subscriber !ut#entic!tion ke"$ It is ! (9*Abit number t#!t is p!ired wit# !n IMSI w#en t#e SIM c!rd is cre!ted$ %#e Hi is onl" stored on t#e SIM c!rd !nd !t t#e Au0$ %#e Auc will !lso &ener!te ! (9*Abit r!ndom number c!lled t#e :AND$

%#e :AND !nd t#e Hi !re inputted into t#e AD encr"ption !l&orit#m$ %#e output is t#e D9Abit Signed Response -S:ES.$ %#e S:ES is essenti!ll" t#e Jc#!llen&eJ sent to t#e MS w#en !ut#entic!tion is requested$

%#e :AND !nd Hi !re input into t#e A* encr"ption !l&orit#m$ %#e output is t#e E+Abit Hc$ %#e Hc is t#e cip#erin& ke" t#!t is used in t#e A1 encr"ption !l&orit#m to encip#er !nd decip#er t#e d!t! t#!t is bein& tr!nsmitted on t#e Um interf!ce$

%#e :AND, S:ES, !nd Hc !re collecti'el" known !s t#e +riplets$ %#e Au0 m!" &ener!te m!n" sets of %riplets !nd send t#em to t#e requestin& MS0/VC:$ %#is is in order to reduce t#e si&n!llin& o'er#e!d t#!t would result if t#e MS0/VC: requested one set of triplets e'er" time it w!nted to !ut#entic!te t#e$ It s#ould be noted t#!t ! set of triplets is unique to one IMSI, it c!n not be used wit# !n" ot#er IMSI$

?nce t#e Au0 #!s &ener!ted t#e triplets -or sets of triplets., it forw!rds t#em to t#e HC:$ %#e HCr subsequentl" sends t#em to t#e requestin& MS0/VC:$

%#e MS0 stores t#e Hc !nd t#e S:ES but forw!rds t#e :AND to t#e MS !nd orders it to !ut#entic!te$

%#e MS #!s t#e Hi stored on t#e SIM c!rd$ %#e AD !nd A* !l&orit#ms !lso reside on t#e SIM c!rd$ %#e :AND !nd Hi !re inputted into t#e AD !nd A* encr"ption !l&orit#ms to &ener!te t#e S:ES !nd t#e Hc respecti'el"$

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Cip%erin+ .rocedure
%#e MS stores t#e Hc on t#e SIM c!rd !nd sends t#e &ener!ted S:ES b!ck to t#e network$ %#e MS0 recie'es t#e MS &ener!ted S:ES !nd comp!res it to t#e A:ES &ener!ted b" t#e Au0$ if t#e" m!tc#, t#en t#e MS is !ut#entic!ted$

?nce t#e MS is !ut#entic!ted, it p!sses t#e Hc to t#e 7SS -t#e 7%S to be specific., !nd orders t#e 7%S !nd MS to switc# to #ip"er Mode$ %#e Hc s#ould not be p!ssed on t#e Um link, it will be stored !t t#e 7%S$ %#e 7%S inputs t#e Hc !nd t#e d!t! p!"lo!d into t#e A1 encr"ption !l&orit#m resultin& in !n encip#ered d!t! stre!m$ %#e MS !lso inputs t#e Hc !nd t#e d!t! p!"lo!d into t#e A1 encr"ption !l&orit#m resultin& in !n encip#ered d!t! stre!m$ It s#ould be noted t#!t t#e A1 !l&orit#m is ! function of t#e Mobile Equipment -ME. !nd not t#e SIM c!rd$

Introduction Introduction

Aut#entic!tion @rocedures

0ip#erin& @rocedures %imin&

Arc#itecture %DMA Co&ic!l 0#!nnels Aut#entic!tion G Encr"ption Ad'!nces Speec# Encodin& SM E'ents Upd!tes 7ulletin 7o!rd Sitem!p 0ont!ct Me


/ime Division Multiple "ccess #/DM"$

Introduction Access 7urst %ime Slots D!t! :!tes D!t! %#rou&#put 7urst Structure Norm!l 7urst Frequenc" 0orrection 7urst S"nc#roni3!tion 7urst Fr!me Structure %DMA Fr!me Multifr!mes Superfr!mes H"perfr!mes


/ime Division Multiple "ccess

SM uses %ime Di'ision Multiple Acces -%DMA. !s its !ccess sc#eme$ %#is is #ow t#e MS interf!ces wit# t#e network$ %DMA is t#e protocol used on t#e Air -Um. Cink$ SM uses !ussi!n MinimumAS#ift He"in& - MSH. !s its modul!tion met#os$ %ime Di'ision me!ns t#!t t#e frequenc" is di'ided up into blocks of time !nd onl" cert!in logical c"annels !re tr!nsmitted !t cert!in times$ Co&ic!l c#!nnels will be introduced in t#e ne/t lesson$%#e time di'isions in %DMA !re known !s /ime Slots$

/ime Slots
A frequenc" is di'ided up into * time slots, numbered 2 to >$

/ime Slots

?n ! side note, !lso remember t#!t SM c!rrier frequencies !re sep!r!ted b" 922kH3 !nd t#!t SM oper!tes in duple/$ A c#!nnel number !ssi&ned to ! p!ir of frequencies, one uplink !nd one downlink, is known !s !n Absolute :!dio Frequenc" 0#!nnel Number -A:F0N.$ For ! re'iew of t#e A:F0N &o to t#e Introduction to SM %utori!l$

E!c# time slot l!sts 1>E$) Ns$ A time slot is t#e b!sic r!dio resource used to f!cilit!te communic!tion between t#e MS !nd t#e 7%S$

/ime Slot Duration

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Data Rates
As st!ted e!rlier, SM uses !ussi!n MinimumAS#ift He"in& - MSH. !s its modul!tion met#od$ MSH pro'ides ! modul!tion r!te of 9>2$*DD kilobits per second -kb/s.$ At t#!t r!te, ! m!/imum of (1E$91 bits c!n be tr!nsmitted in e!c# time slot -1>E$) Ns.$ M!t#; 9>2$*DD kb/s O (222 < 9>2,*DD bits/sec -0on'ertin& from kilobits to bits. 9>2,*DD b/sec P (,222,222 < $92>*DD b/Ns -0!lcul!tin& bits per miscrosecond. $92>*DD b/Ns O 1>E$) Ns < (1E$91 bits -0!lcul!tin& number of bits per time slot. So, (1E$91 bits c!n be tr!nsmitted in ! sin&le time slot

'its per /ime Slot

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Data 'urst
%#e d!t! tr!nsmitted durin& ! sin&le time slot is known !s ! burst$ E!c# burst !llows *$91 bits for guard ti(e wit#in ! time slot$ %#is is to pre'ent bursts from o'erl!ppin& !nd interferin& wit# tr!nsmissions in ot#er time slots$ Subtr!ctin& t#is from t#e (1E$91 bits, t#ere !re (+* bits us!ble for e!c# burst$ %#ere !re four m!in t"pes of bursts in %DMA; &ormal 'urst #&'$ re!uency Correction 'urst # '$ Sync%roni9ation 'urst #S'$ "ccess 'urst #"'$

&ormal 'urst
%#e d!t! tr!nsmitted durin& ! sin&le time slot is known !s ! burst$ E!c# burst !llows *$91 bits for guard ti(e$ %#is is to pre'ent bursts from o'erl!ppin& !nd interferin& wit# tr!nsmissions in ot#er time slots$

?ut of (1E$91, t#is le!'es (+* bits us!ble for e!c# burst$ Here is t#e structure of ! norm!l burst;


/ail 'its A E!c# burst le!'es D bits on e!c# end in w#ic# no d!t! is tr!nsmitted$ %#is is desi&ned to compens!te for t#e time it t!kes for t#e power to rise up to its pe!k durin& ! tr!nsmission$ %#e bits !t t#e end compens!te for t#e powerin& down !t t#e end of t#e tr!nsmission$ Data 'its A %#ere !re two d!t! p!"lo!ds of 1> bits e!c#$ Stealin+ la+s A Indic!tes w#et#er t#e burst is bein& used for 'oice/d!t! -set to J2J. or if t#e burst is bein& JstolenJ b" t#e F-##/ to be used for sin&!llin& -set to J(J.$ 5%#e
FA00H is discussed in t#e Co&ic!l 0#!nnels %utori!l

/rainin+ Se!uence A %#e tr!inin& sequence bits !re used to o'ercome multiAp!t# f!din& !nd prop!&!tion effects t#rou&# ! met#od c!lled e)uali0ation$

5Note; D @@ %S +1$22( St!nd!rd does not describe ste!lin& bits, !nd inste!d !llows for two 1*Abit d!t! p!"lo!ds in ! burst$ Howe'er, it is common pr!ctice in SM networks to use 1>Abit p!"lo!ds !nd ste!lin& bits$

%#is di!&r!m illustr!tes ! sin&le burst inside ! time slot$ :emember t#!t *$91 bits !re not used in order to !llow for ! &u!rd time$

'urst wit%in a /ime Slot

Since e!c# burst #!s two 1>Abit d!t! se&ments, we c!n see t#!t ! sin&le burst #!s ! d!t! p!"lo!d of ((+ bits$
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re!uency Correction 'urst

%#is burst is used for frequenc" s"nc#roni3!tion of t#e mobile st!tion$ It is !n unmodul!ted c!rrier t#!t s#ifts in frequenc"$ It #!s t#e s!me &u!rd time !s ! norm!l bit -*$91 bits.$ %#e bro!dc!st of t#e F7 usu!ll" occurs on t#e lo&ic!l c#!nnel F##/$
5%#e F00H is discussed in t#e Co&ic!l 0#!nnels %utori!l

re!uency Correction 'urst

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Sync%roni9ation 'urst
%#is burst is used for time s"nc#roni3!tion of t#e mobile$ %#e d!t! p!"lo!d c!rries t#e %DMA Fra(e 'u(ber (F') !nd t#e Base Station dentity #ode (BS #)$ It is bro!dc!st wit# t#e frequenc" correction burst$ %#e S"nc#roni3!tion 7urst is bro!dc!st on t#e Sync"roni0ation #"annel (S#/)$
5%#e S0H is discussed in t#e Co&ic!l 0#!nnels %utori!l

Sync%roni9ation 'urst

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"ccess 'urst
%#is burst is used t#e b" mobile st!tion for r!ndom !ccess$ It #!s ! muc# lon&er &u!rd period -E*$91 bits comp!red to t#e *$91 bits in ! norm!l burst.$ It is desi&ned to compens!te for t#e unknown dist!nce of t#e mobile st!tion from t#e tower, w#en t#e MS

w!nts !ccess to ! new 7%S, it will not know t#e correct +i(ing -dvance$
5%#e :A0H is discussed in t#e Co&ic!l 0#!nnels %utori!l

"ccess 'urst

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Calculatin+ t%e Data /%rou+%put

Since e!c# burst #!s two 1>Abit d!t! se&ments, we c!n see t#!t ! sin&le burst #!s ! d!t! p!"lo!d of ((+ bits$ E!c# burst l!sts 1>E$) Ns, so we c!n c!lcul!te t#e t#eoretic!l bit r!te of ! sin&le time slot; ((+ bits P 1>E$) Ns < $()>E bits/Ns -0!lcul!tin& bits per Ns.

$()>E bits/Ns O (,222,222 < ()>,E2> bits/sec nbspQ -0on'ertin& Ns to sec. Since t#ere !re * time slots per c!rrier frequenc", e!c# time slot would onl" &et (/* of t#is bit r!te, so$$$ ()>,E2> bits P * < 9+,>22 bits -0!lcul!tin& bit r!te for one of ei&#t time slots$. -0on'ertin& bits to kilobits.

9+,>22 bits P (222 < 9+$> kbits/sec

So, usin& MSH modul!tion t#ere is ! m!/imum bit r!te of 9+$> kb/s for ! sin&le time slot$ Note t#!t t#is bit r!te does not !ccount for !n" error correction bits$ An" bits used for error correction would #!'e to be stolen from t#e ((+Abit d!t! p!"lo!d of e!c# burst$
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/DM" rame Structure & 4ierarc%y

/DM" rame
E!c# sequence of * time slots is known !s ! %DMA fr!me$ %#e dur!tion of ! %DMA fr!me is +$E(1 milliseconds -ms. -1>E$) Ns O *.$
5 :emember t#!t ! %DMA fr!me is * time slots !nd t#!t no one resource will be &i'en !n entire %DMA fr!me, t#e resources must s#!re t#em$

" /DM" rame

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A Multifr!me is composed of multiple %DMA fr!mes$ %#ere !re two t"pes of multifr!mes; Control C%annel Multiframes /raffic C%annel Multiframes
50ontrol 0#!nnels !nd %r!ffic 0#!nnels !re e/pl!ined in Co&ic!l 0#!nnels %utori!l$

Control C%annel Multiframe composed of 1( %DMA fr!mes

dur!tion < 9D1$+ ms

Control C%annel Multiframe

/raffic C%annel Multiframe composed of 9E %DMA fr!mes dur!tion < (92 ms

/raffic C%annel Multiframe

Here is ! di!&r!m comp!rin& t#e 0ontrol 0#!nnel multifr!me !nd ! tr!ffic c#!nnel multifr!me$

/raffic C%annel and Control C%annel Multiframes

%#e ne/t di!&r!m s#ows ! %r!ffic 0#!nnel -%0H. Multifr!me wit# %S9 -&reen. bein& !lloc!ted to ! Mobile St!tion -MS.$ %#e red !rrow indic!tes t#e sequence of tr!nsmission$ %#e sequence st!rts in %DMA fr!me 2 !t %S2, proceeds t#rou&# !ll ei&#t time slots, t#en st!rts !&!in wit# %DMA fr!me ($ In t#is e/!mple, t#e MS #!s been !lloc!ted ! %r!ffic 0#!nnel in %S9$ %#erefore t#e MS will onl" tr!nsmit/recei'e durin& %S9 of e!c# %DMA fr!me$

Sin+le /ime Slot "llocated

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A Superfr!me is composed of multiple Multifr!mes$ A&!in, t#ere is ! superfr!me for 0ontrol 0#!nnels !nd one for %r!ffic 0#!nnels$ Control C%annel Superframe composed of 9E 0ontrol 0#!nnel -00H. multifr!mes -e!c# 00H multifr!me #!s 1( %DMA fr!mes. dur!tion < E$(9 seconds /raffic C%annel Superframe composed of 1( %r!ffic 0#!nnel -%0H. multifr!mes -e!c# %0H. multifr!me #!s 9E %DMA fr!mes. dur!tion < E$(9 seconds E!c# superfr!me, w#et#er it is ! 00H or %0H fr!me, consists of (D9E %DMA fr!mes -1( 5 9E.
5Note; %#e 00H !nd %0H fr!me sequences will s"nc#roni3e e'er" superfr!me$

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A #"perfr!me is composed of 92+* superfr!mes$ dur!tion < D# 9*m 1Ds >Ems -(9,1DD$>E seconds. consists of 9,>(1,1+* %DMA fr!mes E!c# %DMA fr!me is numbered !ccordin& to its sequence wit#in t#e #"perfr!me, st!rtin& from 2 !nd endin& !t 9,>(1,1+>$ %#e %DMA fr!me number wit#in ! #"perfr!me is !bbre'i!ted FN$ %#e FN is one of t#e '!ri!bles used in SM encr"ption !l&orit#ms$

%#e followin& di!&r!m s#ows t#e rel!tions#ip between !ll of t#e '!rious time se&ments introduced in t#is tutori!l$

Relations%ip of "ll /ime Se+ments

Introduction Access 7urst

%ime Slots

D!t! :!tes

D!t! %#rou&#put

7urst Structure Norm!l 7urst Frequenc" 0orrection 7urst S"nc#roni3!tion 7urst Fr!me Structure %DMA Fr!me Multifr!mes Superfr!mes H"perfr!mes %imin&


Arc#itecture %DMA Co&ic!l 0#!nnels Aut#entic!tion G Encr"ption Ad'!nces Speec# Encodin& SM E'ents Upd!tes 7ulletin 7o!rd Sitem!p 0ont!ct Me


5o+ical C%annels
Si&n!lin& 0#!nnels SD00H %r!ffic 0#!nnels 7ro!dc!st 0#!nnels -700H F00H S0H 070H. 0ommon 0ontrol 0#!nnels -@0H :A0H A 0H. Associ!ted 0ontrol 0#!nnels -FA00H SA00H. Si&n!l 0#!nnel M!ppin& D!t! %r!ffic 0#!nnel M!ppin& Hoppin& A:F0N M!ppin& Frequenc"

Encoded Speec#


As "ou remember from t#e Introduction to %DMA tutori!l$ SM di'ides up e!c# A:F0N into * time slots$ %#ese * timeslots !re furt#er broken up into lo&ic!l c#!nnels$ Co&ic!l c#!nnels c!n be t#ou&#t of !s Rust different t"pes of d!t! t#!t is tr!nsmitted onl" on cert!in fr!mes in ! cert!in timeslot$ Different time slots will c!rr" different lo&ic!l c#!nnels, dependin& on t#e structure t#e 7SS uses$ %#ere !re two m!in c!te&ories of lo&ic!l c#!nnels in SM; Si+nalin+ C%annels /raffic C%annels #/C4$

Si+nalin+ C%annels
%#ese !re t#e m!in t"pes of si&n!lin& 0#!nnels;'roadcast C%annels #'C4$ A %r!nsmitted b" t#e 7%S to t#e MS$ %#is c#!nnel c!rries s"stem p!r!meters needed to identif" t#e network, s"nc#roni3e time !nd frequenc" wit# t#e network, !nd &!in !ccess to t#e network$ Common Control C%annels #CC4$ A Used for si&n!lin& between t#e 7%S !nd t#e MS !nd to request !nd &r!nt !ccess to t#e network$ Standalone Dedicated Control C%annels #SDCC4$ A Used for c!ll setup$ "ssociated Control C%annels #"CC4$ A Used for si&n!lin& !ssoci!ted wit# c!lls !nd

c!llAsetup$ An A00H is !lw!"s !lloc!ted in conRunction wit# ! %0H or ! SD00H$

5keep in mind, t#ese !re onl" c!te&ories of lo&ic!l c#!nnels, t#e" !re not lo&ic!l c#!nnels t#emsel'es$

%#e !bo'e c!te&ories c!n be di'ided into t#e followin& lo&ic!l c#!nnels; 'roadcast C%annels #'C4$ 7ro!dc!st 0ontrol 0#!nnel -700H. Frequenc" 0orrection 0#!nnel -F00H. S"nc#roni3!tion 0#!nnel -S0H. 0ell 7ro!dc!st 0#!nnel -070H. Common Control C%annels #CCC4$ @!&in& 0#!nnel -@0H. :!ndom Access 0#!nnel -:A0H. Access r!nt 0#!nnel -A 0H. Standalone Dedicated Control C%annel #SDCC4$ Associ!ted 0ontrol 0#!nnel -A00H. F!st Associ!ted 0ontrol 0#!nnel -FA00H. Slow Associ!ted 0ontrol 0#!nnel -SA00H.
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CetBs e/!mine e!c# t"pe of lo&ic!l c#!nnel indi'idu!ll"$M/A

'roadcast C%annels #'C4$ 'roadcast Control C%annel #'CC4$ : D;<&5I&6 : /%is c%annel contains system parameters needed to identify t%e network and +ain access3 /%ese paramters include t%e 5ocation "rea Code #5"C$= t%e Mobile &etwork Code #M&C$= t%e fre!uencies of nei+%borin+ cells= and access parameters3 re!uency Correction C%annel # CC4$ : D;<&5I&6 : /%is c%annel is used by t%e MS as a fre!uency reference3 /%is c%annel contains fre!uency correction bursts3 Sync%roni9ation C%annel #SC4$ : D;<&5I&6 : /%is c%annel is used by t%e MS to learn t%e 'ase Station Information Code #'SIC$ as well as t%e /DM" frame number # &$3 /%is lets t%e MS know w%at /DM" frame t%ey are on wit%in t%e %yperframe3
> /%e 'SIC was covered in t%e Introduction to GSM /utorial3 ?ou can also read about t%e numberin+ sc%emes used in GSM3

Cell 'roadcast C%annel #C'C4$ : D;<&5I&6 : /%is c%annel is not truly its own type of lo+ical c%annel3 /%e C'C4 is for point-toomnipoint messa+es3 It is used to broadcast specific information to network subscribers@ suc% as weat%er= traffic= sports= stocks= etc3 Messa+es can be of any nature dependin+ on w%at service is provided3 Messa+es are normally public service type messa+es or announcements3 /%e C'C4 isnt allocated a slot for itself= it is assi+ned to an SDCC43 It only occurs on t%e downlink3 /%e C'C4 usually occupies t%e second subslot of t%e SDCC43 /%e mobile will not acknowled+e any of t%e messa+es3
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Common Control C%annels #CCC4$ .a+in+ C%annel #.C4$ : D;<&5I&6 : /%is c%annel is used to inform t%e MS t%at it %as incomin+ traffic3 /%e traffic could be a voice call= SMS= or some ot%er form of traffic3 Random "ccess C%annel #R"C4$ : U.5I&6 /%is c%annel is used by a MS to re!uest an initial dedicated c%annel from t%e '/S3 /%is would be t%e first transmission made by a MS to access t%e network and re!uest radio resources3 /%e MS sends an Access Burst on t%is c%annel in order to re!uest access3 "ccess Grant C%annel #"GC4$ : D;<&5I&6 : /%is c%annel is used by a '/S to notify t%e MS of t%e assi+nement of an initial SDCC4 for initial si+nalin+3
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Standalone Dedicated Control C%annel #SDCC4$ : U.5I&6/D;<&5I&6 : /%is c%annel is used for si+nalin+ and call setup between t%e MS and t%e '/S3 "ssociated Control C%annels #"CC4$ ast "ssociated Control C%annel # "CC4$ : U.5I&6/D;<&5I&6 : /%is c%annel is used for control re!uirements suc% as %andoffs3 /%ere is no /S and frame allocation dedicated to a ""C43 /%e ""C4 is a burst:stealin+ c%annel= it steals a /imeslot from a

/raffic C%annel #/C4$3 Slow "ssociated Control C%annel #S"CC4$ : U.5I&6/D;<&5I&6 : /%is c%annel is a continuous stream c%annel t%at is used for control and supervisory si+nals associated wit% t%e traffic c%annels3
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Si+nalin+ C%annel Mappin+

&ormally t%e first two timeslots are allocated to si+nalin+ c%annels3 Remember t%at Control C%annel #aka si+nalin+ c%annels$ are composed of 8* /DM" frames3 ;n a time slot <it%in t%e multiframe= t%e 8* /DM" frames are divided up and allocated to t%e various lo+ical c%annels3 /%ere are several c%annel combinations allowed in GSM3 Some of t%e more common ones areC CC4 D SC4 D 'CC4 D CCC4 'CC4 D CCC4 CC4 D SC4 D 'CC4 D CCC4 D SDCC4/E#)337$ D S"CC4/CE#)337$ SDCC4/-#) 3F$ D S"CC4/C-#) 3 F$ CC4 D SC4 D 'CC4 D CCC4



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CC4 D SC4 D 'CC4 D CCC4 D SDCC4/E#)337$ D S"CC4/CE#)337$ /%e S"CC4 t%at is associated wit% eac% SDCC4 is only transmitted every ot%er multiframe3 ,ac% S"CC4 only +ets %alf of t%e transmit time as t%e SDCC4 t%at it is associated wit%3 So= in one multiframe= S"CC4) and S"CC4* would be transmitted= and in t%e neGt multiframe= S"CC41 and S"CC47 would be transmitted3 /%e two se!uential multiframes would look like t%isC


Uplink ?ou will also notice t%at t%e downlink and uplink multiframes do not ali+n wit% eac% ot%er3 /%is is done so t%at if t%e '/S sends an information re!uest to t%e MS= it does not %ave to wait an entire multiframes to receive t%e needed information3 /%e uplink is transmitted *8 /DM" frames be%ind t%e downlink3 or eGample= t%e '/S mi+%t send an aut%entication re!uest to t%e MS on SDCC4) #downlink$ w%ic% corresponds to /DM" frames 11:183 /%e MS t%en %as enou+% time to process t%e re!uest and reply on SDCC4) #uplink$ w%ic% immediately follows it on /DM" frames 7F:E)3
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SDCC4/-#) 3F$ D S"CC4/C-#) 3 F$ ;nce a+ain= t%e S"CC4 t%at is associated wit% an SDCC4 is only transmitted every ot%er multiframe3 /wo consecutive multiframes would look like t%isC



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/raffic C%annels #/C4$

/raffic C%annels are used to carry two types of information to and from t%e userC ,ncoded Speec% Data /%ere are two basic types of ,ncoded Speec% c%annelsC ,ncoded Speec% : ,ncoded speec% is voice audio t%at is converted into di+ital form and compressed3 See t%e Speec% ,ncodin+ tutorial to see t%e process3 ull Rate Speec% /C4 #/C4/ S$ : *7 kb/s 4alf Rate Speec% /C4 #/C4/4S$ : 83H kb/s Data : Data refers to user data suc% as teGt messa+es= picture messa+es= internet browsin+= etc3 It includes pretty muc% everyt%in+ eGcept speec%3 ull rate Data /C4 #/C4/ *E3*$ : *E3E kb/s ull rate Data /C4 #/C4/ (3H$ : (3H kb/s ull rate Data /C4 #/C4/ E3-$ : E3- kb/s 4alf rate Data /C4 #/C4/ E3-$ : E3- kb/s ull rate Data /C4 #/C4/ 13E$ : I13E kb/s 4alf rate Data /C4 #/C4/413E$ : I13E kb/s
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/raffic C%annel Mappin+

/ime slots 1 t%rou+% F are normally used for /raffic C%annels #/C4$ /raffic C%annel Multiframes are composed of only 1H /DM" frames3 ;n eac% multiframe= t%ere are 1E frames for /raffic

C%annels= * frame for a S"CC4= and t%e last frame is Idle3 Remember t%at a MS #or ot%er device$ only +ets one time slot per /DM" frame to transmit= so in t%e followin+ dia+rams we are lookin+ at a sin+le time slot3

ull Rate /raffic C%annel #/C4/ S$

<%en usin+ 4alf:Rate Speec% ,ncodin+ #/C4/4S$= t%e speec% encodin+ bit rate is 83H kb/s= so one time slot can %andle two %alf: rate c%annels3 In t%is case= one c%annel will transmit every ot%er /DM" frame= and t%e ot%er c%annel would be transmitted on t%e ot%er frames3 /%e final frame #18$= w%ic% is normally used as an Idle frame= is now used as a S"CC4 for t%e second %alf:rate c%annel3

4alf Rate /raffic C%annel #/C4/4S$

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"R C& Mappin+

/%is dia+ram s%ows a sample Multiframe wit% lo+ical c%annels mapped to time slots and /DM" frames3 /%is is Just one possible confi+uration for an "R C&3 > or illustrative purposes= %alf of t%e traffic c%annels are full:rate and t%e ot%er %alf are %alf:rate








>Remember t%at CC4 Multiframes %ave 8* frames and /C4 Multiframes only %ave 1H3 /%eir se!uences will sync%roni9e every superframe3

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,ven t%ou+% GSM uses a full dupleG radio c%annel= t%e MS and t%e '/S do not transmit at t%e eGact same time3 If a MS is assi+ned a +iven time slot= bot% t%e MS and t%e '/S will transmit durin+ t%at +iven time slot= but t%eir timin+ is offset3 /%e uplink is eGactly 7 time slots be%ind t%e downlink3 or eGample= if t%e MS was allocated a /C4 on /S7= t%e '/S would transmit w%en t%e downlink is on /S7 and t%e MS is set to receive on /S73 "t t%is point= t%e uplink is only on /S)3 ;nce t%e uplink reac%es /S7= t%e MS would be+in to transmit= and t%e '/S is set to receive on /S73 "t t%is point= t%e downlink would be at /SH3 <%en t%e MS is not transmittin+ or receivin+= it switc%es fre!uencies to monitor t%e 'CC4 of adJacent cells3 KC,&/,R

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Speec% Data /%rou+%put

<%en lookin+ at a /ime slot allocated to a /C4= you will notice t%at /C4 does not occur on every sin+le frame wit%in a time slot3 /%ere is one

reserved for a S"CC4 and one t%at is Idle3 So= in a /C4 Multiframe= only 1E of t%e 1H frames are used for traffic #voice/data$3 /%is leaves us wit% a data t%rou+%put of 113- kb/s3 4ere is t%e mat%C *3 Calculate bits per /C4 MultiframeC <e know t%at t%ere are **E bits of data on a sin+le burst= and we know t%at only 1E of t%e 1H frames in a /C4 multiframe are used to send user data3 **E bits L 1E frames M 1F7H bits per /C4 multiframe So= we know t%at on a sin+le timeslot over t%e duration of one /C4 multiframe= t%e data t%rou+%put is 1F7H bits3 13 Calculate bits per millisecond #ms$C rom step one above= we know t%at t%e t%rou+%put of a sin+le /C4 multiframe is 1F7H bits3 <e also know t%at t%e duration of a /C4 multiframe is *1)ms3 1F7H bits / *1) ms M 113- bits per millisecond 73 Convert milliseconds #ms$ to secondsC &ow we need to put t%e value into terms of seconds3 /%ere are *))) milliseconds in a second= so we simply multiply t%e value by *)))3 113- bits/millisecond L *))) M 11=-)) bits per second #113- kb/s$ E3 Convert bits to kilobitsC inally= we want to put it into terms of kilobits per second= wic% is t%e most common term for referrin+ to data t%rou+%put3 <e know a kilobit is *))) bits= so we simply divide t%e term by *)))3 11=-)) bits/s N *))) M 113- kb/s So now we see w%y t%e data t%rou+%put of a sin+le allocated timeslot is 113- kb/s3

/%ere is an easier met%od to come to t%is numberC <e know t%at only 1E of t%e 1H frames carry data= so we can say t%at t%e new t%rou+%put would be 1E/1H of t%e ori+inal t%rou+%put3 If we

convert t%is to decimal formC 1EN1H M 3(17* <e know from t%e /DM" /utorial t%at t%e data t%rou+%put of a sin+le timeslot is 1E3F kb/s3 "pply t%is 1E/1H ratio to t%e 1E3F kb/s t%rou+%putC 1E3F L 3(17* M 113- kb/s ?ou can see t%at we +et t%e same answer as above3

" sin+le '/S may %ave several /ransceivers #/RO$ assi+ned to it= eac% %avin+ its own "R C&= eac% "R C& %avin+ - time slots3 /%e lo+ical c%annels t%at support si+nalin+ will normally only be on one "R C&3 "ll of t%e ot%er "R C&s assi+ned to a '/S will allocate all - time slots to /raffic C%annels= to support multiple users3 /%e followin+ dia+ram is an eGample of %ow a medium:si9ed cell mi+%t be set up wit% E /RO #"R C&s$3

Sample Medium:Si9e Cell

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re!uency 4oppin+
,ac% radio fre!uency C%annel #"R C&$ is influenced differently by propa+ation conditions3 <%at affects c%annel 17 may not affect c%annel F- at all3 <it%in a +iven cell= some fre!uencies will %ave +ood propa+ation in a certain area and some will %ave poor propa+ation in t%at area3 In order to take advanta+e of t%e +ood propa+ation and to defeat t%e poor propa+ation= GSM utili9es fre!uency %oppin+3 re!uency %oppin+ means t%at a transceiver %ops from one fre!uency to anot%er in a predetermined se!uence3 If a transceiver %ops t%rou+% all of t%e avilable fre!uencies in a cell t%en it will avera+e out t%e propa+ation3 GSM uses Slow re!uency 4oppin+ #S 4$3 It is considered slow becuase t%e system %ops relatively slow= compared wit% ot%er fre!uency %oppin+ systems3 In GSM= t%e operatin+ fre!uency is c%an+ed every /DM" frame3 /%e main reason for usin+ slow fre!uency %oppin+ is because t%e MS must also c%an+e its fre!uency often in order to monitor adJacent cells3 /%e device in a transceiver t%at +enerates t%e fre!uency is called a frequency synthesizer3 ;n a MS= a synt%esi9er must be able to c%an+e its fre!uency wit%in t%e time frame of one time slot= w%ic% is e!ual to 8FF Ps3 GSM does not re!uire t%e '/S to utili9e fre!uency %oppin+3 4owever= a MS must be capable of utili9in+ fre!uency %oppin+ w%en told to do so3 /%e fre!uency %oppin+ and timin+ se!uence is known as t%e hopping algorithm3 /%ere are two types of %oppin+ al+orit%ms available to a MS3 Cyclic 4oppin+ : /%e transceiver %ops t%rou+% a predefined list of fre!uencies in se!uential order3 Random 4oppin+ : /%e transceiver %ops t%rou+% t%e list of fre!uencies in a random manner3 /%e se!uence appears random but it is actually a set order3

/%ere are a total of H7 different %oppin+ al+orit%ms available in GSM3 <%en t%e MS is told to switc% to fre!uency %oppin+ mode= t%e '/S will assi+n it a list of c%annels and t%e Hopping Sequence Number #4S&$= w%ic% corresponds to t%e particular %oppin+ al+orit%m t%at will be used3 /%e base c%annel on t%e '/S does not fre!uency %op3 /%is c%annel= located in time slot )= %olds t%e 'roadcast Control C%annels w%ic% t%e MS needs to monitor to determine stren+t% measurements= determine access parameters= and sync%roni9e wit% t%e system3 If a '/S uses multiple transceivers #/RO$ t%en only one /RO will %old t%e t%e 'roadcast C%annels on time slot )3 "ll of t%e ot%er /ROs may use time slot ) for traffic or si+nalin+ and may take part in t%e fre!uency %oppin+3 /%ere are two types of fre!uency %oppin+ met%od available for t%e '/SC synthesizer hopping and baseband hopping3 Synt%esi9er 4oppin+ : /%is re!uires t%e /RO itself to c%an+e fre!uencies accordin+ to t%e %oppin+ se!uence3 So= one /RO would %op between multiple fre!uencies on t%e same se!uence t%at t%e MS is re!uired to3 'aseband 4oppin+ : In t%is met%od t%ere are several /RO and eac% one stays on a fiGed fre!uency wit%in t%e %oppin+ fre!uency plan3 ,ac% /RO would be assi+ned a sin+le time slot wit%in a /DM" frame3 or eGample= time slot * mi+%t be assi+ned to /RO 1 in one /DM" frame and in t%e neGt /DM" frame it would be assi+ned to /RO 7= and t%e neGt frame would be /RO 73 So= t%e data on eac% time slot would be sent on a different fre!uency eac% frame= but t%e /ROs on t%e '/S do not need to c%an+e fre!uency3 /%e '/S simply routes t%e data to t%e appropriate /RO= and t%e MS knows w%ic% /RO to be on for any +iven /DM" frame3

'aseband re!uency 4oppin+

Si+nalin+ C%annels SDCC4

'roadcast C%annels #'CC4 CC4 SC4 C'C4$ Common Control C%annels #.C4 R"C4 "GC4$ "ssociated Control C%annels # "CC4 S"CC4$ Si+nal C%annel Mappin+ ,ncoded Speec% Mappin+ Data /raffic C%annel Mappin+ re!uency 4oppin+ "R C&

/raffic C%annels


"rc%itecture /DM" 5o+ical C%annels "ut%entication & ,ncryption /imin+ "dvances Speec% ,ncodin+ GSM ,vents Updates 'ulletin 'oard Sitemap Contact Me


/imin+ "dvances
Access 7urst Dur!tion of ! 7it @rop!&!tion Del!" of ! %A M!/ 0ell Si3e Determinin& ! %A Dist!nce


A %imin& Ad'!nce -%A. is used to compens!te for t#e prop!&!tion del!" !s t#e si&n!l tr!'els between t#e Mobile St!tion -MS. !nd 7!se %r!nscei'er St!tion -7%S.$ %#e 7!se St!tion S"stem -7SS. !ssi&ns t#e %A to t#e MS b!sed on #ow f!r !w!" it percei'es t#e MS to be$ Determin!tion of t#e %A is ! norm!ll" ! function of t#e 7!se St!tion 0ontroller -7S0., bit t#is function c!n be #!ndled !n"w#ere in t#e 7SS, dependin& on t#e m!nuf!cturer$ %ime Di'ision Multiple Access -%DMA. requires precise timin& of bot# t#e MS !nd 7%S s"stems$ L#en ! MS w!nts to &!in !ccess to t#e network, it sends !n !ccess burst on t#e :A0H$ %#e furt#er !w!" t#e MS is from t#e 7%S, t#e lon&er it will t!ke t#e !ccess burst to !rri'e !t t#e 7%S, due to prop!&!tion del!"$ E'entu!ll" t#ere comes ! cert!in point w#ere t#e !ccess burst would !rri'e so l!te t#!t it would occur outside its desi&n!ted timeslot !nd would interfere wit# t#e ne/t time slot$

"ccess 'urst
As "ou rec!ll from t#e %DMA %utori!l, !n !ccess burst #!s E*$91 &u!rd bits !t t#e end of it$

%#is &u!rd time is to compens!te for prop!&!tion del!" due to t#e unknown dist!nce of t#e MS from t#e 7%S$ It !llows !n !ccess burst to !rri'e up to E*$91 bits l!ter t#!n it is supposed to wit#out interferin& wit# t#e ne/t time slot$

E*$91 bits doesnt me!n muc# to us in t#e sense of time, so we must con'ert E*$91 bits into ! fr!me of time$ %o do t#is, it is necess!r" to c!lcul!te t#e dur!tion of ! sin&le bit, t#e dur!tion is t#e !mount of time it would t!ke to tr!nsmit ! sin&le bit$
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Duration of a Sin+le 'it

As "ou rec!ll, SM uses !ussi!n Minimum S#ift He"in& - MSH. !s its modul!tion met#od, w#ic# #!s ! d!t! t#rou&#put of 9>2$*DD kilobits/second -kb/s.$ Calculate duration of a bit3 Description ormula Result 0on'ert kilobits to bits 9>2$*DD kb O (222 9>2,*DD bits 0!lcul!te seconds per bit ( sec P 9>2,*DD bits $22222DE) seconds 0on'ert seconds to microseconds $22222DE) sec O (,222,222 D$E) Ns

So now we know t#!t it t!kes D$E)Ns to tr!nsmit ! sin&le bit$

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.ropa+ation Delay
Now, if !n !ccess burst #!s ! &u!rd period of E*$91 bits t#is results in ! m!/imum del!" time of !ppro/im!tel" 919Ns -D$E)Ns O E*$91 bits.$ %#is me!ns t#!t ! si&n!l from t#e MS could !rri'e up to 919Ns !fter it is e/pected !nd it would not interfere wit# t#e ne/t time slot$

%#e ne/t step is to c!lcul!te #ow f!r !w!" ! mobile st!tion would #!'e to be for ! r!dio w!'e to t!ke 919Ns to !rri'e !t t#e 7%S, t#is would be t#e t#eoretic!l m!/imum dist!nce t#!t ! MS could tr!nsmit !nd still !rri'e wit#in t#e correct time slot$ Usin& t#e speed of li&#t, we c!n c!lcul!te t#e dist!nce t#!t ! r!dio w!'e would tr!'el in ! &i'en time fr!me$ %#e speed of li&#t -c. is D22,222 km/s$ Description ormula Result 0on'ert km to m D22,222km O (222 D22,222,222m 0on'ert m/s to m/Ns D22,222,222 P (,222,222 D22 m/Ns 0!lcul!te dist!nce for 919Ns D22 m/Ns O 919Ns >1E22m 0on'ert m to km >1,E22m P (222 >1$Ekm

So, we c!n determine t#!t ! MS could t#eoretic!ll" be up to >1$Ekm !w!" from ! 7%S w#en it tr!nsmits its !ccess burst !nd still not interfere wit# t#e ne/t time slot$ Howe'er, we must t!ke into !ccount t#!t t#e MS s"nc#roni3es wit# t#e si&n!l it recei'es from t#e 7%S$ Le must !ccount for t#e time it t!kes for t#e s"nc#roni3!tion si&n!l to tr!'el from t#e 7%S to t#e MS$ L#en t#e MS recei'es t#e s"nc#roni3!tion si&n!l from t#e 7%S, it #!s no w!" of determinin& #ow f!r !w!" it is from t#e 7%S$ So, w#en t#e MS recei'es t#e s"ncroni3!tion si&n!l on t#e S0H, it s"nc#roni3es its time wit# t#e timin& of t#e s"stem$ Howe'er, b" t#e time t#e si&n!l !rri'es !t t#e MS, t#e timin& of t#e 7%S #!s !lre!d" pro&ressed some$ %#erefore, t#e timin& of t#e MS will now be be#ind t#e timin& of t#e 7%S for !n !mount of time equ!l to t#e tr!'el time from t#e 7%S to t#e MS$ For e/!mple, if ! MS were e/!ctl" >1$Ekm !w!" from t#e 7%S, t#en it would t!ke 919Ns for t#e si&n!l to tr!'el from t#e 7%S to t#e MS$

%#e MS would t#en s"nc#roni3e wit# t#is timin& !nd send its !ccess burst on t#e :A0H$ It would t!ke 919Ns for t#is si&n!l to return to t#e 7%S$ %#e tot!l round trip time would be 12+Ns$ So, b" t#e time t#e si&n!l from t#e MS !rri'es !t t#e 7%S, it will be 12+Ns be#ind t#e timin& of t#e 7%S$ 12+Ns equ!ls !bout (DE$1 bits$

%#e E*$91 bits of &u!rd time would !bsorb some of t#e del!" of (DE$1 bits, but t#e !ccess burst would still cut into t#e ne/t time slot ! w#oppin& E*$91bits$

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MaGimum Si9e of a Cell

In order to compens!te for t#e twoAw!" trip of t#e r!dio link, we must di'ide t#e m!/imum del!" dist!nce in #!lf$ So, di'idin& >1$Ekm in #!lf, we &et !ppro/im!tel" D>$* km$ If ! MS is furt#er out t#!n D>$*km !nd tr!nsmits !n !ccess burst it will most likel" interfere wit# t#e followin& time slot$ An" dist!nce less t#!n D>$*km !nd t#e !ccess burst s#ould !rri'e wit#in t#e &u!rd time !llowed for !n !ccess burst !nd it will not interfere wit# t#e ne/t time slot$ In SM, t#e m!/imum dist!nce of ! cell is st!nd!rdi3ed !t D1km$ %#is is due m!inl" to

t#e number of timin& !d'!nces !llowed in SM, w#ic# is e/pl!ined below$

67!ck to %op8

4ow a 'SS Determines a /imin+ "dvance

In order to determine t#e prop!&!tion del!" between t#e MS !nd t#e 7SS, t#e 7SS uses t#e s"nc#roni3!tion sequence wit#in !n !ccess burst$ %#e 7SS e/!mines t#e s"nc#roni3!tion sequence !nd sees #ow lon& it !rri'ed !fter t#e time t#!t it e/pected it to !rri'e$ As we le!rned from !bo'e, t#e dur!tion of ! sin&le bit is !ppro/im!tel" D$E)Ns$ So, if t#e 7SS sees t#!t t#e s"nc#roni3!tion is l!te b" ! sin&le bit, t#en it knows t#!t t#e prop!&!tion del!" is D$E)Ns$ %#is is #ow t#e 7SS knows w#ic# %A to send to t#e MS$

For e!c# D$E)Ns of prop!&!tion del!", t#e %A will be incremented b" ($ If t#e del!" is less t#!n D$E)Ns, no !dRustment is used !nd t#is is known !s %A2$ For e'er" %A, t#e MS will st!rt its tr!nsmission D$E)Ns -or one bit. e!rl"$ E!c# %A re!ll" corresponds to ! r!n&e of prop!&!tion del!"$ E!c# %A is essenti!ll" equ!l to ! (Abit del!" detected in t#e s"nc#roni3!tion sequence$ /" 2 ( 9 D $$$ ED rom /o 2Ns D$E)Ns D$E)Ns >$D*Ns >$D*Ns (($2>Ns (($2>Ns (+$>ENs $$$ $$$ 9D9$+>Ns 9DE$(ENs

67!ck to %op8

/%e Distance of a /imin+ "dvance

L#en c!lcul!tin& t#e dist!nces in'ol'ed for e!c# %A, we must remember t#!t t#e tot!l prop!&!tion del!" !ccounts for ! twoAw!" trip of t#e r!dio w!'e$ %#e first le& is t#e s"nc#roni3!tion si&n!l tr!'elin& from t#e 7%S to t#e MS, !nd t#e second le& is t#e !ccess burst tr!'elin& from t#e MS to t#e 7%S$ If we w!nt to know t#e true dist!nce of t#e MS from t#e 7%S, we must di'ide t#e tot!l prop!&!tion del!" in #!lf$ For e/!mple, if t#e 7SS determines t#e tot!l prop!&!tion del!" to be D$E)Ns, we c!n determine t#e dist!nce of t#e MS from t#e 7%S$ Description ormula Result Determine oneAw!" prop!&!tion time D$E)Ns P 9 ($*+1Ns 0!lcul!te dist!nce D22 m/Ns O ($*+1Ns 11D$1m -usin& speed of li&#t$.

Le determined e!rlier t#!t for e!c# prop!&!tion del!" of D$E)Ns t#e %A is inceremented b" one$ Le Rust le!rned t#!t ! prop!&!tion del!" of D$E)Ns equ!ls ! oneAw!" dist!nce of 11D$1 meters$ So, we see t#!t e!c# %A is equ!l to ! dist!nce of 11D$1 meters from t#e tower$ St!rtin& from t#e 7%S -2 meters. ! new %A will st!rt e'er" 11D$1m$ /" Rin+ 2 Start 2 ,nd 11D$1m

( 9 D $$$ ED

11D$1m ((2>m (EE2$1m $$$ D+$*>km

((2>m (EE2$1m 99(+m $$$ D1$+9km

%#e %A becomes 'er" import!nt w#en t#e MS switc#es o'er to usin& ! norm!l burst in order to tr!nsmit d!t!$ %#e norm!l burst does not #!'e t#e E*$91 bits of &u!rd time$ %#e norm!l burst onl" #!s *$91 bits of &u!rd time, so t#e MS must tr!nsmit wit# more precise timin&$ Lit# ! &u!rd time of *$91 bits, t#e norm!l burst c!n onl" be recei'ed up to D2$++Ns l!te !nd not interfere wit# t#e ne/t time slot$ 7ec!use of t#e twoAw!" trip of t#e r!dio si&n!l, if t#e MS tr!nsmits more t#!n (1$99Ns !fter it is supposed to t#en it will interfere wit# t#e ne/t time slot$

Access 7urst

Dur!tion of ! 7it

@rop!&!tion Del!" of ! %A

M!/ 0ell Si3e

Determinin& ! %A



Arc#itecture %DMA Co&ic!l 0#!nnels Aut#entic!tion G Encr"ption Ad'!nces Speec# Encodin& SM E'ents Upd!tes 7ulletin 7o!rd Sitem!p 0ont!ct Me



GSM ,vents
IMSI Att!c# IMSI Det!c# Coc!tion Upd!te MobileA?ri&in!ted 0!ll MobileA%ermin!ted 0!ll


L#ene'er ! Mobile St!tion -MS. needs some kind of ser'ice from t#e network, ! series of mess!&es !re sent !cross different links in order to f!cilit!te t#is ser'ice$ Some e/!mples include Coc!tion Upd!te, IMSI Att!c#, IMSI Det!c#, !nd pl!cin& !nd recei'in& c!lls$ %#ese tutori!ls illustr!te some of t#e different t!sks t#!t !re needed to f!cilit!te ser'ice !nd t#e mess!&es t#!t !re e/c#!n&ed in order to complete t#ose t!sks$ 0#oose one of t#e e'ents from t#e menu !bo'e to 'iew #ow it works$ Aut#entic!tion !nd encr"ption !re not considered !n Je'entJ since it is required e'er" time t#e MS requests !ccess to t#e network$ Aut#entic!tion !nd encr"ption is co'ered in det!il #ere$ 5Note; For !ll SM e'ents, onl" t#e si&n!lin& mess!&es for t#e Air -Um. Interf!ce !re specified on t#is website$ In t#e future, mess!&es for !ll interf!ces will be included on t#e website$
IMSI Att!c# Introduction IMSI Det!c# Coc!tion Upd!te MobileA?ri&in!ted 0!ll MobileA%ermin!ted 0!ll %imin&

Arc#itecture %DMA Co&ic!l 0#!nnels Aut#entic!tion G Encr"ption Ad'!nces Speec# Encodin& SM E'ents Upd!tes 7ulletin 7o!rd Sitem!p 0ont!ct Me


Speec% Codin+
An!lo&/Di&it!l 0on'ersion Speec# 0odin& 7lock 0odin& @!rtionin& 0on'olution!l 0odin& :eorderin& G


"nalo+ to Di+ital Conversion

In order to full" underst!nd speec# !nd c#!nnel codin& it is e!sier to st!rt from t#e 'er" be&innin& of t#e process$ %#e first step in speec# codin& is to tr!nsform t#e sound w!'es of our 'oices -!nd ot#er !mbient noise. into !n electric!l si&n!l$ %#is is done b" ! (icrop"one$ A microp#one consists of ! di!p#r!&m, ! m!&net, !nd ! coil of wire$ L#en "ou spe!k into it, sound w!'es cre!ted b" "our 'oice 'ibr!te t#e di!p#r!&m w#ic# is connected to t#e m!&net w#ic# is inside t#e coil of wire$ %#ese 'ibr!tions c!use t#e m!&net to mo'e inside t#e coil !t t#e s!me frequenc" !s "our 'oice$ A m!&net mo'in& in ! coil of wire cre!tes !n electric current$ %#is current w#ic# is !t t#e s!me frequenc" !s t#e sound w!'es is c!rried b" wires to w#eree'er "ou wis# it to &o like !n !mplifier, tr!nsmitter, etc$ ?nce it &ets to its destin!tion t#e process is re'ersed !nd it comes out !s sound$ Spe!kers b!sic!ll" bein& t#e opposite of microp#ones$ %#e si&n!l cre!ted b" ! microp#one is !n !n!lo& si&n!l$ Since SM is !n !ll di&it!l s"stem, t#is !n!lo& si&n!l is not suit!ble for use on ! SM network$ %#e !n!lo& si&n!l must be con'erted into di&it!l form$ %#is is done b" usin& !n An!lo& to Di&it!l 0on'erter -AD0.$ In order to reduce t#e !mount of d!t! needed to represent t#e sound w!'e, t#e !n!lo& si&n!l is first inputted into ! band pass filter$ 7!nd p!ss me!ns t#!t t#e filter onl" !llows si&n!l t#!t f!ll wit#in ! cert!in frequenc" r!n&e to p!ss t#rou&# it, !nd !ll ot#er si&n!ls !re cut off, or attenuated$ %#e 7@ filter onl" !llows frequencies between D22H3 !nd D$+ kH3 to p!ss t#rou&# it$ %#is limits t#e !mount of d!t! t#!t t#e An!lo&/Di&it!l 0on'erter is required to process$

'and .ass ilter

%#e filtered si&n!l is inputted into t#e !n!lo&/di&it!l con'erter$ %#e !n!lo&/di&it!l con'erter performs two t!sks$ It con'erts !n !n!lo& si&n!l into ! di&it!l si&n!l !nd it does t#e opposite, con'erts ! di&it!l si&n!l into !n !n!lo& si&n!l$ In t#e c!se of ! cell p#one, t#e !n!lo& si&n!l cre!ted b" ! microp#one is p!ssed to t#e !n!lo&/di&it!l con'erter$ %#e A/D con'erter me!sures t#e !n!lo& si&n!l, or sa(ples it *222 times per second$ %#is me!ns t#!t t#e AD0 t!kes ! s!mple of t#e !n!lo& si&n!l e'er" $(91 sec -(91 Ns.$ E!c# s!mple is qu!ntified wit# ! (DAbit d!t! block$ If we c!lcul!te (D bits per s!mple !t *222 s!mples per second, we determine ! d!t! r!te of (2+,222 bits per second, or (2+ kb/s$

"nalo+/Di+ital Converter
A d!t! r!te of (2+ kbps is f!r too l!r&e to be economic!ll" #!ndled b" ! r!dio tr!nsmitter$ In order to reduce t#e bitr!te, t#e si&n!l is inputted into ! speec# encoder$A speec# encoder is ! de'ice t#!t compresses t#e d!t! of ! speec# si&n!l$ %#ere !re m!n" t"pes of speec# encodin& sc#emes !'!il!ble$ %#e speec# encoder used in SM is c!lled Cine!r @redicti'e 0odin& -C@0. !nd :e&ul!r @ulse E/cit!tion -:@E.$ C@0 is ! 'er" complic!ted !nd m!t#A#e!'" process, so it will onl" be summ!ri3ed #ere$
67!ck to %op8

5inear .redictive Codin+ #5.C$

:emember t#!t t#e AD0 qu!ntifies e!c# !udio s!mple wit# ! (DAbit JwordJ$ In C@0, (E2 of t#e (DAbit s!mples from t#e con'erter !re s!'ed up !nd stored into s#ortAterm memor"$ :emember t#!t ! s!mple is t!ken e'er" (91 Ns, so (E2 s!mples co'ers !n !udio block of 92ms$ %#is 92ms !udio block consists of 92*2 bits$ C@0A:@E !n!l"3es e!c# 92ms set of d!t! !nd determines * coefficients used for filterin& !s well !s !n e/cit!tion si&n!l$ C@0 b!sic!ll" identifies specific bits t#!t correspond to specific !spects of #um!n 'oice, suc# !s 'oc!l modifiers -teet#, ton&ue, etc$. !nd !ssi&ns coefficients to t#em$ %#e e/cit!tion si&n!l represents t#in&s like pitc# !nd loudness$ C@0 identifies ! number of correl!tions of #um!n 'oice !nd redund!ncies in #um!n speec# !nd remo'es t#em$ %#e C@0/:@E sequence is t#en fed into t#e Con&A%erm @rediction -C%@. An!l"sis function$ %#e C%@ function comp!res t#e sequence it recei'es wit# e!rlier sequences stored in its memor" !nd selects t#e sequence t#!t most resembles t#e current sequence$ %#e C%@ function t#en c!lcul!tes t#e difference between t#e two sequences$ Now t#e C%@ function onl" #!s to tr!nsl!te t#e difference '!lue !s well !s ! pointer indic!tin& w#ic# e!rlier sequence it used for comp!rison$ 7" doin& t#is is pre'ents encodin& redund!nt d!t!$ Kou c!n en'ision t#is b" t#inkin& !bout t#e sounds we m!ke w#en we t!lk$ L#en we pronounce ! s"ll!ble, e!c# little sound #!s ! specific dur!tion t#!t seems s#ort w#en we !re t!lkin& but often l!sts lon&er t#!n 92ms$ So, one sound mi&#t be represented b" se'er!l 92msAblock of e/!ctl" t#e s!me d!t!$ :!t#er t#!n tr!nsmit redund!nt d!t!, C@0 onl" includes d!t! t#!t tells t#e recei'in& w#ic# d!t! is redund!nt so t#!t it c!n be cre!ted on t#e recei'in& end$ Usin& C@0/:@E !nd C%@, t#e speec# encoder reduces t#e 92ms block from 9,2*2 bits to to 9E2 bits$ Note t#!t t#is is ! reduction b" ei&#t times$ 9E2 bits e'er" 92ms &i'es us ! net d!t! r!te of (D kilobits per second -kbps.$

Speec% ,ncodin+
%#is bitr!te of (Dkbps is known !s Full :!te Speec# -FS.$ %#ere is !not#er met#od for encodin& speec# c!lled H!lf :!te Speec# -HS., w#ic# results in ! bit r!te of !ppro/im!tel" 1$Ekbps$ %#e e/pl!n!tions in t#e rem!inder of t#is tutori!l !re b!sed on ! fullAr!te speec# bitr!te -(Dkbps.$ Calculate t%e net data rateC Description ormula Result 0on'ert ms to sec 92 ms P (222 $29 seconds 0!lcul!te bits per second 9E2 bits P $29 seconds (D,222 bits per second -bps. 0on'ert bits to kilobits (D,222 bps P (222 (D kilobits per sec -kbps.

As we !ll know, t#e !udio si&n!l must be tr!nsmitted !cross ! r!dio link from t#e #!ndset to t#e 7!se St!tion %r!nscei'er -7%S.$ %#e si&n!l on t#is r!dio link is subRect to !tmosp#erics !nd f!din& w#ic# results in ! l!r&e !mount of d!t! loss !nd de&r!des t#e !udio$ In order to pre'ent de&r!d!tion of !udio, t#e d!t! stre!m is put t#rou&# ! series of error detection !nd error correction procedures c!lled c"annel coding$ %#e first p#!se of c#!nnel codin& is c!lled bloc$ coding$
67!ck to %op8

'lock Codin+

A sin&le 9E2Abit -92ms. !udio block is deli'ered to t#e blockAcoder$ %#e 9E2 bits !re di'ided up into cl!sses !ccordin& to t#eir import!nce in reconstructin& t#e !udio$ 0l!ss I !re t#e bits t#!t !re most import!nt in reconstructin& t#e !udio$ %#e cl!ss II bits !re t#e less import!nt bits$ 0l!ss I bits !re furt#er di'ided into two c!te&ories, I! !nd Ib$

Classes of 'its

%#e cl!ss I! bits !re protected b" ! c"clic code$ %#e c"clic code is run on t#e 12 I! bits !nd c!lcul!tes D p!rit" bits w#ic# !re t#en !ppended to t#e end of t#e I! bits$ ?nl" t#e cl!ss I! bits !re protected b" t#is c"clic code$ %#e I! !nd Ib bits !re t#en combined !nd !n !ddition!l + bits !re !dded to t#e t!il of t#e cl!ss I bits -I! !nd Ib to&et#er.$ All four bits !re 3eros -2222. !nd !re needed for t#e ne/t step w#ic# is Jcon'olution!l codin&J$ %#ere is no protection for cl!ss II bits$ As "ou c!n see, block codin& !dds se'en bits to t#e !udio block, D p!rit" bits !nd + t!il bits, t#erefore, ! 9E2Abit block becomes ! 9E>Abit block$

'lock Codin+
67!ck to %op8

Convolutional Codin+
%#is 9E>Abit block is t#en inputted into ! con'olution!l code$ 0on'olution!l codin& !llows errors to be detected !nd to be corrected to ! limited de&ree$ %#e cl!ss I JprotectedJ bits !re inputted into ! comple/ con'olution!l code t#!t outputs 9 bits for e'er" bit t#!t enters it$ %#e second bit t#!t is produced is known !s ! redund!nc" bit$ %#e number of cl!ss I bits is doubled from (*) to D>*$ %#is codin& uses 1 consecuti'e bits to c!lcul!te t#e redund!nc" bit, t#is is w#" t#ere !re + bits !dded to t#e cl!ss I bits w#en t#e c"clic code w!s c!lcul!ted$ L#en t#e l!st d!t! bit enters t#e re&ister, it uses t#e rem!inin& four bits to c!lcul!te t#e redund!nc" bit for t#e l!st d!t! bit$ %#e cl!ss II bits !re not run t#rou&# t#e con'olution!l code$ After con'olution!l codin&, t#e !udio block is +1E bits

Convolutional Codin+
67!ck to %op8

Reorderin+= .artitionin+= and Interleavin+

Now, one problem rem!ins$ All of t#is error detection !nd error correction codin& will not do !n" &ood if t#e entire +1EAbit block is lost or &!rbled$ In order to !lle'i!te t#is, t#e bits !re reordered !nd p!rtioned onto ei&#t sep!r!te subAblocks$ If one subAblock is lost t#en onl" oneAei&#t# of t#e d!t! for e!c# !udio block is lost !nd t#ose bits c!n be reco'ered usin& t#e con'olution!l code on t#e recei'in& end$ %#is is known !s interleaving$ E!c# +1EAbit block is reordered !nd p!rtitioned into * subAblocks of 1> bits e!c#$ 0lick Here to see t#e orderin& sequence$ %#ese ei&#t 1>Abit subAblocks !re t#en interle!'ed onto * sep!r!te bursts$ As "ou remember from t#e %DMA %utori!l, e!c# burst is composed of two 1>Abit d!t! blocks, for ! tot!l d!t! p!"lo!d of ((+ bits$ %#e first four subAblocks -2 t#rou&# D. !re m!pped onto t#e e'en bits of four consecuti'e

bursts$ %#e l!st four subAblocks -+ t#rou&# >. !re m!pped onto t#e odd bits of t#e ne/t + consecuti'e bursts$ So, t#e entire block is spre!d out !cross * sep!r!te bursts$ %!kin& ! look !t t#e di!&r!m below we see t#ree +1EAbit blocks, l!beled A, 7, !nd 0$ E!c# block is subAdi'ided into ei&#t subAblocks numbered 2A>$ CetBs t!ke ! look !t 7lock 7$ Le c!n see t#!t e!c# subAblock is m!pped to ! burst on ! sin&le timeAslot$ 7lock 7 is m!pped onto * sep!r!te bursts or timeAslots$ For illustr!ti'e purposes, t#e timeAslots !re l!beled S t#rou&# 4$ CetBs e/p!nd timeAslot V for ! closeAup 'iew$ Le c!n see #ow t#e bits !re m!pped onto ! burst$ %#e bits from 7lock 7, subAblock D -7D. !re m!pped onto t#e e'en numbered bits of t#e burst -bits 2,9,+$$$$(2*,((2,((9.$ Kou will !lso notice t#!t t#e odd bits !re bein& m!pped from d!t! from block A, subAblock > -bits (,D,1$$$$(2),(((,((D.$ E!c# burst cont!ins 1> bits of d!t! from two sep!r!te +1EAbit blocks$ %#is process is known !s interleaving$

Reorderin+= .artitionin+= and Interleavin+

In t#e followin& di!&r!m, we e/!mine timeAslot L$ Le see t#!t bits from 7+ !re m!pped onto t#e oddAnumber bits -bits (,D,1$$$$(2),(((,((D. !nd we would see bits from 0( m!pped onto t#e e'en number bits -bits 2,9,+$$$$(2*,((2,((9.$ %#is process continues indefinitel" !s d!t! is tr!nsmitted$ %imeAslots L, I, K, !nd 4 would !ll be m!pped

identic!ll"$ %#e ne/t timeAslot would #!'e d!t! from 7lock 0 !nd 7lock D m!pped onto it$ %#is process continues for !s lon& !s t#ere is d!t! bein& &ener!ted$

%#e process of interle!'in& effecti'el" distributes ! sin&le +1E bit !udio block o'er * sep!r!te bursts$ If one burst is lost, onl" (/* of t#e d!t! is lost, !nd t#e missin& bits c!n be reco'ered usin& t#e con'olution!l code$ Now, "ou mi&#t notice t#!t t#e d!t! it t!kes to represent ! 92ms -+1EAbits. !udio block is spre!d out !cross * timeslots$ If "ou remember t#!t e!c# %DMA fr!me is !ppro/im!tel" +$E(1ms, we c!n determine t#!t it t!kes !bout D>ms to tr!nsmit one sin&le +1EAbit block$ It seems like tr!nsmittin& 92ms wort# of !udio o'er ! period of D>ms would not work$ Howe'er, t#is is not w#!t is trul" #!ppenin&$ If "ou look !t ! series of blocks !s t#e" !re m!pped onto timeAslots "ou will notice t#!t one subAblock ends e'er" four timeAslots, w#ic# is !ppro/im!tel" (*ms$ %#e onl" effect t#is #!s is t#!t t#e !udio stre!m is effecti'el" del!"ed b" 92ms, w#ic# is trul" ne&li&ible$ In t#e di!&r!m below, we c!n see #ow t#is works$ %#e di!&r!m s#ows (E bursts$ :emember t#!t ! burst occurs on ! sin&le timeAslot !nd t#e t#e dur!tion of ! timeAslot is 1>> Ns$ Ei&#t timeAslots m!ke up ! %DMA fr!me, w#ic# is +$E(1ms$ Since ! sin&le resource is onl" &i'en one timeAslot in w#ic# to tr!nsmit, we onl" &et to tr!nsmit once e'er" %DMA fr!me$ %#erefore, we onl" &et to tr!nsmit one burst e'er" +$E(1ms$
5 If t#is is not cle!r, ple!se re'iew t#e %DMA %utori!l$

Durin& e!c# timeAslot, ! burst is tr!nsmitted t#!t c!rries d!t! from two different +1EAbit blocks$ In t#e di!&r!m below, 7urst ( c!rries d!t! from A !nd 7, burst 1 #!s 7 !nd 0, burst ) #!s 0 !nd D, etc$ Cookin& !t t#e di!&r!m, we c!n see t#!t it does t!ke !ppro/im!tel" D>ms for 7lock 7 to tr!nsmit !ll of its d!t!, -bursts (A*.$ Howe'er, in bursts 1A*, d!t! from block 0 is !lso bein& tr!nsmitted$ ?nce block 7 #!s finis#ed tr!nsmittin& !ll of its d!t! -burst *., block 0 #!s !lre!d" tr!nsmitted #!lf of its d!t! !nd onl" requires + more bursts to complete its d!t!$ 7lock A completes tr!nsmittin& its d!t! !t t#e end of t#e fourt# burst$ 7lock 7 finis#es in t#e ei&#t#, block 0, in t#e (9t#, !nd block D in t#e (Et#$ Viewin& it t#is w!" s#ows us t#!t e'er" fourt# burst comepletes t#e d!t! for one block, w#ic# t!kes !ppro/im!tel" (*ms$

%#e followin& di!&r!m illustr!tes t#e entire process, from !udio s!mplin& to p!rtitionin& !nd interle!'in&$

D!t! !nd si&n!llin& mess!&es will be co'ered in ! future tutori!l$

An!lo&/Di&it!l 0on'ersion

Speec# 0odin&

7lock 0odin& @!rtionin&

0on'olution!l 0odin&

:eorderin& G


Arc#itecture %DMA Co&ic!l 0#!nnels Aut#entic!tion G Encr"ption Ad'!nces Speec# Encodin& SM E'ents Upd!tes 7ulletin 7o!rd Sitem!p 0ont!ct Me


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